GT7 SVG request thread.

  • Thread starter daan
Haha, so accurate. Afte the first time I got blanked I decided to learn to do them myself. If your asking 5 times it is high time to download a free app and get making. If you were willing that hand trace could be done pretty easily, just not real quickly. Maybe an hour or two of work, but a lot to ask of someone not personally invested in the project.
What app would you use for this?
What app would you use for this?
I started with Vectornator, it is free and runs really well on iPad and even on my iPhone. If you live in the android ecosystem, I am not sure. If you can run vectornator I could teach you the needed basics via pm. The best part of vectornator is that it converts text and gradients automatically, making learning easier.
Edit: it also has a sister app called Fontinator which lets you import any font to use.
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I started with Vectornator, it is free and runs really well on iPad and even on my iPhone. If you live in the android ecosystem, I am not sure. If you can run vectornator I could teach you the needed basics via pm. The best part of vectornator is that it converts text and gradients automatically, making learning easier.
Edit: it also has a sister app called Fontinator which lets you import any font to use.
I own an iPad so i'll have to check that out
I started with Vectornator, it is free and runs really well on iPad and even on my iPhone. If you live in the android ecosystem, I am not sure. If you can run vectornator I could teach you the needed basics via pm. The best part of vectornator is that it converts text and gradients automatically, making learning easier.
Edit: it also has a sister app called Fontinator which lets you import any font to use.
Maybe a basic tutorial here on the site may be handy, I've done a few myself, but the most recent 5 saw 4 be invisible, at least they uploaded to the site.

Inkscape is another program that can be used, I'd assume many here use it...
Maybe a basic tutorial here on the site may be handy, I've done a few myself, but the most recent 5 saw 4 be invisible, at least they uploaded to the site.

Inkscape is another program that can be used, I'd assume many here use it...

I would like to do one to add to the svg tutorial thread, as I think vectornator is the easiest entry to vectors.
quick req, my vectorizer subscription has just ended:ouch:
thanks in advance


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Would someone be kind enough to create two SVGs from this image. One for the logo and one for the text, without the white background if possible.



  • SCH.jpg
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Would someone be kind enough to create two SVGs from this image. One for the logo and one for the text, without the white background if possible.

That was in my database already. The text is not in the exact same position. Let me know if you want it more accurate


  • seattle-childrens text.svg
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  • seattle-childrens logo.svg
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Hi everyone, there are two images attached that I would appreciate being cropped and converted. Could you please separate the images within each file so there are four separate decals?
I hope I understood correctly, here is 4 decals. I did not add the dividing line to any of them.


  • China exim.svg
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  • Chinese wordmark 2.svg
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  • The export import.svg
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Can some one with Ordin, or Ordin rounded make a word for me. I need “TRADITEC” all caps. I am only finding paid versions and didn’t give any good alternative. Thanks.

Can this be turn into a svg for the game? also i wanna use it in game how do i upload it into the game?
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Hi everyone, I won't hide what I'm working on, my request will tell... :D

I'd love to have the "La vie en rose" sentence + the Turbo 3E and the 50 years (only Renault 5 +50, no circle) logos done (sorry for the Turbo 3E ones I couldn't find anything better) and after that, if possible, the two no step texts.

I'll try to rework the black and white "lines" to look like more to the real design, it's far from finished yet, I don't know exactly what kind of decal I could look for but I'll figure it out.

Thanks in advance for your precious help.
Here's "la vie en rose".
Could I also get a version of signature home with the green swapped to white
I'll update this post with the rest when they're done.
Can some one with Ordin, or Ordin rounded make a word for me. I need “TRADITEC” all caps. I am only finding paid versions and didn’t give any good alternative. Thanks.


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  • signature_homes_GT7.svg
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  • Screenshot_20221113-130446_Chrome.jpg
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Can anyone find an SVG copy of the new Suzuka Circuit logo?

Why, of course I can, Shades...

Here you go...


Okay, so I haven't really got multiple personality disorder, I just wanted an excuse to post this here (since I haven't actually got GT7, yet) and it may prove useful to someone.

However, how I got it, and how it was attempted to be protected, was quite interesting...
I noticed, while fishing through some random F1 documents, that Suzuka Circuit were using a new logo and after checking their website it seems like they are indeed in the middle of a corporate re-branding. Being the nice guy I am I figured this new logo may be useful to someone so I managed to find a PDF document that had a vector version of the logo and not just a rasterised image. As is often the case with PDF documents from Suzuka circuit the PDF was password protected so couldn't be directly opened in an editor but no problem, I have a crafty method for side-stepping that, only something strange was going on...

Every time I tried to strip away the password protection, and opened the file in an editor, I just got a JPG version of the document?! What the hell! What is this voodoo? Has some clever sausage finally figured out a way to halt people like me in their tracks? Had my reign of vector extraction terror come to an end?? I was about to do something I am loathe to do and give up when I noticed something curious... moving the mouse over the document in the editor revealed the existence of some vector anchor points but they were offset enough from the positions of what I actually wanted to look like they were just remnants of a failed conversion attempt. They were further masked, as I later realised, by the fact that they were in assorted clipping groups so weren't directly clickable and thus their actual outlines didn't immediately reveal themselves.

Curiosity piqued I started realeasing all the groups, clipping groups, compound paths and voila, the devilishly devious method of trying to frustrate the likes of me revealed itself...

It would seem that someone, somewhere, has figured out that if they embed an exact JPG image of the vector data within the file then, if someone tries to strip out the password protection, this JPG gets pushed to the front and all the vector data, in its nice little outline hiding clipping groups, gets masked by it. To the casual observer this would be enough to put them off investigating further. Add in the fact that even though anchor points are still revealed by moving the cursor over the document they are offset enough to not actually look directly related to what it is you're after. Coupled with the clipping groups (so the outlines aren't immediately obvious) it all looks quite convincingly like something had gone wrong with password side-stepping conversion. And it so very nearly fooled me!

This may all be part of the PDF spec, to attempt to thwart the casual vector snatcher, but if it isn't then I tip my cap to whoever came up with this method. Clever, but not clever enough though. :lol:


  • Suzuka Logo (new) [GT].svg
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Can anyone find an SVG copy of the new Suzuka Circuit logo?

Why, of course I can, Shades...

Here you go...

View attachment 1207936

Okay, so I haven't really got multiple personality disorder, I just wanted an excuse to post this here (since I haven't actually got GT7, yet) and it may prove useful to someone.

However, how I got it, and how it was attempted to be protected, was quite interesting...
I noticed, while fishing through some random F1 documents, that Suzuka Circuit were using a new logo and after checking their website it seems like they are indeed in the middle of a corporate re-branding. Being the nice guy I am I figured this new logo may be useful to someone so I managed to find a PDF document that had a vector version of the logo and not just a rasterised image. As is often the case with PDF documents from Suzuka circuit the PDF was password protected so couldn't be directly opened in an editor but no problem, I have a crafty method for side-stepping that, only something strange was going on...

Every time I tried to strip away the password protection, and opened the file in an editor, I just got a JPG version of the document?! What the hell! What is this voodoo? Has some clever sausage finally figured out a way to halt people like me in their tracks? Had my reign of vector extraction terror come to an end?? I was about to do something I am loathe to do and give up when I noticed something curious... moving the mouse over the document in the editor revealed the existence of some vector anchor points but they were offset enough from the positions of what I actually wanted to look like they were just remnants of a failed conversion attempt. They were further masked, as I later realised, by the fact that they were in assorted clipping groups so weren't directly clickable and thus their actual outlines didn't immediately reveal themselves.

Curiosity piqued I started realeasing all the groups, clipping groups, compound paths and voila, the devilishly devious method of trying to frustrate the likes of me revealed itself...

It would seem that someone, somewhere, has figured out that if they embed an exact JPG image of the vector data within the file then, if someone tries to strip out the password protection, this JPG gets pushed to the front and all the vector data, in its nice little outline hiding clipping groups, gets masked by it. To the casual observer this would be enough to put them off investigating further. Add in the fact that even though anchor points are still revealed by moving the cursor over the document they are offset enough to not actually look directly related to what it is you're after. Coupled with the clipping groups (so the outlines aren't immediately obvious) it all looks quite convincingly like something had gone wrong with password side-stepping conversion. And it so very nearly fooled me!

This may all be part of the PDF spec, to attempt to thwart the casual vector snatcher, but if it isn't then I tip my cap to whoever came up with this method. Clever, but not clever enough though. :lol:
So how do you normally bypass password protection?