GTA: San Andreas Record Book

  • Thread starter Blake
Thank you, Jonas. Much appreciated.

  • Added new screenshot from Jonas_AH.

Screenshots Needed:
Small_Fryz - Times Drowned (Least in a 100% Game), Best Time in SF to LV, Distance Travelled by Boat, Distance Travelled by Golf Cart, Distance Travelled by Plane, Distance Travelled by Swimming, Safehouse Visits, Best Time in Dam Rider, Best Time in Desert Tricks, Best Time in San Fierro Fastlane, Total Fires Extinguished, Best Time in Vinewood, Vehicles Resprayed, Distance Travelled on Exercise Bike, Longest Exercise Bike Time, Distance Travelled on Treadmill, Highest Score in Duality (Black Writing), Highest Score in Let's Get Ready to Bumble, Number of Packages Delivered, Best Time in Barnstorming, Auto Repair and Painting Budget, Safehouse Visits.
seymour619 - Distance Travelled on Bicycle, Best Time in BMX, Maximum Insane Jump Flips, Highest Level in Vigilante, Best Lap in 8-Track, Time on Jetpack, Mission Attempts, Days Passed in Game, Number of Hospital Visits (Most).
Deli Dingo - Total Time in Bloodring, Best Time in Chopper Checkpoint, Maximum Insane Jump Flips, Longest Stoppie Distance, Longest Stoppie Time (without Bicycle), Money Made from Burglary, Car Modification Budget, Food Budget, Patients Saved in Paramedic, Number of Vehicles Imported, Number of Photos Taken, Number of Gang Members Recruited.
KieranMurphy - Distance Travelled on Motorbike.
Jimmy's Woman - Strip Club Budget, Prostitute Budget, Number of Prostitutes Visited.
PS - Number of Houses Burgled, Number of Stolen Items Sold, Maximum Insane Jump Height.
Cosmic - Longest Wheelie Distance, Longest Wheelie Time (with Bicycle).
I managed to tie Small_Fryz`s SF Fastlane racing record (1:29). My concern is that I did this on the xbox instead of PS2, & the times may not be comparable between the two systems. Anyone have any thoughts on this? I`m not about to abandon the xbox and try to re-learn the PS2 controller, & don`t want to muddy up the record book with xbox racing stats that may not belong here. If everyone`s agreeable towards the xbox, I`ll maybe try to at least place in the top five of some racing events. If not, I`ll stick with rampaging & killing. No problem either way. 👍
If you got that 1:29 by cutting a few corners and taking a few shortcuts (As i had to) then thats ok, but if you managed it just driving on the road and not cutting any corners then it may be different.

For example I cut a few corners by going between the lightposts and the buildings thus maximising my speed.
It depends. I remember for Vice City racing records on the PC weren’t counted as there was less traffic (I think) and the cars handled better. I’m not sure how the Xbox compares…

If you got that 1:29 by cutting a few corners and taking a few shortcuts (As i had to) then thats ok, but if you managed it just driving on the road and not cutting any corners then it may be different.

For example I cut a few corners by going between the lightposts and the buildings thus maximising my speed.
I always cut corners when possible. On SF Fastlane, as you well know, there`s LOTS of places to do that. So as far as I can tell, at least for this race, the systems are pretty much equal. How much racing I can actually stomach remains to be seen. I just want some more top five points for the overall rankings :sly:.
One thing`s for sure...the aircraft time trials won`t ever have my name appear in the top five, I HATE those mothereffing things!

The aircraft ones are good in that their is no traffic to worry about!!.

Will be interesting to see what racing times you can achieve :)
It depends. I remember for Vice City racing records on the PC weren’t counted as there was less traffic (I think) and the cars handled better. I’m not sure how the Xbox compares…


I believe the XBox controller has more accurate throttle and brake response due to the triggers, but slightly poorer steering.

As for PC, I don't know about traffic, but if it's a keyboard the handling wil probably be very edgy and slightly more difficult to control the car do to an on-off interface instead of 0-100% force/pitch. If you're using a controller, however, then obviously it will have something to that of an XBox or PS2 characteristic. 👍
It depends. I remember for Vice City racing records on the PC weren’t counted as there was less traffic (I think) and the cars handled better. I’m not sure how the Xbox compares…


just to clarify--

I divided off the pc records for a while-- they had faster times--I thought it may have been to differeneces in the 2 games-- but were later all beaten by PS2 people-- so I reconsidered them and added them back in.... it was more on us ps2ers not knowing how to drive.

but for anyones info, there is a PC (only) VC recordbook over at me and the person running it at the time linked to each others recordbooks ....

IMO there shouldn't be a difference in car stats (acceleration, top speed, etc) for SA
Longest time in Treadmill - 33:24 - Small_Fryz
Distance in Treadmill - 46,048 - Small_Fryz
Submitted for approval...;)

Vehicles Resprayed - 353 - GrandpaLonghair (2nd)

Criminals Wasted on Vigilante - 10,937 - GrandpaLonghair (5th)

Auto Repair and Painting Budget - $33,200 - GrandpaLonghair

Money Made from Burglary - $160,420 - GrandpaLonghair

Largest Burglary Swag - $44,180 - GrandpaLonghair (2nd-I WILL own this mofo!)


Best time in San Fierro Fastlane - 1:29 - GrandpaLonghair (tie-first)

Killing and Crimes

Criminals Wasted - 14,116 - GrandpaLonghair (4th?)

Houses Burgled - 92 - GrandpaLonghair

Number of Stolen Items Sold - 195 - GrandpaLonghair
Auto Repair and Painting Budget - $33,200 - GrandpaLonghair

This is my record! :mischievous:, go away! :dopey: :lol:

Auto Repair and Painting Budget - $34,000 - Small_Fryz

Did some taxi missions also! 125 in a row! not sure i would of made 130, As my health was flashing, and i didnt know if I was to die in the taxi would i still have all them passengers.

Total passengers droped off - 266 - Small_Fryz
Money made in Taxi - $217,759 - Small_Fryz

Police bribes - 160 - Small_Fryz
Wanted stars evaded - 2,077 - Small_Fryz
Criminals Wasted - 16,028 - Small_Fryz
Headshots - 2,008 - Small_Fryz
Distance in Heli - 2,353,420.75 - Small_Fryz
Distances on 2 wheels - 314.85 - Small_Fryz
Criminals Wasted on Vigilante - 17,836 - Small_Fryz
This is my record! :mischievous:, go away! :dopey: :lol:

Auto Repair and Painting Budget - $34,000 - Small_Fryz
Hey, no problem Small_Fryz 👍. I was kinda surprised to see that I`d surpassed that record; as long as I have a top-five ranking, that`s fine. Looks like you`ve been doing some vigilante missions as well lately 👍, I`m starting to become addicted to them. Do you have a six star wanted level when you do them? You have some nice stats, btw. :)

Poor Emohawk! :ouch: :lol: ;)
I was just joking about the record :lol:

No, i dont like to do vigilante with 6 stars because the hydras follow me and shoot missiles, which in the early stages is bad, though once you get a few hundred levels down the Hunter becomes invincable. Once i got stuck in a tunnel for about 15 mins, fireing rockets and everything trying to get it out, the whole time the blades where hitting the walls but it never even smoked. :lol: i also flew throught the tunnel near the marina in the top left corner of the map :lol:. I normally accumulate 2 - 3 stars then i go and collect police bribes to lower the wanted level so when i land teh chopper to eat i have no wanted level. If i have a wanted level the cops can easily bust you as it takes ages to take off.

All up ive done about 1400 - 1500 levels of vigilante. I was thinking about going for the record of 1000 in a row. But we will see what happens 👍

:lol: @ Emohawk
No, i dont like to do vigilante with 6 stars because the hydras follow me and shoot missiles, which in the early stages is bad, though once you get a few hundred levels down the Hunter becomes invincable. Once i got stuck in a tunnel for about 15 mins, fireing rockets and everything trying to get it out, the whole time the blades where hitting the walls but it never even smoked. :lol: i also flew throught the tunnel near the marina in the top left corner of the map :lol:. I normally accumulate 2 - 3 stars then i go and collect police bribes to lower the wanted level so when i land teh chopper to eat i have no wanted level. If i have a wanted level the cops can easily bust you as it takes ages to take off.
I avoid those tunnels :eek:. The reason I do`em with six stars is because there`s more to shoot at :mischievous:. I was a bit nervous that the Hydras would kill me, but it hasn`t happened so far 👍.
All up ive done about 1400 - 1500 levels of vigilante. I was thinking about going for the record of 1000 in a row. But we will see what happens 👍
Man, I stopped at level 350. My head, hands, & eyeballs couldn`t take anymore :boggled:.
If you break that record, then this to you :cheers:👍.
I did have the record @ 600, then integra got 686 then seymour went to 1000

I find vigilante more entertaining than killing rampages, as for some reason if im in a vehicle im much more likely to stay alive and its fun for me 👍.

If i do surpass the 1000 mark, expect your kills since last checkpoint to get beaten :mischievous: :lol:

Also on a side note the bullets from the hunter count as "bullets hit" but not "bullets fired", but the bullets hit wont surpass the bullets fired, unlike GTA VC.

How do you have so many fires started? Is that from molotives, and what counts as explosives? ive used lots of rockets from the hunter but they dont count?
Highest Score in Duality (White Writing) — 1,503 - Blake
Highest Score in They Crawled from Uranus — 74,810 - Blake

I’d like to suggest that the two Duality scores are merged back together as it is the same game either way. If you can get the score on one machine you can get it on the other. Having two of the same record is just plain redundant.
Jimmy, about the basketball distance This has come to my attention.

It seems the game doesnt enter the correct ft conversion from the shot.

Say the shot is 10m, the game says its 90ft, when it should be 30.

We need someone to make a shot and record how far it was, then look and see if the correct distance is listed in the stats.
No, One score is easiar than the other.
Yet I completely owned everyone on White Writing and I could have kept going. In that case, god knows how easy Black Writing is.

Some how I don’t think it’s any more difficult, because it’s a very simple game. :rolleyes:
roll you eyes at me! :mad: :lol:

why do we only need one record, when their is 2 scores??????????????????????

Just leave it as is.
I can never play basketball on this game.The ball isn't there anymore and I would like to try to beat the record :)
Help plx! :indiff:
I did have the record @ 600, then integra got 686 then seymour went to 1000

I find vigilante more entertaining than killing rampages, as for some reason if im in a vehicle im much more likely to stay alive and its fun for me 👍.

If i do surpass the 1000 mark, expect your kills since last checkpoint to get beaten :mischievous: :lol:

Also on a side note the bullets from the hunter count as "bullets hit" but not "bullets fired", but the bullets hit wont surpass the bullets fired, unlike GTA VC.

How do you have so many fires started? Is that from molotives, and what counts as explosives? ive used lots of rockets from the hunter but they dont count?
The vigilante missions are becoming more & more fun for me, but I don`t forsee me ever reaching 600+ levels; it takes too much of a physical toll on me :guilty:. I usually do them `till I get 1000 or so kills, then go back to rampaging.

If you break MY kills-checkpoint record, I`ll be taking it back, thank you very much :sly: :lol:. You can "borrow" it for awhile if you`d like. :dopey:

Molotovs count as explosives, same as grenades. I don`t think Hunter-fired rockets or any type of rocket launcher count as explosives. My fires started stat initially got a big boost from using the flamethrower. I didn`t know any better, and figured it was best to destroy tanks during rampages. I`ve been using the mini-gun instead for months, & don`t plan on ever switching back. :)
I don`t make any special effort to start fires, they just happen due to tons of molotovs thrown & blowing lots of crap up :D.

The bullets fired thing was goofy in VC. How can someone have hit ratio of 1,000,000 %? 👎:crazy:

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