GTA Green ticket,Pass/Gifting thread! SPL Kart 125's

  • Thread starter playnthru
sorry i'm really far behind, could someone explain how these tickets work?

Same as before my friend, only instead of green tickets these are over the limit cars hidden inside tradable tickets, so until they are opened they will trade.:sly: Also some are DLC painted.👍

F10 sent to playnthru.

Thank you :bowdown:

Is the ford falcon, 2D & 2J just the same as the
normal versions?

Yes same, and tradable.:D
:) Only gifting to everyone. Pass what you receive. Talk to anyone who answers you.👍

Sorry for the confusion.

No problem.
And these green tickets, I already asked someone about them, hope it wasn't in this thread so I wouldn't be disturbing you guys.
But this thing of passing what I receive...
I'd have to duplicate what I receive before using it right? Or the magic of the green tickets is that you can use it and pass it?
No problem.
And these green tickets, I already asked someone about them, hope it wasn't in this thread so I wouldn't be disturbing you guys.
But this thing of passing what I receive...
I'd have to duplicate what I receive before using it right? Or the magic of the green tickets is that you can use it and pass it?

not all green ticket can you send them . all white ticket you can send them . but you shuld duplicate them . 1 for you to use . and one to pass it to your friend . hope you get the point 💡
not all green ticket can you send them . all white ticket you can send them . but you shuld duplicate them . 1 for you to use . and one to pass it to your friend . hope you get the point 💡

So, to use it and send it, I'd have to duplicate, right? Using backup and stuff, huh?
wondering if anyone can hook me up with any of these,i wont be able to pass on right away as ive still got 2 items left to send to playnthru.but will pass on after i done sending to him.

wanted sent to doobieduck or GTP_doobieduck please
Hidden (Alfa Twin Spark) ticket.
2000 Ford Falcon XR8

Mazda Carol Tickets
Mazda Furai Concept/ Unnamed Grey color
F10 '10 - Nero Nemesis Paint - 0/0/0

Hidden Honda Tickets
Biege 5G X1
Vettel Livery 5G 0/0/0 X1
Ferrari 330 P4 Race Car '67, 0/0/0, DLC painted in GT OLD GENERATION 004 (blue)

do have.but i am booked for next 2 resets
White 5G X1
X1 Prototype
So, to use it and send it, I'd have to duplicate, right? Using backup and stuff, huh?

Yes the idea is to use a backup.👍 A simple USB drive device is sufficient and very cheap. It is also a good idea as PS3's are known to have game save issues.

If you cannot do this I'm sure someone (even myself) can still help.:)
I have these tickets ,I can send before reset..
X1 prototype
GTR special
5g X1 white
GT-R Black edition Tuned Car '12
5G X1 red bull
Kenwood NSX
XR8 Ford AU

Looking for
People to pass them on.
P 330

I could pass on the P 330 because one of my friends were looking for this car as a green ticket.
6/9 AAA-ticket>gordongt, 2000 Ford Falcon XR8
6/10 AAA-ticket>gordongt, Nissan GT-R SPECV (GT ACADEMY SPECIAL)
6/11 AAA-ticket>gordongt, Ferrari 330 P4 Race Car '67, 0/0/0, DLC painted in GT OLD GENERATION 004 (blue)
6/12 AAA-ticket>gordongt, 2D
6/13 AAA-ticket>gordongt, KENWOOD NSX-R Prototype Race Car LM #11.
6/14 AAA-ticket >gordongt, Vettel Livery 5G 0/0/0 X1
6-15 AAA-ticket>gordongt, Biege 5G X1
6/16 AAA ticket>gordongt, F2007 GTPolarized 001, 0/0/0
6/17 AAA ticket >gordongt, X1 Prototype
6/18 AAA ticket>gordongt, F10

I no longer need the:
2000 Ford Falcon XR8
330 P4 Race Car

But I do need:
Nissan 370Z (GT Academy) '08
Nissan SKYLINE GT-R V-SPEC II NUR (R34) '02 (GT Academy)
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SKYLINE GT-R V・spec II Nür (GT Academy) '02/ Jade green - SENT to theteacher1907

Searching for:
Biege 5G X1
Ferrari 330 P4 Race Car '67, GT OLD GENERATION 004
F10 '10 - Nero Nemesis
I have a Aurora Flare Blue Pearl which I can send you. FR sent to gordongt1990.

Thank you very much

2000 Ford Falcon XR8 Received
Ferrari 330 P4 Race Car '67, 0/0/0, DLC painted in GT OLD GENERATION 004 (blue) Received
KENWOOD NSX-R Prototype Race Car LM #11. Received
Vettel Livery 5G 0/0/0 X1
Biege 5G X1
F2007 GTPolarized 001, 0/0/0
X1 Prototype
F10 Received
Nissan 370Z (GT Academy) '08
Nissan SKYLINE GT-R V-SPEC II NUR (R34) '02 (GT Academy) Received
Mazda Furai Concept/ Unnamed Grey color
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SKYLINE GT-R V・spec II Nür (GT Academy) '02/ Jade green - SENT to theteacher1907

Searching for:
Biege 5G X1
Ferrari 330 P4 Race Car '67, GT OLD GENERATION 004
F10 '10 - Nero Nemesis

Received thank you very much. Will still send Aurora Flare Blue one later today after reset.

Now to get the other colors...
I'm back. Sorry for the hiatus. I don't know who needs what so I will observe first and join a train then start sending again. Cheers, buddies!
I have
X1 prototype
GTR special
5g X1 white
GT-R Black edition Tuned Car '12
5G X1 red bull
Kenwood NSX
XR8 Ford

I can send before reset

Looking for
People to pass them on.
F2010. Pending Mr Evil
P 330 pending GordonGT
I have
X1 prototype
GTR special
5g X1 white
GT-R Black edition Tuned Car '12
5G X1 red bull
Kenwood NSX
XR8 Ford

I can send before reset

Looking for
People to pass them on.
F2010. Pending Mr Evil
P 330 pending GordonGT

Could I get the X1 5G Red Bull please? I'll be sending the 330 P4 tomorrow. My PSN is gordongt1990 but can't add til about 10pm tonight
Could I get the X1 5G Red Bull please? I'll be sending the 330 P4 tomorrow. My PSN is gordongt1990 but can't add til about 10pm tonight

Sure mate ,but I'm not sure how long you mean before you can add me ? It's almost 10pm here in Australia
Sure mate ,but I'm not sure how long you mean before you can add me ? It's almost 10pm here in Australia

Ah, i mean in about 9 hours from now. You may wanna send to someone else instead
Specific list:

Hidden (Alfa Twin Spark) ticket.
2000 Ford Falcon XR8 by playnthru

Mazda Carol Tickets
Mazda Furai Concept/ Unnamed Grey color #3 by Rayzah
F2007 GTPolarized 001, 0/0/0 by playnthru

Hidden Honda Tickets
Beige 5G X1 by playnthru
White 5G X1 #2 by GRANKUSTOM
Vettel Livery 5G 0/0/0 X1 by playnthru
X1 Prototype by playnthru
KENWOOD NSX-R Prototype Race Car LM #11. by playnthru
2J #1 old stock ;)
2D by playnthru
Nissan GT-R SPECV (GT ACADEMY SPECIAL) by #4 tronrider345

.?. Ticket
Ferrari 330 P4 by playnthru
Ferrari F10 by playnthru

My send list:
White X1 5G to gordongt1990 - sent 04/06
Mazda Furai Concept/ Unnamed Grey color to gordongt1990 - sent 06/06

Green = announced/covered
Green + strike off = in truck


gordongt: You still need Mazda Furai?
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