Yeah I used some countach design cues, specifically the front window. The front wedge is a bit of BMW m1 and a bit of the RX500. Has anyone driven the new Infiniti VGT yet? That idea of different engines being tuned to different overlapping powercurves is exactly what my idea is based on. Drive it and imagine it was about 2-3 times as potent, and with an active system a bit like the VIVIZ, although mine is more meant to eliminate body roll in addition to Yaw correction.
@legacyMACHINE I worship scarbs btw, so awesome reference. But it's as scarbs says, wheelbase is really only relevant in the aero vs weight discussion, not in handling characteristics. I've built the aerodynamics around this wheelbase length (because i have more options than formula 1 allows in ground effects) while keeping weight as minimal as possible. the only real issue right now is it has a huge rear bias, and most of the downforce from the ground effects and from the wing is on the rear, giving it good handling of acceleration but its a bit prone to understeer ATM. My previous "stratos" design actually was much better balanced. That's why i had to put moving canards before the front wheels, in a desperate attempt to get some weight up there. And honestly that's why i made a system to recover energy from the front wheels to heat a coffee cup. I didn't want a ballast so I figured it might as well have some purpose.