GTA V User-Contributed Vehicle Location Guide *UPDATED!*

When I play online I see them spawn about everywhere. From Sandy Shores all the way to the airport :\
I lost my fully tuned Sultan when trying the car selling glitch so I had to find one again. I searched about everywhere and didn't find it. Then I came across this video. Went to the place they mentioned and found one within 30sec of my arrival.
I lost my fully tuned Sultan when trying the car selling glitch so I had to find one again. I searched about everywhere and didn't find it. Then I came across this video. Went to the place they mentioned and found one within 30sec of my arrival.

I sold mine raped it with the money glitch, Just I didn't want it anymore.. Its turning into a Futo now :\.
I sold mine raped it with the money glitch, Just I didn't want it anymore.. Its turning into a Futo now :\.
Yep I've noticed that the following have gotten incredibly popular (some are obvious, some are only starting to get popular):

Entity XF
Elegy RH8
Stinger GT
Merryweather Mesa
Space Docker
Franklin's Buffalo
Sheriff SUV

And then there are some cars that are overlooked simply because of their looks. It's not how the car looks, but how it performs. Cars like this include:

Habanero (Why? Because it's a Lexus?)
Stratum (R32 Shooting Brake FTW. Also dangerously fast for Sedan class.)
Infernus (The Lampagani Zondalago at it's finest! Surprised not many have this car.)
Bison (It's a truck, albeit a kickass truck.)
Serrano (Hard to find, but well worth it. Easily the fastest SUV in the game.)
Surano (Not sure why this is ignored. It's fast as all heck for Sports class!)
Asea (A Dacia/Liana/Aveo combo that can be the ultimate sleeper. This thing is FAST when upgraded. Don't let its awful appearance fool you.)
Banshee (The almighty classic Banshee has been sidelined by the newer Coquette. Winning in this will prove that the Banshee still has what it takes.)
Ingot (Shameless ripoff of the Stagea that's...FWD. However when upgraded it can hold it's own in the Sedan class.)
Surge (Pretty fast for a Volt ripoff, and there's bodykits!)
Premier (Rare FWD Focus/Neon/Cobalt ripoff that is actually really fast when upgraded. Embarrass your opponents by trouncing them with a crappy entry level sedan!)
The EXTREMELY RARE Asea is the car with the crazy stickers on the body. You can ony get it from picking it for the tutorial race. I now have one on my second character.
I almost won against my buddy's Entity XF with my Asea except I somehow hit a Baller and sent it flying 3 car lengths back. Everything is good for that car except acceleration because of how much wheelspin it has.
Ingot (Shameless ripoff of the Stagea that's...FWD. However when upgraded it can hold it's own in the Sedan class.)

The Ingot's really more of a Volkswagen Jetta/Passat wagon than a Stagea, though the rear does resemble the Nissan a bit. Vulcar is the ingame parody of Volkswagen, so its FWD makes a lot more sense than the RWD layout that was used in IV, if it is a Jetta or Passat.
The Ingot's really more of a Volkswagen Jetta/Passat wagon than a Stagea, though the rear does resemble the Nissan a bit. Vulcar is the ingame parody of Volkswagen, so its FWD makes a lot more sense than the RWD layout that was used in IV, if it is a Jetta or Passat.
Now that you mention it, you're right. Now I can see why it was changed to FWD.
I thought you didn't keep the car from the first race. Either that or someone stole my purple Washington without me noticing.

When I made a new character yesterday, I came 2nd in the race out of 2 other people (not including Lamar, who always comes last I think), and after the cutscene we all got into the winners car (a Surge). I got out immediately afterwards, but the other cars (both Aseas) were nowhere to be found.
It's best to do it the tutorial alone. When you get to the part where you need to get the drugs. Don't follow the person. Turn around and get in your car.
Hey Jeep. Did you find that Lawn Mower online or have someone hack it into the game for you?
I did some experimenting with the police car spawning in downtown.


There are 2 AI Routes of interest:

  • A police car will drive south on the main road before turning east and passing the police station, turn north near the river, turn west, and then north. The Police Cruiser, Stanier, and Buffalo will spawn on this route.
  • A police car with officers using flashlights will drive through the U shaped bus station before heading north on the main road, and the making multiple, possibly random turns near the bridges. The Buffalo, Motorcycle, Transporter, and Unmarked Cruiser will spawn on this route.
The police vehicles seem to spawn from 18:00 to 6:00.
I havent seen many intruders and i want it so bad... Any locations?

The only place I've seen that is at the docks after delivering a Simeon vehicle. After exit of simeon's garage, turn left and start heading to the exit. Behind the first concrete barrier wall on your left usually has a few parked cars ... I see it there if I see it at all.

Sentinel XS - spawns almost immediately after you join a session. You have to kill the driver before he drives away.
Yep I've noticed that the following have gotten incredibly popular (some are obvious, some are only starting to get popular):

Bison (It's a truck, albeit a kickass truck.)

I'm with my second one on GTAO. Now painted with a combo of Metallic Black with Pearl Ice White. It's beautiful! :D
They do, but it's just as rare when you're set on looking for one, they tend to spawn randomly when you're atleast not expecting it, but chances of it spawning more frequently is around Elysian Island and the industrial areas around there, the few times I came across them was either driving the large Tow-truck and/or the Packer semi. The wikia info on the Flatbed doesn't give more in depth detail on other places to find it, since I have been driving up and down the highways with 3 of those trucks and have had no luck.

Also, has anyone had any luck in getting the Barracks Semi's matching fuel tanker trailer along with the truck itself outside of Ft.Zancudo without having to go through all the trouble of getting yourself killed once you step inside the base, I have seen the regular and the truck itself spawn along the stretch of highway that goes underneath the runways and such, but I haven't seen one spawn with the trailer attached outside the base at all.

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