gtd | A Cross The Universe: The Final

  • Thread starter gtuned
Wow. You've done it again Gtuned, you've done such an awesome update again! I really like the last one too, and #6.

Love the range of colours in this image. Sooo beautiful.
Sublime. Looking at these helped some of my inspiration in putting GT5 back in my PS3 and having a go at photos again.
Have I not responded to this yet, seems not.

Awesome stuff right there.

And that sentiment becomes even more true for every update you post.
You can really make Toscana look good. 👍
Extraordinary! That's some awesome shots of the Trans Cammer, simply amazing!

I love the color you used on the car, for me it kinda combines with the brown-ish scenery of Tarmac Toscana and with the sunset there. Good Job! :D

My favourite here is Off Into. :)

Keep up the good work!
Good to see that it went over well, and awesome to see the great support again from everyone, and even that comment from RG, thanks alot for that dude ! And now, Part 2 of Feralized. Going from a stampeding stallion, to one nature's preadator, the Snake. This venomous Viper trailing over the roads and through the marsh like forest of Circuit De la Sarthe, hoping to find a Veyron for a snack. The theme to fit this Mazorian Andromeda ACR Viper, would Reptile's Theme by Skrillex


Wow What an Update Love this car .Oh and a Great Taste in Music to match you photography skills :D
#12 is easily the best, cannot tell you how much I'm in love with that style 👍

Is that blur in shot #12 from the game, or do you add some soft blurring to the backgrounds manually?
Thanks again everyone, And Bram, that is straight from the game blur as well. I was also hoping to have some more comments on them, but what can you do. Anyways, it's spring cleaning time. In this update, it's alot of Mismatch, rejects, and shots that just didn't quite make it to a full set. Mostly normal shots, with some Panoramas. The Song for this set, would be Want you Gone by Jonathan Coulton, From Portal 2, Cause really, I just want these cleared out :lol: If you want to play Portal 2, and don't want spoilers, I suggest you don't listen.

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Really great shots, though they seem bit off in the focus area. It's probably just my monitor. Lovely panorama, as usual. 👍
no way I EVER can get on your level! :drool::drool::drool: dribble drool!!!!

still cant belief how you managed to NOT get in the next round! .....and why you didn't enter the 2.0 side.
You where one of my Top-favorites in the comp, boy!

outstanding new set of usual! :)👍
Yeaaaaah, seems like you are still a king of color balancing here. Can't even tell, how I like these ISFs shots. Good job and keep your thread colorful!