GTA Online Heist Thread

  • Thread starter Jahgee
The benefits of the heavy armor are debatable. If you don't move quickly enough, it's very easy to end up in a dangerous situation.
Minigun + snacks/armor menu up. Nothing you can't shoot your way out of like that.

Saved my Criminal Mastermind run several times.
The benefits of the heavy armor are debatable. If you don't move quickly enough, it's very easy to end up in a dangerous situation.

On the flip side, its still easy to end up in a dangerous situation without it. With a high enough level, a heavy suit along with full body armor can allow you to survive an explosion. That is one of the most common things that ends criminal mastermind runs. Also, the extra damage protection that comes with the suits is a huge advantage in the setups that have enemies chasing you. Without it, you have to be extra careful. Our run nearly ended five times in the same play through of the Trash Truck set-up after enemies rammed the truck and knocked the collectors off. During the finale, the Technical flipped and the guy had to spam the hell out of body armor to live. He would have died without the heavy suit on. The speed without the suit is useful in stealth missions, but foregoing it all the time is a dangerous game.
Is it? I've never noticed a differece from jumping and...jogging, since you can't sprint.

INB4 GTA Footrace Testing.

yeah go test it ... make sure heavy does slow you down and have a race with a mate.... it's nearly as fast as without heavy running
Criminal Mastermind is unlocked from no deaths.
We all quit the game before each death registered.

All the deaths were on the Trash Truck run. I died because my grenade rebounded off a wall and killed me. :lol:
Does anyone play the heists fair on here? I'm trying to host my heists, I'm a level 25 and when people join they just goof off and cost me the setup cost. I've only completed fleeca because I can't get serious people. :banghead:
I'm a low level scrub ATM, but I'm a good driver and not to bad at shooting. Would be nice to finally get in with a group and do some heists.
Is it just me or are each of the Series A setups alone more difficult than the finale? Coke is a very special kind of Hell.
Slowly getting familiar with the heists. It's good to do them with people who know what they're doing. I accept a lot of invites from ransoms, but I've only managed to complete one successfully.

Thanks to @e rikkie and the crew for letting me tag along on a few yesterday. That Merryweather escape just proved impossible though!
@e rikkie @Angel @SlipZtrEm Was good last night, but yeah getting stuck on that Truck stealing setup was annoying. Don't suppose anyone has the purchasable Insurgent that is currently on sale? Cause if someone brought that as their personal vehicle we could use that one at the back for battering any followers and the cannon one for up front. The speed run seems to be the best idea. Though if we all get on again, I've stocked up on snacks and armour so if either get low I can refill them while driving.
Slowly getting familiar with the heists. It's good to do them with people who know what they're doing. I accept a lot of invites from ransoms, but I've only managed to complete one successfully.

Thanks to @e rikkie and the crew for letting me tag along on a few yesterday. That Merryweather escape just proved impossible though!
I've always used the philosophy of random heist invite = no go since every random I've ever had in a heist setup (not mine cause I only do mine with friends and members of the crew I'm in) has been terrible at best. Its usually easier to just wait for friends and crew to do heists than it is to actually do them with randoms.

@e rikkie @Angel @SlipZtrEm Was good last night, but yeah getting stuck on that Truck stealing setup was annoying. Don't suppose anyone has the purchasable Insurgent that is currently on sale? Cause if someone brought that as their personal vehicle we could use that one at the back for battering any followers and the cannon one for up front. The speed run seems to be the best idea. Though if we all get on again, I've stocked up on snacks and armour so if either get low I can refill them while driving.

When I did Criminal Mastermind with my friends who also were in the crew I'm in, we parked the truck up in the hills and had the Insurgent Pickup perched on the hills with the gunner shooting from above. We actually killed every enemy because when we had the truck on the road to get to the warehouse, we didn't see a single Merriweather AI! That being said, I haven't done that setup in a while, so that (the method) might have been changed since I did it, so I wouldn't recommend that and cannot guarantee that it'll work (done out of desperation since some dummy, aka @AnthonyD1993, got the thing stuck). Also, I find it easier to just get everyone in either the Barracks or the Insurgent. Speed runs work well, but they only work with the Insurgent leading since most AIs spawn in front of the Barracks. A third vehicle makes it tougher at times since its another vehicle that the gunner has to worry about defending, but it really comes down to how experienced a crew is with that setup.
I have a couple of free weeks to attempt heists again if anyone wishes to have a team member.


Heists completed: Fleeca, Prison Break.
I have a couple of free weeks to attempt heists again if anyone wishes to have a team member.


Heists completed: Fleeca, Prison Break.
I'm trying to find people for my Humane Labs stuff. We'd run from Humane Labs to Pacific Standard.

Slowly getting familiar with the heists. It's good to do them with people who know what they're doing. I accept a lot of invites from ransoms, but I've only managed to complete one successfully.

Thanks to @e rikkie and the crew for letting me tag along on a few yesterday. That Merryweather escape just proved impossible though!
Sorry for double post, but I never realized it was you. I was just shocked I had found someone in the GTPlanet crew with a lower rank than me.
@Angel @SlipZtrEm @Sting let's try again tonight (for me then :) )

think i will be on around 22:00 'ish ...... (gmt+1)

did that setup in a few different ways, speedruns, stopping and taking care of everything before continiuing, and also defending the truck till no enemies spwaned anymore.... so no real clue what is the best one....
@e rikkie @Angel @SlipZtrEm Was good last night, but yeah getting stuck on that Truck stealing setup was annoying. Don't suppose anyone has the purchasable Insurgent that is currently on sale? Cause if someone brought that as their personal vehicle we could use that one at the back for battering any followers and the cannon one for up front. The speed run seems to be the best idea. Though if we all get on again, I've stocked up on snacks and armour so if either get low I can refill them while driving.

I'm definitely too low-level for the purchase, heh. But I've finally realized I can keep back-up armour on me, and tend to be stocked on snacks too, so that helps.

The time the helicopter didn't spawn until after the convoy was on top of us was... interesting. :lol:

I've always used the philosophy of random heist invite = no go since every random I've ever had in a heist setup (not mine cause I only do mine with friends and members of the crew I'm in) has been terrible at best. Its usually easier to just wait for friends and crew to do heists than it is to actually do them with randoms.

I guess I just got incredibly lucky: I hadn't played GTAO in probably nearly a year, and when I finally did again, the two heists I did with randoms both went off without a hitch. I was the pilot in Prison Break for one and managed to not cock it up, which was surprising. But yeah, since then, randoms have been pretty useless. I'll admit to not knowing some of the setup missions for the heists yet, but I'm not bunny-hopping a BMX into battle, either.

Sorry for double post, but I never realized it was you. I was just shocked I had found someone in the GTPlanet crew with a lower rank than me.

I didn't play for ages. I think I was at Level 28 or so by the end of 2013, and maybe 32-34 by the end of 2014. Wrapped up the PS3 play at 38 or so last month. I waste a lot of time just driving around or doing stupid stuff in freeroam. Which is why I enjoy the PS4 version so much, what with all the freeroam events. Especially since so many people tend to ignore them, so it's easy money as far as I'm concerned.

@Angel @SlipZtrEm @Sting let's try again tonight (for me then :) )

think i will be on around 22:00 'ish ...... (gmt+1)

did that setup in a few different ways, speedruns, stopping and taking care of everything before continiuing, and also defending the truck till no enemies spwaned anymore.... so no real clue what is the best one....

So about four hours from now? I should be able to make an appearance.
Theres a money glitch in the Pacific Standard job. Seen the video on youtube. Basically the host has to be very kind and take 0% cut. The host has to disconnect at a certain point after getting to the boat in the finale, but the rest of the crew still get the money. Host can go back and re-do the finale without setups. Rinse and repeat - approx 400k each per time.
Anyone tried it, know if its genuine?

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When I've gone through the Convoy mission, I've found it easier with my group to take our time and let things come to us once we've got the Barracks. Going as fast as possible means you have to deal with more Merryweather guys once you get to Grapeseed. By taking your time, you take out most of them before you get off the dirt road.
(PS4)---If anyone is hosting the Fleeca job or any finale soon let me know. Km trying to unlock the chrome hogh end wheels and I need to do more finales. I hosted Fleeca earlier today, does anyone know how long you have to wait before hosting it again?
I am a highly experienced heist player. I can do hacking. I have done criminal mastermind and am now just looking for work. On PS4. PSN Fallen_log

I need some good people I'll add you if that's OK, I wanna try CM too, I try so hard to find people and it never works they always goof off costing me time and the setups. PSN alienusa88