GT7 lighting problem

I’m having this issue and I can’t find a good way to describe it. If someone has figured this out please help.

First things first, try setting up the display settings again (Options, Display Settings, Display Settings Assistant).
Then try a different HDMI cable*
Then try a different screen* to see if the issue persists; if it doesn't, your screen is either goosed or needs an update
If the issue persists, uninstall the game entirely and then do a fresh install
If it still persists it could be the disc (if you're using a disc, that is) or the console is fried.

*Unlikely, but if you're using a screen/cable made for incredibly old HDMI standards, that might cause an issue although I've no idea what that would look like. PS5 comes with an HDMI 2.1 cable and should be fine with HDMI 2.0/2.1 screens (2.1 basically allows for 120Hz/8K, so overkill); I don't know how it would behave on HDMI 1.x but I imagine people would have noticed before now if it was like your video...
This looks like a game recording so its most likely console related. Console cant pick up issues that are caused by tv because it records the source. Reinstalling game would be best bet if you haven't.

I’m having this issue and I can’t find a good way to describe it. If someone has figured this out please help.

Have you looked for the ps5 hdr settings?Seems to me it is crancked to the max, specialy the 10%window. Or the gpu is dieing 🫣 can youre ps5 breath? Or like the guys above me. Reinstall it.
I have exactly the same issue. I uninstalled it and reinstalled but it does not fix the issue. I am using HDMI cable that was included in the box and using another HDMI cable does not fix the issue too. The other game such as GTA5 has no issue. Hope someone know how to fix it…
I have exactly the same issue. I uninstalled it and reinstalled but it does not fix the issue. I am using HDMI cable that was included in the box and using another HDMI cable does not fix the issue too. The other game such as GTA5 has no issue. Hope someone know how to fix it…
Propably this help:

But might as well be unrelated to "incorrect setup".