GTP Cool Wall: Acura/Honda NSX

  • Thread starter TheBook

Acura/Honda NSX

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Cool. Looks good, sounds good when pushed, handles well and was limited production. I'd buy one if I could afford it and I couldn't find a Terminator Cobra or SL55 AMG.
By today's reckoning, the F40 is still "average" for a supercar... which is why we still consider it one. But when it came out, the F40 and the Porsche 959 were hypercars. Performance well above and beyond supercars of their time.

Nowadays, a 959's performance is comparable to a mere 911 Turbo. And an F40 isn't any more powerful or quick than a Nissan GT-R. That doesn't change the fact that in their time, they were the top-of-the-heap amongst supercars.

You can argue the exotic angle (warning! entering motoring geek zone! Non-car people run away) because the NSX doesn't have the badge, doesn't have the exclusivity, etcetera... but many people consider it an exotic.

Bingo! The F40 was a Hypercar in 1990, and a supercar now. The NSX was a supercar when it came out, because that's what the satandard was. Most of us can agree that the Mercedes 300SL or the Ferrari America were some of the first supercars. But really, my Toyota Tundra can outperform but of those quite considerably! That that make my Tundra a supercar? Or maybe it's a Supertruck!:dopey:
That article basically creates its own definition for "hypercar", and is patently useless within this discussion.

Mind you, "hypercar", like "supercar", is a nebulous concept that has no strict definition. It's generally accepted that a supercar is above and beyond the regular sports car, and that a hypercar is beyond that. But the ways in which they are better is a matter for debate.
Wikipedia says that a hypercar is the highest level supercars. So, if the F40 was the highest level supercar in 1990, it was a hypercar. It's no longer the highest level supercar, so now it's just a supercar.
just because an F1 driver drives it around a track in Japan, doesn't mean it's sub-zero. I mean, if Senna drove the Toyota Prius around Tsukuba, it wouldn't make the it any cooler now would it? A Honda is a Honda and, in my book, no Honda will every be in the sub-zero category.

Its sub zero to me and not to you. What is there to explain? The reason is Ayrton Senna is one of my all time favourite racing drivers, so naturally he is cool himself.

And yes, any car Senna touched would be cool. Particularly if it was also caught on video with him driving in slippers. But not just that, Senna also helped guide the suspension development of the car.

I don't see why you keep saying "its a Honda" as an explanation. Whats wrong with Hondas? They have produced many cool cars over the years, arguably the "coolest" Japanese manufacturer.
Wikipedia says that a hypercar is the highest level supercars. So, if the F40 was the highest level supercar in 1990, it was a hypercar. It's no longer the highest level supercar, so now it's just a supercar.
Cars lose their labels retroactively as they age? How does that work? Are things like the Countach and 512BB just "cars" now considering you can buy Camry's that go faster?
I don't know if I consider NSX a supercar. I guess it's just outside my definition of supercar. It's just too practical, not outrageous enough in my book. But if somebody consider it a supercar, I definitely would not argue that. The car was that good. It was 1990(pretty much the 80's!). :lol:

One thing is fore sure, the NSX was an revolutionary exotic car. A real game changer.

P.S. It's entirely possible that somebody could see one of these drive by, and mistake it for a Civic. Of course, it's also entirely possible that somebody reach for that dog turd on the ground going "Snickers!".
I don't see why you keep saying "its a Honda" as an explanation. Whats wrong with Hondas?
So Top Gear have been doing their Cool Wall all wrong then? Their "Kristin Scott Thomas Test" doesn't work?

Imagine turning up to, say... Jessica Alba's house to take her out on a date. You rock up in the NSX. She asks what it is. If you say "NSX", she'll be all "what?", at which point you have no other choice but to say "It's a Honda.". A Honda. You're trying to take Jessica Alba out in a Honda.

Of course, if the NSX was made by a more exotic company (Ferrari, Lamborghini etc) then Ms. Alba is far less likely to turn her nose up. The badge means quite a bit when it comes to coolness and a Honda badge will never be cool, regardless of how uber-mega-awesome the car it's stuck to may be. The NSX is no exception.
Well here in the States, Jessica Alba would ask you what car it is, you would say "NSX," then she would say "What?" At which point you would say "it's an Acura." Then she would say "Oh, an Acura! Those are nice!"

So the Acura NSX is cooler than the Honda NSX if were going by the Sharky scenerio.
:lol: There's always someone who twists the truth... :P

Although you do have a point - a celebrity/someone awesome is much more likely to drive an Acura than a Honda, even if they're exactly the same brand. Much like Toyota/Lexus I guess :)
Cars lose their labels retroactively as they age? How does that work? Are things like the Countach and 512BB just "cars" now considering you can buy Camry's that go faster?

I'd think so. If it isn't super by todays standards, it just isn't super. Now, it's not a Camry, it's still an exotic car!
Well here in the States, Jessica Alba would ask you what car it is, you would say "NSX," then she would say "What?" At which point you would say "it's an Acura." Then she would say "Oh, an Acura! Those are nice!"

Given that Jessica Alba drives a Prius, I don't think showing up at her doorstep in any sportscar or supercar will win you brownie points.

Oh... she drives a Toyota Prius. Not a "Lexus" HS250. So no... purveyor of cool cars she is not. EDIT: Though if she did drive a Lexus HS250, her car-coolness-quotient would go from lukewarm to seriously uncool in a second. (It's more expensive and much less economical? Tell me more!)

So the Acura NSX is cooler than the Honda NSX if were going by the Sharky scenerio.

An Acura NSX is just a rebadged Honda NSX. A Honda NSX is the real deal, and is a million times cooler for that. Since the Cool Wall post didin't specify, I voted for the Honda NSX.

I'd think so. If it isn't super by todays standards, it just isn't super. Now, it's not a Camry, it's still an exotic car!

There's no statute of limitations on supercars.

I think could be steering in the right direction.

Urbandictionary is like Wikipedia in that anyone can add an article or definition... yet completely unlike Wikipedia in that any damnfool can do so and not actually have face editing or actually use proper spelling (decended anis? Right...), it's about as reliable as a youtube comments section.
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So Top Gear have been doing their Cool Wall all wrong then? Their "Kristin Scott Thomas Test" doesn't work?

Imagine turning up to, say... Jessica Alba's house to take her out on a date. You rock up in the NSX. She asks what it is. If you say "NSX", she'll be all "what?", at which point you have no other choice but to say "It's a Honda.". A Honda. You're trying to take Jessica Alba out in a Honda.

Of course, if the NSX was made by a more exotic company (Ferrari, Lamborghini etc) then Ms. Alba is far less likely to turn her nose up. The badge means quite a bit when it comes to coolness and a Honda badge will never be cool, regardless of how uber-mega-awesome the car it's stuck to may be. The NSX is no exception.

This isn't TopGear though and that isn't my test for coolness.

And you again say "its a Honda" as if this refers to some famous uncool era of Honda or something. I honestly have no idea what you guys keep referring to. As far as I have lived, I have never got the sense people think Hondas are boring or rubbish.
I could just as easily say "its a Honda" and someone react "oh wow, I didn't know they made such a car!". So I really don't see what the point is here.

Honda to me says, performance and reliability. People tend to think of the superbikes rather than Civics, as thats where they made their name.

I actually can't believe you think that in a situation where you drive up in a car which looks like an NSX that telling people who made it would change their reaction. It looks cool, for heavens sake! If it was a Lada people would still be "wow" at it (probably even more impressed Lada made a good looking car :lol:).
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Good looking, well engineered, rare, handling ahead of its time, inspiration for mclaren F1, Senna connection, highly respected (dont think I've ever heard a bad word said about it by road testers)
An excellent example of how power is not everything, its how you use it.

Its just a case of whether its cool or sub zero.

Don't now why but cool feels right to me :)
So Top Gear have been doing their Cool Wall all wrong then? Their "Kristin Scott Thomas Test" doesn't work?

Imagine turning up to, say... Jessica Alba's house to take her out on a date. You rock up in the NSX. She asks what it is. If you say "NSX", she'll be all "what?", at which point you have no other choice but to say "It's a Honda.". A Honda. You're trying to take Jessica Alba out in a Honda.

Of course, if the NSX was made by a more exotic company (Ferrari, Lamborghini etc) then Ms. Alba is far less likely to turn her nose up. The badge means quite a bit when it comes to coolness and a Honda badge will never be cool, regardless of how uber-mega-awesome the car it's stuck to may be. The NSX is no exception.

Duh! I wouldn't base my rating in a car on how a superficial woman would or would not get into a car with me. That would be pretty shallow of her and I don't think I would want to go out with one that would judge you based on the car you drive. :dopey: Some women would even think that a guy driving some fancy car is just trying to show off on how much of a big shot he is and gets turned off by it. Sort of like the guy who likes to wear lots of gold chains and rings. Guy with a big fancy car and a small dick complex. hehe!
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It could have been an automatic shoe in for the ice box if Honda would have thrown in their Indy V-8 (a detuned street version).
Kelvin it. It's just a sports car done the Honda way, unabashedly so. one of the best-handling cars sold for it's entire production run, and even if it was down on power, it was no slouch.
So Top Gear have been doing their Cool Wall all wrong then? Their "Kristin Scott Thomas Test" doesn't work?
Um, didn't her appearance on the show end up with her having a completely different opinion on Jeremy? Kind of threw that test out the window.
Imagine turning up to, say... Jessica Alba's house to take her out on a date. You rock up in the NSX. She asks what it is. If you say "NSX", she'll be all "what?", at which point you have no other choice but to say "It's a Honda.". A Honda. You're trying to take Jessica Alba out in a Honda.

Of course, if the NSX was made by a more exotic company (Ferrari, Lamborghini etc) then Ms. Alba is far less likely to turn her nose up. The badge means quite a bit when it comes to coolness and a Honda badge will never be cool, regardless of how uber-mega-awesome the car it's stuck to may be. The NSX is no exception.
Considering the fact that Jessica drives a Toyota Prius as niky said, she'd probably love the fact you chose a V6 sports car like the NSX from a company that's as crazy about hybrids as her Toyota.
Given that urbandictionary is like Wikipedia in that anyone can add an article or definition... yet completely unlike Wikipedia in that any damnfool can do so and not actually have face editing or actually use proper spelling (decended anis? Right...), it's about as reliable as a youtube comments section.

If you read the hyper car definition there, you wouldn't have had to type out this comment.