After the events of the large Union Depository Heist, and the deaths of Steve Haines, Stretch, and Wei Cheng Sr., Everything had gone back to what it was before all of it happened. However Michael, having been stressed out from dealing with dim-witted, shallow people who called themselves "actors" at the film studio and trying to keep his bank account in order from Tracey's frequent shopping among other things, he told Amanda one night while laying in bed and watching TV; That he was going to take a day off, and take a day long drive to relax and escape the humdrum life of Los Santos. So, he packed up the family's Dubsta, and set off...
He started the rather arduous journey at the industrial ports of LS, taking a few random pictures with his updated iFruit 9iXS phone along the way.
He then paid an unannounced visit to Madrazo's ranch, snapping a quick picture before his guards noticed.
After a couple or more so hours of highway driving, Michael decided to take a small break by the side of the highway, and snap another picture, which regrettably wasn't a good idea, having narrowly missed being run over by a maniacal driver in a Regina..
After driving some more, he started to feel hungry, however the last 24/7 was already several miles back, and making a U-turn was too risky, but fortunately, he had found a fresh fruit stand, and admired the sunset while eating an apple.
It was then getting to the point where it was getting dark, and Michael was starting to feel fatigued, from driving all day, and since he had made it to Paleto Bay, he decided to pull off the highway and catch a night at a motel.
(and made sure the Dubsta was locked tight.)
However, his stay in a 3 and a half star motel had been cut rather short around 12:04, hearing suggestive sounds and the odd sound of someone letting one rip from a neighboring room, he decided to check out, not bothering wanting to stay up all night listening to those sounds, and smells.
It was now almost 2 in the morning, as Michael struggled to stay awake, luckily, there was a Hookies seafood restaurant that was still open at this time of hour, and decided to stop off there and grab something to keep him awake. After drinking 2 cans of Sprunk Xtreme, the idea of taking dirt paths evidently seemed like a good idea to him, however, there was consequences.
After driving vigorously through the dirt and mud, he was now hopelessly lost, and the GPS in the Dubsta seemed to be acting up since it couldn't locate his current position, what's more was, Amanda had called, saying that Jimmy had backed Tracey's Issi into Michael's Tailgater and left a sizable dent on the front bumper. After flailing his arms about and making frustrated/annoyed noises reminiscent to Trevor, he calmed down and climbed back into the SUV, but then now realized that he was close to running out of gas, however, luck seemed to start leaving it's mark as the GPS finally pin-pointed a route back to the highway, and had just barely made it to a RON gas station, the Dubsta's Schafter sourced Supercharged V12 wasn't especially as economical..
Finally home! He pulled the tired SUV into the garage, all dirty and muddy from earlier, and shut off the engine, noticing that he had added 2,500 more miles to it's 34k miles on the odometer. He then inspected the supposed damage on his Tailgater and found out that it was just a tiny quarter sized dent, and went inside to find Amanda drinking a second glass of kale, despite the fact that she had kept complaining that it tasted horrible.
So, there was my first attempt at one of these road trip-ish stories.