GTAV - snapmatics

Another edition of 'Faces of San Andreas'









As the title implies, you know it's coming.


Once upon a time, I somehow got the Rhino stuck here in such a cute fashion. I've tried all I could, and no: the Cargobob hasn't existed on Elitas yet. In fact, given this description being a link to somewhere, you wouldn't be surprised really where it would lead to. I've done it a couple of times with these silly moments, after all.


But you know what comes next.




One of my oldest friends and probably the first car I ever took a snapmatic on PC is this very Insurgent. Now witness the power as it manages not to crumple itself against Superma- the Rhino! I'd like to see what other cars can resist it like so.


It so happens that the Insurgent got stuck as a wedge, leading to me piloting the Rhino.


Strangely enough, it's still stuck.


You're all probably wondering why I even bothered wasting my time doing this when I can just spawn another Rhino? Good question.


Maybe I invested too much time in getting it out, and I don't waste effort like that, no. More brain challenge: why is there a Rhino here of all places? Wouldn't the city be the battlefield for it?


I was probably trying to get on another train with the Rhino. This spot's probably the best place to do it, since the last and only time I did it was at this general area and I really enjoyed the moment, despite how brief it was.


With a bit of a push and bump, I dislodged the Insurgent and got the Rhino on a more equal ground.


We were never meant to fight against each other, Batma- Insurgent.


Now to try mounting another train..
Haven't been around Online lately since my friends already have classes, and I'm awaiting freshman college in a few months. I'm almost done with the SP campaign, so I don't know what else to do.

Oh, Franklin's got the limited production Pegassi Infernus: Monroe Homage Special Edition

Haven't been around Online lately since my friends already have classes, and I'm awaiting freshman college in a few months. I'm almost done with the SP campaign, so I don't know what else to do.

Oh, Franklin's got the limited production Pegassi Infernus: Monroe Homage Special Edition


Ah, I see what you did there.
Someone made his way to Los Santos...



There are some missing stickers, as the reference images I see on Google are low in quality. I'll probably release it soon.

Shame that there is no light-purple chrome option!

Just picked this up as it was on sale and having never played these type of games I think I am now addicted :ill:Especially after I accidentally came across the strip clubs
Grand Theft Auto V_20160719174731.jpg
Anyway a while later...:lol:

The maps in these games now are huge (also picked up fallout 4 to which I am also enjoying)..A few screenshots I tried the snapmatic but didn't find it too useful and couldn't seem to get the pic to my captures although I still have 10.5GB of updates to install. There are so many opportunities and I haven't even got out the first few streets or found a gun yet. The detail when you stop anywhere is great.

I hope this is the right thread for screen shots, so I guess this will keep me busy for a while.👍

Grand Theft Auto V_20160719170019 by torque99 (UK England), on Flickr
Grand Theft Auto V_20160719165759 by torque99 (UK England), on Flickr
Grand Theft Auto V_20160719175343 by torque99 (UK England), on Flickr
Grand Theft Auto V_20160719175008 by torque99 (UK England), on Flickr
Grand Theft Auto V_20160719174204 by torque99 (UK England), on Flickr
Grand Theft Auto V_20160719173843 by torque99 (UK England), on Flickr
Grand Theft Auto V_20160719173720 by torque99 (UK England), on Flickr
Grand Theft Auto V_20160719173628 by torque99 (UK England), on Flickr
Grand Theft Auto V_20160719172548 by torque99 (UK England), on Flickr
Grand Theft Auto V_20160719170700 by torque99 (UK England), on Flickr
Grand Theft Auto V_20160719170320 by torque99 (UK England), on Flickr
Grand Theft Auto V_20160719170100 by torque99 (UK England), on Flickr
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I bought a Cliffhanger to replace my Bagger and so far, I have no regrets.



This is what happens when me and @superstreet556 get bored.






This is how 80% of your time will be spent on this bike.


Clearly, this is the appropriate protective clothing for riding a motorcycle.


And this is what happens when you think a police cruiser can make the same jumps that a dirt bike can.
Delivery Day

Beauty Shot

Beauty Shot 2

Suffice to say, I like the Gargoyle. Also like that the wheel stays turned if you get off.

Fister 811 delivery day with @STI9 who also shows in the Lancia above. Clearly his is 918 inspired, while my inspiration is the 917K.

Inpromptu getogether with @Katiegan in her fighter plane, erm, Slamvan and @superstreet556 in his always gorgeous Sultan.

Trifecta of different styles.

and numerous Chilliad selfies from our Chilliad Challenge mission to get difficult vehicles to the top of the mountain. @250 GTO is featured here, while ignore the guy in the mafia suit, he's not from GTP. lol

