GTA3 More cities?

ok, now i dont have gta3, but i have rented it. so, how do you access those other cities? is it after completing a certain amount of missions or sumtin?
p.s. this is my first post!
The "official" way (no cheating) is to complete X missions (I think its 25 or so for the 1st island.

The "unofficial" way (cheating:)) is to use the "flying cars" code and fly across.

Beforewarned, some codes do not turn off, and/or mess up or game.

Various glitches will also allow you to travel between islands before you are supposed to.
kewl, thats pretty realistic, you can actually fly across, so all of the places are there, just that you have to find a way of transportation to get there. kewl.
Yep. And welocome to the GTPF syscrash2k! :) Enjoy the 200+ smilies! :D :smilewink :mschievou :lol: :smirk: