- 574
- Netherlands
- e-rikkie
The benefits of the heavy armor are debatable. If you don't move quickly enough, it's very easy to end up in a dangerous situation.
keep jumping when you're wearing heavy. it's much faster than just walking
The benefits of the heavy armor are debatable. If you don't move quickly enough, it's very easy to end up in a dangerous situation.
Minigun + snacks/armor menu up. Nothing you can't shoot your way out of like that.The benefits of the heavy armor are debatable. If you don't move quickly enough, it's very easy to end up in a dangerous situation.
keep jumping when you're wearing heavy. it's much faster than just walking
The benefits of the heavy armor are debatable. If you don't move quickly enough, it's very easy to end up in a dangerous situation.
Is it? I've never noticed a differece from jumping and...jogging, since you can't sprint.
INB4 GTA Footrace Testing.
We all quit the game before each death registered.Criminal Mastermind is unlocked from no deaths.
Is it just me or are each of the Series A setups alone more difficult than the finale? Coke is a very special kind of Hell.
I've always used the philosophy of random heist invite = no go since every random I've ever had in a heist setup (not mine cause I only do mine with friends and members of the crew I'm in) has been terrible at best. Its usually easier to just wait for friends and crew to do heists than it is to actually do them with randoms.Slowly getting familiar with the heists. It's good to do them with people who know what they're doing. I accept a lot of invites from ransoms, but I've only managed to complete one successfully.
Thanks to @e rikkie and the crew for letting me tag along on a few yesterday. That Merryweather escape just proved impossible though!
@e rikkie @Angel @SlipZtrEm Was good last night, but yeah getting stuck on that Truck stealing setup was annoying. Don't suppose anyone has the purchasable Insurgent that is currently on sale? Cause if someone brought that as their personal vehicle we could use that one at the back for battering any followers and the cannon one for up front. The speed run seems to be the best idea. Though if we all get on again, I've stocked up on snacks and armour so if either get low I can refill them while driving.
I'm trying to find people for my Humane Labs stuff. We'd run from Humane Labs to Pacific Standard.I have a couple of free weeks to attempt heists again if anyone wishes to have a team member.
Heists completed: Fleeca, Prison Break.
Sorry for double post, but I never realized it was you. I was just shocked I had found someone in the GTPlanet crew with a lower rank than me.Slowly getting familiar with the heists. It's good to do them with people who know what they're doing. I accept a lot of invites from ransoms, but I've only managed to complete one successfully.
Thanks to @e rikkie and the crew for letting me tag along on a few yesterday. That Merryweather escape just proved impossible though!
@e rikkie @Angel @SlipZtrEm Was good last night, but yeah getting stuck on that Truck stealing setup was annoying. Don't suppose anyone has the purchasable Insurgent that is currently on sale? Cause if someone brought that as their personal vehicle we could use that one at the back for battering any followers and the cannon one for up front. The speed run seems to be the best idea. Though if we all get on again, I've stocked up on snacks and armour so if either get low I can refill them while driving.
I've always used the philosophy of random heist invite = no go since every random I've ever had in a heist setup (not mine cause I only do mine with friends and members of the crew I'm in) has been terrible at best. Its usually easier to just wait for friends and crew to do heists than it is to actually do them with randoms.
Sorry for double post, but I never realized it was you. I was just shocked I had found someone in the GTPlanet crew with a lower rank than me.
@Angel @SlipZtrEm @Sting let's try again tonight (for me then)
think i will be on around 22:00 'ish ...... (gmt+1)
did that setup in a few different ways, speedruns, stopping and taking care of everything before continiuing, and also defending the truck till no enemies spwaned anymore.... so no real clue what is the best one....
So about four hours from now? I should be able to make an appearance.
Typo or pun?invites from ransoms
Work with me!!!I am a highly experienced heist player. I can do hacking. I have done criminal mastermind and am now just looking for work. On PS4. PSN Fallen_log
I am a highly experienced heist player. I can do hacking. I have done criminal mastermind and am now just looking for work. On PS4. PSN Fallen_log