Edit: Quote out of Wheels Magazine- "Steering and body control below its best rivals".
A standard Swift Sport is going to be far more enjoyable to drive than most high powered sedans and coupes
I love it when people who've never driven anything with fewer than 6 cylinders, less than 150bhp and less than 1500kg slate small cars for being rubbish.
I'd like to see what Impreza you can get for the same coin as the Swift. And proof.
I hope you're not referring to me either, I've driven quite a range of different vehicles already in my time, including the category you mentioned.
Don't worry, it was more a generalisation though it was aimed more at some people than others. Working for a Ford garage I'm sure you've actually driven some fairly good small cars.
That said, I do still disagree with your general sentiment on the car. I do often suspect that some people on GTP either forget or never realise in the first place how much fun a small, light car can be, even if it doesn't have a lot of power.
We only really drive Foci (plural??) with a few fiestas. While the Ka is on sale, no one buys it.
That said, the XR4s and 5s (er sorry - STs) are quite popular.
Good lord, all these attacks for having a difference in opinion, you guys could work for the Obama administration.
What part of "I could care less about hot hatches" didn't you understand?
Don't worry, it was more a generalisation though it was aimed more at some people than others. Working for a Ford garage I'm sure you've actually driven some fairly good small cars.
That said, I do still disagree with your general sentiment on the car. I do often suspect that some people on GTP either forget or never realise in the first place how much fun a small, light car can be, even if it doesn't have a lot of power.
We only really drive Foci (plural??) with a few fiestas. While the Ka is on sale, no one buys it.
That said, the XR4s and 5s (er sorry - STs) are quite popular.
It's an excellent car. But good has absolutely nothing to do with cool.
Imagine the following conversation:
Person 2: "So, what do you drive then?"
You: "A Suzuki Swift!"
Did you ever get the old Ka? Brilliant vehicle that. I wouldn't touch the new one with a ten foot pole. Nothing wrong with Foci and Fiestas though, very balanced little cars. Including the lower powered ones
If you consider these attacks then the internet is not for you, I'm afraid.
I understood perfectly. Given that you singularly failed to miss my point though and given that we're talking in a thread about a hot hatch, I felt perfectly at liberty to discuss similar cars.
You'll also note that nowhere did I say "it'll never break down". I simply said, very generally, that it won't break down. In the same way that I'd recommend a Civic to someone because it wouldn't break down. I'm sure some do, but they're certainly in a very small minority.
I can take the attacks, I don't care.
Although this is getting a bit old. 21 other people in that poll don't think this is the coolest car on the planet either, why don't they have to defend their arguements?
Any car thats labeled "sport" yet has 120hp and would get destroyed at a stoplight by the minivan in the other lane gets a seriously uncool vote from me.
I'll tell you again, I dont like hatchbacks. No matter how hot or slow or ugly they may be. You can rattle off as many makes and models as you like it won't change my opinion of them.
Saying it wont break down is pretty bold. Meains it won't break down peiod. It would've been better if you said the car was reliable.
Apparently you do, as you keep describing "debate" as "attacks". Feel free to quote me anywhere I "attacked" you. I simply disagreed. This is the nature of "debate".
Because they aren't blindly dismissing a car just because it doesn't have much power. Power is one element of a sporty car. If power was the only factor in a car we'd select god-awful barges like the thing that Toronado posted a few pages ago over fantastic cars like the MX-5, just because the barge is more powerful. But as we all know, there is much more to a fun car than just power. If you don't like less powerful cars then that's fine, but it's ignorant to dismiss a car like the Swift that gets very good reviews in the motoring press just because:
As nobody would choose a minivan to have fun in your arguement is completely irrelevant. It'd be like saying the original Lotus 7 was no fun just because it only had 40bhp and would be beaten off the line by a Smart car.
I agree, power isn't the only thing that makes a car fun. I don't remember saying that. This Suzuki has good handling and not much else going for it.Apart from anything, you're using power a sole justification of whether a car is cool or not. You're free to think the car is uncool with good justification - for Famine above, that you have to say you drive a Suzuki Swift is enough for him to declare it uncool. Personally, I think it's cool for all the reasons I noted in my first post in the thread, namely it's cheap and great fun, which is rare in a market where you normally have to stump up a fair bit of cash for fun.
And I'll tell you again, you've missed the point. I'm not discussing hatchbacks per se. I'm attempting to discuss small cars with not a lot of power. It just so happens that many of these cars are hatchbacks. If you think this discussion has entirely been about hatchbacks then I suggest you go back and read through it again because it's apparently sailing over your head.
Throwaway because you can't defend your statement?It was a throwaway quip in a short summary of the car. Get over it.
It was debate the first couple pages, then I started getting called ignorant and daft for my opinions, (pehaps not by you) which I'm not thrilled about at all.
I'm not blindly dismissing it just because it's slow. It is slow but its also a cheap ugly Suzuki. I could care less if that car got good reviews or not.
Did I ever say a minivan is fun? I said it was faster.
I agree, power isn't the only thing that makes a car fun. I don't remember saying that. This Suzuki has good handling and not much else going for it. That might be great fun for you but not me. A fun car should have a good balance of both speed and handling. This Suzuki is severly lacking in the former.
I can read just fine. Discuss small cars/hot hatches all you want. I don't care about them.
Throwaway because you can't defend your statement?
However many of you are arguing now, i hope you keep in mind that nobody cares. I understand defending your position, but damn. Going on 3 pages of this now.
It is still debate. You have not been subject to any personal attacks. End of conversation.
As you didn't say any of these things in your first post then you were clearly dismissing it based on speed. We can't assume you don't like the styling if you don't say so.
...and you implied that the Suzuki was a bad car just because it was slower.
And I'm still saying that doesn't matter. It's all relative. I highly doubt the Swift can pull 1g+ in corners but it doesn't need to because it doesn't have much power. If a Lotus Elise did 60mph in ten seconds you'd call it slow because its handling could far exceed its power. In the Suzuki, this is not the case. It's a balanced car.
We are talking in a thread about a small car/hot hatch. Just in case you hadn't noticed.
I've already defended my statement. You ignored me. My original statement was very general, because these threads are supposed to be fairly light-hearted. So again - get over it.
However many of you are arguing now, i hope you keep in mind that nobody cares. I understand defending your position, but damn. Going on 3 pages of this now.
I object to that. Out family owns two very good small American cars (of course, the only two good small American cars, but still),Until very, very recently the US was horrifically bad at making good small cars.
An Elise is worlds better then this car. It also can hold it's own in a straight line.
I wouldn't like it even if it was perfectly suited for U.S. roads. Your not getting that.
I haven't noticed.![]()
All you said was that you are one of those "its a Japanese car, it won't break down" people.
He's right, this is getting really old, and all over a stupid Suzuki too.
I don't actually see anyone else disagreeing with me.
It's not nitpicking... it's debating. Which is a long and hoary tradition on GTP. You should check out the Evolution versus Creation debate sometime...![]()
Adamgp, I'm getting staggeringly bored of you now and your insistance that you're being attacked. I strongly believe that the internet might not be the place for you.
I'm going to select the parts I can actually be bothered with as we've been over the rest half a dozen times and I don't actually see anyone else disagreeing with me.
But if it did 60 in ten seconds (like I said), people would call it slow. People know the chassis is capable of more, so even if the car was fun with a ten-sec 0-60, it'd still be too slow. The Swift isn't too slow for what it is.
And again, I can't just assume that that's the case. If you'd added anything in your original post apart from "it's slow" then we might not be having this debate now. I simply picked up on you calling it slow by argueing that that's not the point of this car, and indeed any warm hatch.
Yet you're perfectly happy to continue with it, apparently...
Not so fast, I disagree with you.
Wait. No I disagree with the daft and ignorant one.
Ohh, actually, if anyone really is so ****ing passionate about the ****ing flaming Suzuki ****ing Swift, that they'd keep on debating it for 4 ****ing pages, then let them have their ****ing Swift Defender Crown, and us real men can go back to real discussions, like if the GT-R does it's laps on Cut ****ing Slicks and the like.
A few others voted it uncool with the sole reason beingthat it's slow. Why not "debate" them?
But it doesn't, and the swift is still slow.
Why don't you read through my posts since my first one. I've given other reasons.
You seem quite fine with continuing it too.
I was referring to the "swift" name.
swift (swft)
swift·er , swift·est
Moving or capable of moving with great speed; fast. See Synonyms at fast 1.
Coming, occurring, or accomplished quickly; instant: a swift retort.
Quick to act or react; prompt: swift to take steps.