(Font: Porsche next bold)If someone could help me with this, thx in advance
Best i can do for you.Still hoping I can get this one done. If one of the helpers in here could give some insight as to if it's too difficult or something, I would be grateful.
That's perfectly fine actually, it will be small on the car so super detail isn't necessary. Thank you for taking the time.Best i can do for you.
Did you try those AI files already?
I guess that was too easy of a task to even think aboutDid you try those AI files already?
세이부 라이온즈 사이타마 세이부 라이온즈 엠블럼 로고 Seibu Lions Saitama Seibu Lions Emblem Logo Vector
저번에 말씀드린 세이부 라이온즈 엠블럼입니다. 사이타마라는 연고지가 팀이름에 들어가기 전 순수하게 세이부 라이온즈라는 팀명으로 참가하던 시절의 엠블럼인 셈이지요. 세이부 라이온즈의 엠블럼만 올리기 그래서 기존에 찾았던 엠블럼과 더불어 새롭게 찾은 직선형 폰트가 들어간 엠블럼까지 같이 올렸습니다. 예전에 세이부 라이온즈의 엠블럼을 올리긴 했습니다만, 일러스트레이터에서 이미지 트레이싱을 돌린 것처럼 지저분한 면이 많았던 터라 찾고도 내키지 않았다고 해야할까요... 그러다가 요미우리 자이언츠의 구단기를 찾다가 생뚱맞게 세이부...flytoazuresky.tistory.com
😂 true no actually, but this ain't real life it's Gran TurismoCome on guys, would you really put a wide body sticker on a real life car too ?
Thats not cool ! (Just my 2 cents)
☹️ I get your pointThats right but if the angle is not right it´s only a sticker there too.
Also lame, sorry.
Best i can do☹️ I get your point
how about this one 😬
Hi folks, another one please if possible.
The Geesbreght one as two layers if poss, the 'logo' and the words separate.
Need these to finish my current work.
Fassa Bortolo
with slogan
Nalini White
Nalini Black
Could someone please make this one for me, would be appreciated so much! Thank you!