GT7 UDP Vallues


I know that Simhub supports GT7 now, but the data that is collected by Simhub isn't great yet. It's realy limited when you try to make a leaderboard for example. Most annoying thing is, that you can't configure GT7 to send the data to a fixed IP address.

I'm trying to make a leaderboard with other information for now. But it's hard to find all the Values. I know for F1, you can find a UDP data list on the support forum from EA Sports, where you can find all the data, and what the values mean. For GT7 I know by now for example that the Track Value "DT__230206035026" is Spa Francorchamps.

Does somebody have a list of all the UDP value's for the tracks and cars?
To be clear, UDP is a transport protocol, same as TCP.

There's not guarantee that GT7 uses UDP to send the data.

There is a thread on here about exported metrics for motion rigs etc. so perhaps look there?
The currently SimHUB will lookup tracks maps dynamically based on driving telemetry. It usually is a partial track and then shows fully as sufficient data has accumulated/been sent for it to narrow down the track within a third to a half a lap. so usually within 20 seconds.

This is likely solved at this point and might only have required manual efforts over a year ago.

Still it would be nice if all the leaderboard info was transmitted in telemetry