GTA VI: General Discussion

Where will GTA VI be set?

  • California

    Votes: 8 3.8%
  • New York

    Votes: 11 5.3%
  • United States

    Votes: 50 23.9%
  • China

    Votes: 6 2.9%
  • Japan

    Votes: 12 5.7%
  • Australia

    Votes: 6 2.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 23 11.0%
  • Miami

    Votes: 93 44.5%

  • Total voters
If they go back to Liberty City (and I hope they don't for a while), please let it not be yet another rehash of modern urban NYC. That's played out. An interesting idea would be a parody of NYC circa 1978. To the rest of the world, it was the centre of the universe and where all the cool cats were. But peel back that thin veneer and it was a festering hellhole of crime and drugs. People getting murdered in the streets and no one cared. Cocaine usage and addiction is becoming common, which leads to a massive drug trade. Major homeless problem leaving many people with nothing to lose.
A depiction of the first real downfall of American society following WW2, and the rise of major political corruption and the final nail in the coffin of the American dream. It's a time period GTA has yet to really explore, so could be interesting.

And besides, who doesn't like 70s car chases with funk music in the background?
GTA San Andreas would like to have a word with you.
SA might have been set in the past, but it still dealt with a contemporary issue - the relationship between society as a whole and a community viewed with fear and suspicion because of the actions of a small minority within that community. It was extremely topical in a post-September 11 world.
GTA should go back to Liberty City again, but only if it is really, really big, and they add in a chunk of New Jersey and Long Island.

And the story has to be really, really good.
So what's everyone's estimate on when the next game will be announced? 2019? 2020?

Well, if RDR2 is coming out next, I doubt we'll see another GTA title until at least two years have passed since RDR2's release.
I think GTA 6 is at least a few years away, it will be interesting to see how Leslie Benzies gets on with his new game which sounds like it could be an open-world game with some roleplaying elements.
Is anyone else hoping that we get to meet one of three main characters from V in the next game? It would be good to hear what's happened in the seven years since the story mode (I'm assuming a 2020 release).
GTA 6 Online will probably release before the story. #sharkcards
Well, GTA Online is supposedly set before the events of GTA V's story, so I guess R* have an excuse there. :rolleyes:

I finally got around to picking up the Xbone version of GTA V last Sunday, and I've spent about an hour so far grinding cash as a taxi driver, so I had a thought - it's probably going to be inevitable that VI will replace that with their own parody of Uber, complete with hostile taxi drivers. :lol:
I have given up on dlc for story mode, pretty gutted. I cant stand gta online, but that seems to be all rockstar are bothered about. They even had the actors of Michael,franklin and trevor in for more voice stuff, that was nearly 2 years ago. I reckon theyve just thought, hey, we make loads of cash from online, whats the point. We will keep on pushing the online and work on Red dead2 instead. Thanks alot rockstar..not all of us like gta online but id bet that most of us would purchase more story mode dlc. Get it done !
It's been quite sometime since I've been here on the forums but I was thinking the other day about how much material R* will have to choose from when making GTA VI... Especially with politics.
I'd like to see GTA in a northern city. Where snow could play in to the game more regularly than just on New Years and Christmas.

The north of Sweden would be great for the snow. And for escaping the cops. If you commit a crime, the first patrol arrives after an hour. The second patrol? Nope, there is just one patrol. Missions where you need to obtain a police car would be extremely hard though...
"Hello lads, I'm GTAGamer69XD and this is a video on a HUGE piece of GTA 6 news! ["Content"] Like and Subscribe for more exclusive GTA 6 content!"

They don't say "GTA 6" because that is too brief. They say "Grand Theft Auto 6" slowly to stretch the time on the video.