GTP Cool Wall: 1950-1967 Volkswagen Type 2 (T1)

1950-1967 Volkswagen Type 2 (T1)

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United States
Orange County, NY
1950-1967 Volkswagen Type 2 (T1) nominated by @Katiegan

1.1L F4, 1.2L F4, 1.5L F4
Power: 1.1: 24 hp; 1.2: 30 hp; 1.5: 40 hp
Torque: Unknown
Weight: 890 kg
Transmission: 4-speed manual, 3-speed automatic
Drivetrain: Rear engine, rear wheel drive
Body Styles: 4-door panel van, 4-door minibus, 2-door pickup, 3-door pickup​
Panel Van:










Breadwagon! Or Kombi. Or Pão de Forma (it's what we call that here, you know). Or all the other names people have given this.

Anyways, you know the drill. This famous van can be anything. A pickup truck, a mail wagon, a people's carrier. It's also a hippy-mobile in some situations but hey, those can be cool too. Even if there are quite literally millions of these, the fact that they're incredibly adaptable makes up for it. It's a car that brings nothing but smiles, one of my favorite Bettle variations. Sure, it's slow as a snail and twice as heavy, but when does that matter when you're driving something with so much personality?

Throw that in the fridge, if you may.
Seriously uncool because hippies, Sub zero because its a Volkswagen bus. Averages out to Sub Zero, because Volkswagen bus
It's a classic. Everyone knows what a camper van is, even people who don't like cars. It makes people of all ages smile, and it's one of the most recognisable cars out there, on par with the Beetle. Regardless of who drives it or what lifestyle they have, it's definitely sub zero.
Do I like them? Yes. Would I have one? Yes.

However, is can only be Seriously Uncool.

1) People buy them to try and be cool. = uncool.


.. what's below seriously un-cool.
Into the freezer it goes.

Ignoring my family's very obvious Volkswagen love (dad once owned a Vee-Dub wrecking business, as well as a Super Beetle and a Mk2 Golf rally car), the T1 just oozes coolness. Everyone looks at them, everyone loves looking at them, and plus ability to put in Subaru motors! :D

Only downpoints are that these particular Kombis are getting seriously expensive on the market down here. Totally worth it though.
Do I like them? Yes. Would I have one? Yes.

However, is can only be Seriously Uncool.

1) People buy them to try and be cool. = uncool.


.. what's below seriously un-cool.
The Ungradable Fridge - With the Micra C+C
A guy in my neighborhood, one Pete Lovely, had the pick-up version fitted out to transport his Lotus 49 F1 car.
He equipped the VW with a Porsche engine, mechanic Carlo transporting to Watkins Glen from Seattle for some Grand Prix racing.

Googles it. Urban dictionary :

Scots. A derogatory term for a contemptible and stupid person. It's origins derive from the aroused state of the penis and hence is used only as a term of abuse for males; although as the genders are becoming harder to distinguish in certain housing schemes in and around the city of Glasgow this can no longer be guaranteed. If one is behaving in a ridiculous manner, and apparently irritable to everyone in the vicinity, one can expected to be denounced as a 'throbber'."




Snapped this at the Techno Classica in Essen a couple of years ago. Best version of the T1 by far.

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Sub Zero all day. I had one a few years ago as a fixer upper and once I got done fixing it, it was a blast to drive. And people were telling me nice car.
I made a review of this car last year.

It was a double edged sword, since performance didn't seem to exist at all, but all in all, a novelty, and a special drive while not minding the terrible top speed.
The newer ones that are usually bought by posers are uncool, but these earlier models are super cool. Solid cool from me.
Collectors and fanbois have driven the price of these into the idiotic territory. Also I believe these have the largest manufacturer badges ever fitted to a vehicle, which I always thought looked a little over the top. Still, was cool, is very quickly falling as time goes on.