The cool wall concept is being broken by all these race cars. Just the same as race cars cannot get their times on the power board, race cars cannot go on the cool wall.
Then it's been broken since cars 56 and 61, Bigfoot and the Lancia Delta S4 respectively.
The only real explanation needed is that good cars aren't necessarily always cool, and bad cars aren't necessarily always uncool. Trouble then arises if people don't disassociate their fondness for a particular car from its coolness.
And they don't. Even back to the Honda Jazz kick-off, this was an issue.
I tend to vote mostly on whether I think a car is cool or not, and then add or deduct points depending on whether Average Joe on the street might think I'm cool or a bit of a knob for driving it. If you think a car is cool but the world hates you for driving it, it probably isn't as cool as you'd think.
Hence my Espace vote above. I think it's cool (rare, F1 engineering, completely barmy etc), but if you drove it down the street people not into cars would wonder why you'd painted an MPV gold and put a fart cannon on it...
I actually try to leave practicality out of this, but for the most part you've got the idea.
I vote on whether or not I think the car is cool, and like hfs, add or subtract points based on how others might see it.
With that said I find the Espace F1 to be cool. F1 on its own is seriously uncool and minivans on their own are seriously uncool too, but put them both together and it sort of works in a weird Frankenstein sort of a way. Plus it's a vehicle that was built for the sake of answering a question no one asked, and at times that can be cool.
OK, look at my reasons, then daan, then hfs, now Joey. See the problem?
The problem is that this is an entity on a forum, and therefore cannot proceed like the Top Gear Cool Wall(has it been used since Series 17?). If I, or Joey, or boiltheocean decided that we were now Jeremy Clarkson, therefore it goes where we want it to in defiance of everyone and everything, I'm willing to bet it would die quickly. Hammond and Clarkson make rules on the fly, change things around when the mood strikes them, and while sometimes they make a good point, the rest is outlandish hogwash. Cross-eyed Morgan or Saying 'Wankle' anyone?
But this is a public domain, and therefore needs some ground rules. I understand that the 917, S4, R10, 'Red Pig', etc. aren't allowed on the TG Cool Wall, but we left that behind when voting was introduced. Besides, is the 911 GT3 RS not but a few small steps from race car itself?
I honestly don't know how to appease everyone. We could do the Racing Cool Wall, but were does it end? One for modifieds, one for prototypes, one for people. What the hell am I supposed to do?