This company still doesn't get it...

  • Thread starter CnPx
The money balance is still not ideal, but it's a definite improvement.

What I'd do to change things:

  • Add late game events for 350 and every 50 points above (600, 700, 800 don't need them yet)
  • Add brand events like Lamborghini, Jaguar and so on (this is something they'll probably do later on)
  • Make the current regular WTC 700 and 800 events (the ones from before the patch) into 5-lap sprint races
  • Unlock a copy of each Human Comedy mission in the World Circuits once you beat them
  • Increase payout for custom race

That's basically it.

BTW the microtransactions are redundant now. You can get 2 million in an hour. Only the very rich and the very obsessive have $170 to spare in order to buy 20 million credits.
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BTW the microtransactions are redundant now.
no they aren't, lmao. They're still there, and considering the fact that the biggest cash prizes are still one time only deals, what is stopping Polyphony from continuing to push and pull, trying to see where they can take the in game economy to force people to pay for them?

As long as the micro-transactions are there, Polyphony will try its hardest to get people to pay for them, considering that they have inserted it themselves, willingly, in the past three games now. Not only that, but they have gone completely mask off in making an in game economy that relies on them in some way.
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You can get 2 million in an hour.
Only if you do one or two events. They still haven't fixed the "mechanically keep replaying certain events over and over again" issue. If you play custom races, or online, or some of the other events, you aren't getting anywhere near 2M an hour.

There needs to be 10 or 20 races that all pay at approximately the same rate, not just one or two that are way ahead of others.
Those of you defending this game... Did you play Sport? Do you not see the similarities? I mean, if they were going to build off of their last game, you'd think they'd at LEAST have given us some of the features from that game. Lobbies is still completely broken. And Gt7 has no campaign at all to speak of. Cafe was not a campaign, it was a long and boring tutorial.
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Those of you defending this game... Did you play Sport? Do you not see the similarities? I mean, if they were going to build off of their last game, you'd think they'd at LEAST have given us some of the features from that game. Lobbies is still completely broken. And Gt7 has no campaign at all to speak of. Cafe was not a campaign, it was a long and boring tutorial.
I'm so sorry, I like this game and having fun, I hope you gonna forgive me. And I don't see the problem being an updated GTS. I think GT7 is much better than GT5 or GT6 for exemple. So much new account created to bash the game, it's getting ridiculous
I'm so sorry, I like this game and having fun, I hope you gonna forgive me. And I don't see the problem being an updated GTS. I think GT7 is much better than GT5 or GT6 for exemple. So much new account created to bash the game, it's getting ridiculous

Don’t assume that new accounts mean someone is new to GT. I’ve had them all, every single one.

I did make this account because I was so frustrated I needed an outlet. I’m glad you’re enjoying the game, but we got an absolute turd here. I’m shocked more people aren’t up in arms. I mean it’s just a game to us, but to them it’s a multimillion dollar business, and they’re taking us for a ride and it’s a joke.

I don’t know why I’m so angry, maybe because I upgraded my sim rig for this game and bought a ps5 just for it, and here I end up enjoying acc and pc gaming so much more.

This game could have been amazing! Just some little changes, taking some good parts from sport, and a bit more effort into a campaign, it could have been a 9 or better.
I did make this account because I was so frustrated I needed an outlet. I’m glad you’re enjoying the game, but we got an absolute turd here. I’m shocked more people aren’t up in arms. I mean it’s just a game to us, but to them it’s a multimillion dollar business, and they’re taking us for a ride and it’s a joke.
I think you should do some yoga, meditate or something...
I don't know what you were expecting, turning it into ACC copy?
I think you should do some yoga, meditate or something...
I don't know what you were expecting, turning it into ACC copy?
I was expecting a good, solid game that was an improvement over their previous offerings.

That said, your first bit of advice is good. :)
I was expecting a good, solid game that was an improvement over their previous offerings.

That said, your first bit of advice is good. :)
Sorry I'm a bit condescending, but no need to be this mad over a game, I'm pretty you will find it pretty again after few patches, it does have a good base to update
I don't understand why you couldn't have a big payout for first completion, and then a lower payout for replays.
Thats what they should have done with the new endurance races. For a game lacking in content they sure aren't working very hard to keep people interested. They add new events but give people no reason to to play them more then once?
I wouldn't mind the current reward prices if the 1st time I completed the events they paid out 50% more. A race that rewards 30k should be 45k the 1st time (Not inc clean race bonus).
Those of you defending this game... Did you play Sport? Do you not see the similarities? I mean, if they were going to build off of their last game, you'd think they'd at LEAST have given us some of the features from that game. Lobbies is still completely broken. And Gt7 has no campaign at all to speak of. Cafe was not a campaign, it was a long and boring tutorial.
No one is defending the game some of us are simply enjoying it. I played sport since the beta in 2017 this game is so much more than that.

As I have said numerous times, if you don't have fun driving the cars in the game it's not for you.
Parrot? It's my opinion, don't like it ignore me or accept it.

I have never played a better Gran Turismo game. If you you think the older games are better because more cars and easy credits, cool. Those games doesn't hold a candle to the experience it is driving the "few" cars around the "few" tracks in GT7.

Yes, when you hit a certain length/time pr race the Payout doesn't follow in a linear fashion, maybe @Sven Jurgens has the exact numbers.
I had them somewhere, found it

I checked on N24 endurance. It goes up linearly until 60 minutes, then drops off
A quick check after the patch looked like it was still the same (but you can turn BoP off now which might affect payouts a bit)

Pro AI, GR.1 endurance race starting last
1 minute 1,173 1,173 / min
10 minutes 11,737 1,174 / min
20 minutes 23,475 1,174 / min
30 minutes 35,212 1,174 / min
60 minutes 70,425 1,174 / min
90 minutes 93,899 1,043/ min
2 hours 105,637 880 / min
3 hours 117,375 652 / min
4 hours 123,243 514 / min
6 hours 129,112 359 / min
8 hours 132,046 275 / min
12 hours 134,981 187 / min
24 hours 137,915 96 / min

Intermediate level goes down to 122,053 (88.4%)
Beginner level goes down to 106,190 (77.0%)
Select from garage goes down to 68,957 (50.0%) (it varies on what cars you race against but always lower)

GR.2 124,124 (90%)
GR.3 110,332 (80%)
GR.4 103,436 (75%)
GR.B 96,540 (70%) GR.B is faster than GR.4 though

Any GR cars are bopped (you can turn BoP off now, haven't checked yet) with fixed payouts yet road cars you can lower their PP, set up the race for higher rewards, then 'fix' the car before starting the race and the payouts stay the same. That's how I got 89,791 payout for 15 minute endurance in a Mini against GR.1 (minus CRB is 59,860 base amount, 3,991 per minute)

Road cars do have a limit or base class that limits max payout, to get the maximum possible, take the Fiat 500 (pp 81) against GR.1 for 63,382 payout for 15 minutes against pro AI. If you can get it over 90kph, you can out run GR.1 in torrential rain :)

Fiat 500, 15 minute endurance, start 20th, pro AI, against
GR.1 63,382
GR.2 63,382
GR.3 59,861
GR.4 54,579
GR.B 51,058

There is an upper limit of 4,225 per minute.

Payouts are small but I guess the most efficient is 1 hour endurance in a road car against GR.4.
Mark IV race car PP 771 vs GR.4 is 161,977 (2,700 / min)
Mark IV race car PP 517 vs GR.4 is 176,062 (2,934 / min)

Compare that to 825K for a 28 minute race (30K / min) which you can cheese to 3 mil per hour (50K / min)
No one is defending the game some of us are simply enjoying it. I played sport since the beta in 2017 this game is so much more than that.

As I have said numerous times, if you don't have fun driving the cars in the game it's not for you.

If people could make their own events then this game wouldn't be getting half as much back lash and PD wouldn't have to rush races out the door. Plus it would completely solve the repeated race grinding cos people could make the perfect race for themselves. This game would have a huge amount of replayability. I don't understand why a developer would want to restrict the freedom of the player. Something that people would obviously love to spend hours doing and the devs won't allow it.

On top of that there is nothing to work towards in this game. This game needs a campaign option like GT Sport. A series of races where after completing a category of races you unlock the next category. That way you feel the sense of achievement after completing a race. GT7 is like a racing game without a campaign. The only option you have is arcade mode and nothing else.

That is why this game has gotten so much backlash other then micro-transactions. Its because its not only lacking content. But the content there is just doesn't feel rewarding. Then the only fun stuff that's different from circuit races where you start in last every single time and go against some crap AI that the rubber banding couldn't be anymore obvious. Its like the rubber band is actually visible and you can see it wrapped around your car and the AI car. But the only stuff that's different only pays out 1 time. So no replayability. I understand it can't give you the full reward each time and certain events shouldn't pay out more then once for obvious reasons but all the race events should. Endurance races should pay out more then once and there is no reason they shouldn't. At least 800k for a 1 hour endurance race. Most people won't sit there and complete a 1 hour race for no reason.

If GT Sport had the same car tuning, graphics and physics improvements I would happily play it over this GT7. Basically all the cars and tracks are the same anyway bar a couple of exceptions.
If people could make their own events then this game wouldn't be getting half as much back lash and PD wouldn't have to rush races out the door. Plus it would completely solve the repeated race grinding cos people could make the perfect race for themselves. This game would have a huge amount of replayability. I don't understand why a developer would want to restrict the freedom of the player. Something that people would obviously love to spend hours doing and the devs won't allow it.
This is literally what "custom races" are. Just because they don't pay well, it doesn't make them not exist.
How about qualifying in an appropriate position and then having AI that will challenge you? Just because one area of the game is poor doesn't mean that you have to drag down other areas of the game to compensate for it.

Polyphony could, and I know this is a radical thought, just make a better game. One where you could qualify AND have an exciting race. One where driving through most of the career isn't trivial for all but the most incompetent of players. It seems impossible, but other games seem to have pulled it off so I'm pretty sure Sony's prize first party racing game studio will be able to cobble something together.
The frustrating part is that they CAN make an OK race, as evidenced by the endurance races. The AI still isn't great, but they are fast. In the one I did around Kyoto, I didn't start in last, I didn't pass everyone in 2 laps, and I enjoyed it. Why they decided to not do that for cafe is confusing.

But, at least we know more events are in the pipeline and will get here soon. Hopefully they pay out reasonably well, and are fun
The custom races do need to pay better and having completed a race in 'Sport' mode before I thought they payout was pretty poor too.
The online should have a time limit to complete (So people actually try rather then ram people off and stuff knowing they will get paid either way). Then each person you overtake gives you an extra 5k on top of a minimum reward. Then 1st, 2nd and 3rd should all have rewards aswell. Say for example a race on the Red Bull Ring that's 10 laps long and about 15 minutes in race length. Coming 1st should pay out around 200k, 2nd 175k and 3rd 150k. You should get a minimum of 50k. So if you Start in last (Which is normally 16th) and you overtake 10 cars you will get 100k.
If my dumb brain can think of a half balanced way for sport mode then why can't a bunch of professional developers manage?
This is literally what "custom races" are. Just because they don't pay well, it doesn't make them not exist.
It does mean that if you want to keep trying different cars or alter your tune that you're going to have to do something other than custom races though. ~100k per hour isn't enough for the way this game is designed.

It's a problem that Polyphony decided that the mode where people can make their own fun should be the one that pays out at a tenth of the rate of the pre-made content. It's already going to be slower for most people, as you'll take time setting up the race instead of just pushing a button. It didn't need crippled payouts as well.
They pay out in Forza? And the online in Forza pays out the same as the offline. If that game can do it then so can GT.
Careful, the moment you mention the F-word around here people lose their ****. :lol:
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They pay out in Forza? And the online in Forza pays out the same as the offline. If that game can do it then so can GT.
I acknowledged the poor payouts for custom races. Your paragraph...

If people could make their own events then this game wouldn't be getting half as much back lash and PD wouldn't have to rush races out the door. Plus it would completely solve the repeated race grinding cos people could make the perfect race for themselves. This game would have a huge amount of replayability. I don't understand why a developer would want to restrict the freedom of the player. Something that people would obviously love to spend hours doing and the devs won't allow it.
...claimed they didn't exist. Learn to read.
I enjoy custom endurance races the most, yet it cost me 85K for doing a 12H endurance race. The payout was only 45K due to creating a multi-class race against garage cars and it cost 130K in repairs since 2210 km in the Sauber C9 not only turned the oil bad, it also degraded the engine and body.

And to race with or against other classic race cars, you need to grind, a lot. Ferrari GTO '62, yes I want to race that around the ring. (Just added to the LCD). Oh it's 20 million, well that's another 7 hours around Tokyo in the Tomahawk, or 284 1 hour custom endurance races against pro AI, start last, win them all.

Custom races can use a lot of work. No way to save the settings or make adjustments after you load the track. Can't check or set up the cars while creating a grid line up. Can't save the grid line-ups you create. Can't specify the weather beyond programming at max 9 states that are still very random (might not rain at all even though setting a rain state) and you have no clue at what time they trigger. Want to end the race at sunset, trial and error, no clue what time the preset starts are or what time sunset might be, nor how long daylight time is. Can't save and resume a race, can't even pause in the pit, can only pause while driving. Can't change sound settings in the race. No clue what time it is in the race, how long to sunrise? The speed of the weather depends on race length, clouds move at 600 kph in a 3H race, 1800 kph in a 1 hour race! Can't see the weather coming in time. No replays beyond 8H race length, which are useless anyway since you can only step through them 10 sec at a time.

It's still the most fun mode, but it could have been so much better and less time consuming to set up a race. And if you make a mistake in the settings (don't forget to select you car first in the garage!), you have back out and start over from scratch.

A shame btw there is no lightning, no rainbows either. And for some reason the mist presets hardly ever work. (What is alpine mist anyway, only comes up as a color for kitchen counters) The best looking version of GT Sport seems impossible to recreate. Patches of fog hanging on the middle straight, how do you get that to work in GT7.

It's like they just threw a bunch of stuff together without ever play testing it.
(And don't get me started on the AI in custom races with weather lol)
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Since you are serious, why are you complaining about lack of content when you consider the base game bland and boring. You enjoy playing something you seriously doesnt consider fun?

Slightly confused Pikachu
Already explaind the content made it worth it. What dont you get.
They pay out in Forza? And the online in Forza pays out the same as the offline. If that game can do it then so can GT.
They did, but most of the time I simply stuck to the standard races, because Quick Races in FM7 weren't easy to set up to your liking.

The problem in Forza has always been that, like in GT, the feature is kind of there. No real thought put into it. You show up in a tuned car and the opponents are all in stock cars in the PI vicinity of your tuned car. Unless you were doing homologation, which was a thing in FM7 only. You couldn't even set your starting position in Forza.

In FM7 you could create multiclass racing, which is more than what GT has. But it only worked if you put yourself in the first bucket, and the AI was terrible at lapping other AI, so any endurance events were an easy win, and you had to put up with Forza's AI, which is even worse than GT's.

Forza Horizon is a completely different animal and personally I think the Blueprints are quite ineffective at credit farming. If you want money in that game, either snipe and flip rare cars in the AH using a bot, or farm skill points to spend on Wheelspin perks in car upgrade trees. Goliath was most effective in FH3 but has since been nerfed to oblivion. Exploits are patched very quickly.

In Forza they love to nerf progress similar to PD, but they get a pass because no MTX (T10 is afraid of us now, they got rekt when they tried), and apparently some people become unbearably angry when they find someone who points it out. :lol:

With regards to GT, it's always amusing to see Kaz go on about "not making people run the same races over and over", yet force us to do exactly that, because the custom races pay nothing. In spite of that, the races we do have in World Circuit offer enough variety for now. This game is a service and early in its life, it'll change a lot in a year.
If you want money in that game, either snipe and flip rare cars in the AH using a bot
Wonder what happened the last time you parroted this absolutely false point.

Huh. Strange.

In Forza they love to nerf progress similar to PD, but they get a pass because no MTX (T10 is afraid of us now, they got rekt when they tried),
As compared to Polyphony who still have micro-transactions in their game, added in after launch of one of their games...?

and apparently some people become unbearably angry when they find someone who points it out. :lol:
As compared to you knowingly posting false points in order to fulfill a frankly quixotic and pathetic crusade against the Forza franchise that got played out in 2011, and subsequently getting corrected by both fans of the franchise who see through your lies, and even outside observers who aren't swayed by your red meat baiting that also lost steam with what Polyphony have done?
It’s still all about the MT. They added missions with a one time payout and difficult AI for most players. Just like Circuit experience is way harder than anything else in the game for me and most players. So you get frustrated enough to them just give up or smash something lol and they probably hope you give into the MT system. This game is amazing while at the same time very frustrating and it’s beginning to get tiring.
It’s still all about the MT. They added missions with a one time payout and difficult AI for most players. Just like Circuit experience is way harder than anything else in the game for me and most players. So you get frustrated enough to them just give up or smash something lol and they probably hope you give into the MT system. This game is amazing while at the same time very frustrating and it’s beginning to get tiring.
lol just get good. Back in GT Sport it was way too easy and people were in this same forum complaining bout how easy it was. Now it's a lil harder and there's complaints about how it's a conspiracy to make you buy mtx, crazy eh
lol just get good. Back in GT Sport it was way too easy and people were in this same forum complaining bout how easy it was. Now it's a lil harder and there's complaints about how it's a conspiracy to make you buy mtx, crazy eh
18 or 15 hours to grind a car is not a 'little harder '

Its a blatantly obvious tactic to push mtx. Especially since the developer them selves call it a live service game. And what are those games know for lol, pushing mtx.
What content made it worth it exactly? This game lacks so much content, it’s the first Gt ever to launch without a new track, most of the cars are borrowed from Gt Sport or old GT games.

The game is just so uninspiring it’s laughable. I love driving cars, I love racing games and real life racing. This game is just… I can’t explain it, well actually it’s said above, it’s bland and boring.

I just hopped back into f1 2020 this evening and damn… that was fun. AI is worlds better in that game than gt7, and I forgot how fun an actual racing game can be.