GTAV Video Thread

  • Thread starter JR98
Language warning for content before and after the clip shown at the selected time stamp (2:22).

I only just managed to catch my breath and settle my laughter. :lol:
I made my first video a mountain biking video! I'm still learning the way cameras work but I've got the hang of the basics. I'd like to know how to get the camera to pan properly though, I got away with it in this video by attaching it to a rabbit as it jumped up the hill :lol:

A tandem flight around the coastline of San Andreas in a pair of Besras. There is some PSN stock music over top as there was no audio with the video.

This was made fairly quickly by me, which is why the second half is quite choppy. I went for a ThatDudeInBlue style video. Enjoy!
A few motorcycle crashes, and a near death experience in a Besra.

This is a longer one, as I never intended to post this until something unusual happened about 7:30 in. I was out doing what I do in GTA just relaxing, when I decided to hit record as a nice storm made its way in. At about 7:30 some unusual things began to happen. This occurred in the vicinity of the aircraft carrier, but in freemode where the carrier doesn't appear.

Maybe you were standing where the aircraft carrier should be so the game thought you were standing on it, then you walked off of where it should be and that's when you fell off.
Had a quick fiddle with this earlier on the Xbox. Gonna take a while to get my head around it, I think.
work in progress too, a farewall to a piece of 5417

but what an awful lot of time you can waste on something so insignificant :D

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