GTP Awards® 2013 Banner

  • Thread starter DQuaN

However, a doge banner would describe the site for the second half of the year.
If by 'the site' you mean 15 or so members, and by 'the second half of the year' you mean November, then I guess you might be right...
GTP Banner.png

My entry. I was going to put a big heart in but there wasn't enough space... :(
Okay, the usual very basic entry from me. Pretty meh. The only reason to use this is if Roger the Horse decides to withdraw his fantastic entry.
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If no one betters this by the end of the day, it looks like this is going be our banner.
I'm not even sure whether my entry was serious or not...

I'm still counting it as my entry, unless I can drag myself away from GT6 to update it a bit, which I might, in which case the updated version will be the serious entry. Or something.
In many ways, banner design reflects the current tone of GTPlanet at the time. I wanted to create a new banner that distills Jordan's vision of GTPlanet into its purest, most essential form. It's beautifully, unapologetically Helvetica, and the banner's simplicity brings focus back to the awards themselves. It has been refined with chamfered edges and precise radii so that it's lighter and slimmer than ever, with a level of fit and finish never before seen in a GTP Awards banner. I believe that banner design is at its very best, and it's most empowering, when it simply disappears:

9PM UK time I will decide and not accept any more entries. That's just over three and a half hours from now.
@Jimlaad43 - I've already deleted that once. That's usually a pretty blatant clue to not post it again. :rolleyes:
If you can take this entry more seriously than my last one, then this is my entry. Otherwise my other entry will be the least seriously serious entry, as opposed to this.

GTP Banner.png
Damn, forgot all about it, sorry :lol:
Well, at least other people made some banners in the meantime, so I didn't waste your time completely :P