Oh and by the way @e rikkie , what did my Casco ever do to you? Why did you have to beat it up with a bat?!
I'll be driving this... pretty??? Albany Primo
The previous owner, a young man in his early 20's, seemed to be glad to get rid of it...
Don't know what Labour day is. But I just checked too see if the playlist was still there, since everything else is gone. It is, and it seems like most of the races pay double xp and $. So I would say yes.
Is everybody still up for racing tomorrow?
@STI9 @SVT Cobra GT @Mark II Blit @Sting @e rikkie
I just bought this car in chic purple from a nice guy in South LS. He had been so kind as to remove the expensive audio system and VIN plate for optimum street racing convenience. Reasonably priced, too. Very happy with my choice.
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Sorry, but I have to ask: is your car a reference to Clarkson's flying Sierra from "At full throttle"?
Backstory and picture are remarkably similar to the film
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Im online now, but I'm playing with some friends trying to raise my level and money. I'll be free in a couple of hours
One hour warning.
Oh and @e rikkie . I know you said you didn't wanna spend any money on the car. But honestly I think you would be wise to invest in a turbo