Quick and willing to kill you if you mistreat it at all.
Next time you see a Porsche on the road, don't just look at the car, look at who is in it. Then ask yourself if you'd like to go hit the bars with them as your wingman. Unless things have changed and girls lust after middle aged men who can tell them how they need to diversify their stock portfolio and maybe get into bonds, it wouldn't be the best idea.
Still think it's cool?
It would be if it wasn't for the people who buy 911s. I don't care that it's one of the awesome aircooled turbos, I see any 911 and the first thing that comes to mind is "there goes an orthodontist who is having a midlife crisis".
Seriously uncool.
964 Turbo is RWD.
I think you're confusing the 964 with the 930... those are the correct wheels for a 964 turbo.
In regard to the orginal post with the specs... my Porsche bible states the 964 Turbo kerb weight as 1470kg.
I think the real question though is WTF is up with the sign behind the Porsche?
Thank you! Someone else who understands the cool wall. 👍
I agree with you entirely.
But that's because you know what it is. Most people wouldn't have any idea what "that funny-shaped car with a whaletail" is - and because of that they'd think it's a cool car (as they're free of all the badge snobbery when it comes to expensive machinery, so all they see is a cool car. Nothing more). TBH when doing this Cool Wall stuff you need to take yourself out of the shoes of a car enthusiast and instead try and picture it from the perspective of Joe Average. Or your sister.But whenever a Porsche happened to pass by in front of my friends and I, we didn't think "what a cool car". We thought "How many people must have got conned by that son of a 🤬?"
It's German. You find those signs all over the country, and about around every 100m on the German freeway. I do know what it means, but I do not know the correct English word for it. Let me say it means "Exit", or literally "Out-drive".