GTP D1GP : Sign-Up and Suggestions

United Kingdom
West Sussex
Due to the first season being a disaster, I have decided to put this up to ask people for ideas on how to get more competitors and make them stay around.

Well these are the rules so far..

• Everyone picks a car to use through out the competition.
• Tuning CAN be changed per different course section.
• Season will last 5 weeks, 5 different sections.
• Entrants will have one week to enter an uploaded video to, sent to me *SammiTougeGirl* by PM.
• The videos will then be posted up, so 3 indipendant judges can score each one.
• Cars will be locked after the first event YOU participate in.
• You can get a max of 20 points per week.
• First place will earn you 20 points, second will earn you 16, third will
get 12, fourth will get 8, fifth will get 4 and 6th and beyond will get a single point.
• At the end of the comp the person with the most points will be
crowned The GTPD1GP Champion.
• Track/section will be stated each Monday
• You have 1 week to do your run.
• Don't be a thread Nazi with spam, or YOUR video.
• Video editing etc. is allowed, but you need to show your tires and
power, and then your run. Your run needs to be on the FIRST lap, so we get
the same angles for EVERY car. NO chase cam, the other one.
• Not following the rules can get you removed from the competition
for that week, with a minus 1 point per violation, this will be for constant
complaining, "put downs", double posting/posting your entry video in this
thread ETC...

• No changing your actual car, only rims, wing and setup
(Power/modifications/settings) may be changed
• Tires : Radials only(N)
well I want be in this , but I saw in every track there are two or three kind of race, Practice mode ,Photomode,family cup ,and camera view change in evey of those so can you be more specific ,cause last comp I mess up


I think you have a great setup here. I like the idea of having the 5 week season. But I think you should have almost full track drift's. And maybe do a couple more popular spots, so people that dont normally join will be like "Wow, I know i can drift that section, I guess i'll throw in my video" you know?
I think what you've got going is good. I also believe that keeping it in "sections" is very wise. Simply because full track drifting is generally boring to watch except at the most expert level.

You're doing good work! Keep it up! 👍
the voting could be changed, let everyone vote but you Have to comment on the video you voted for and it cant be "because the video was flashy:) " it has to be about (Drifting).
Well, suzuki was working on having indipendent judges for the next season.
So there wouldnt be any voting, and it would be fairer.:)
If you guys need the extra help, I'd be happy to assist in the judging or helping with any of the administration of the competition (I love making spreadsheets). I usually have quite a lot of time to kill on the weekends now.

What you've got there looks like a good formula (obviously changes to be made if permanent judges are used... minor detail though). Sections are way way better than full circuits for generating entrants, minimizing time between deadlines, and keeping the clips entertaining for their full duration. I don't see a need for classes - there generally aren't enough entries in competitions here to permit decent competition in more than one category anyways.

Fire me a PM Sammi or Suzuki if you want an extra hand.
You say there normally are not enough entrants. Well I am saying this, because maybe it will attract more attencion. So the little guys (i.e. ME) dont have to fight the Big guys (i.e. you, suzuki, etc) just to get a little reconition for how they drift.

Winner of the Beginner Compeition is allot better sounding than loser of the Pro competition for me... (at my current drifting state)
Well I am saying this, because maybe it will attract more attencion.

Perhaps that is a valid point. But I'd be concerned though, with how do you distinguish a beginner from a pro. There's always gonna be guys that fall in a grey area inbetween. Left to their own devices they might prefer to stay in the beginner class where they're more competitive (as you say yourself, Winner of the Beginner Compeition is allot better sounding than loser of the Pro competition).

Final call lies with Sammi of course, but when I was running the WDS this is the thought process I went through when contemplating whether there'd be different category distinctions. My hope was that people would be satisfied to see themselves improve relative to those around them from week to week regardless of if they were competing for an outright win or not. And, if this competition goes to panel judging using the GTPDC system (or a derivation of) rather than popular vote, progress would be considerably easier to trace from round to round.

You do make a good point though.

edit: Your comment "Winner of the Beginner Competition is allot better sounding than loser of the Pro" got me thinking... I realize that a lot of people may feel that way, but I don't think they should. So I cooked this scheme up...

An option to explore, provided there is enough interest to warrant two classes and if it doesn't become too much of a headache to implement, would be to have three different scoring scales. An overall scale where everyone is assigned points, a pro scale for determining the winner of pro class, and a beginner scale for determining winner of beginner class. Scores from different scales would be kept separate, not summed.
At the end of the season the winner of the beginner class would be always be promoted to pro class for the subsequent season. And, if any pro's total score on the overall scale is less than the overall score of the second place finisher in beginner, that pro would be returned to beginner. To get back to pro they'd have to win a season of beginner (unless there's a bumper crop of beginners and the pro category is a bit sparse.. then maybe 2 or 3 beginners could be promoted).

Something like this rewards success in both classes. It also adds a little bit of distinction to even holding a position in the pro class. Pro's have to outperform all but the very best beginner of the season if they want to stay in the pro category.

It's a complex idea though, likely too complex for a competition of this sort... could get a little confusing. My brain just got churning and I wanted to toss it out there.
edit: An option to explore, provided there is enough interest to warrant two classes and if it doesnt become too much of a headache to implement, would be to have three different scoring scales. An overall scale where everyone is assigned points, a pro scale for determining the winner of pro class, and a beginner scale for determining winner of beginner class. Scores from different scales would be kept separate, not summed.
At the end of the season the winner of the beginner class would be promoted to pro class for the subsequent season. And, if any pro's total score on the overall scale is than the overall score of the second place finisher in beginner, that pro would be returned to beginner. To get back to pro they'd have to win a season of beginner.

You make very good sense. It sounds like i'm riding Trials once again. But Seriously, I can devise the system abit, maybe put it into a nice post and post it up, see what you think of it. And this would be very good, becuase its not like its bad being bumped down to beginner. Its more of a good thing, that way, your learning from people that are only slightly ahead of yourself, and not WAY ahead. So you can compare more of your drifting to theres. and being bumped up, well thats just something everyone would enjoy!

I just feel this is a great way to bring novices and pro's alike, into the world of competitive drifting. I feel its great to have the ability to enter a contest, and feel I have the slightest chance at getting on the podium. And as you said before, maybe people will just enter for the sole purpose of winning. Well think about it, if you want to win, and your not, your going to have to learn more, or adapt yourself to overcome the others. Which will also make yourself a good drifter.

Maybe making a Pre-season race manditory. And the judges decide who is in each class. That way, its even more fair.
Maybe making a Pre-season race manditory. And the judges decide who is in each class. That way, its even more fair.
good idea I was thinking like that ,its's more like a qualify to sort who will be advance and pro 💡
new idea ,just every body PM your video that person who will judge the video
and he he sort you
note : the judge will chosen by voting :)

and that way you will know how many drifter will enter this comp

what do you think
BL, that sounds good a little complicated, but good none the less.
I was thinking that the voting would work like this.
Everyone would send me the videos like now and I would post them up but not in a poll.
So everyone could have a look at them,
including the judges who would give each one a score out of ten or something,
and then pm their scores to me.
And I put up the results.:)
BL, that sounds good a little complicated, but good none the less.
I was thinking that the voting would work like this.
Everyone would send me the videos like now and I would post them up but not in a poll.
So everyone could have a look at them,
including the judges who would give each one a score out of ten or something,
and then pm their scores to me.
And I put up the results.:)

That would work. For both classes if you make them!
I guess I will work on rounding up some judges.
How many should we have? 5?
BL, if you wish to judge, then you got it. I dont want most of the judges to be team bias, so I want to try and have a little diversity.
Also, I agree with what BL said about the classes(only having one). Back in my noob days i would much rather see myself progress with people whom I consider better than I, than to be at the top of the noob class, because after all of that, your still in the noob class. Seeing yourself progress next to the pros is inspiring, it gives hope. But being the best of the beginner class is like "yay, i'm the best noob... I dont need to progress anymore, blah blah", it's not a really a challenge when you get to that point.
Also, none of the judges will be competing for obvious(to hopefully all) reasons.
Instead of keeping the same voting style as the GTPDC/C, we could keep it D1 related. A point scale of 100, with 100 being the best and 0 being a no show. But we could still break it down into sections, like the GTPDC. Smoke, Angle, Style, etc. We could even add a section or two if thats what is agreed upon, or we could just have a 0-100 point scale which would combine all factors into one.
Ok, well if you only do 1 class, i'll try and host a comp for beginners. I got some good ideas.

(if your ok with that) (i'm not exactily known around these parts lol)
why? all it will do is take participants away from the main event.
you dont see a beginners class in the d1gp do you?
if you have some ideas, post them up.
I did post that up. Lol. And ok, again, heres my view...

I'm going to enter this when the season starts (MY SIGNUP! lol)
But I never did WDS or anything, because I know I cant even get 5th. Now, mind you, winning is not everything. But its easier to learn from competitors that are only 2steps ahead of you rather than 20. Just my opnion.
The way I see it Picc is that if there are other beginners in the comp then you will be competing against them anyway, and at least with judges you wont be able to score 0 like with the voting.:)

Here are some ideas for tracks.
Apricot Hill - 3,4,5
Trial Mountain - 1,2,3
Deep Forest - 2,3,4,5
Grand Valley - 2,3,4
Autumn Ring Mini Reverse - 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
how about nurburing do something with a touge feel.there should be a gtpd1sl
for cars that are only street tuned are you guys gonna add in fuji speedway go into the 300r link into the hairpin and stop at the 100r like they did in d1gp when kazama won
why not use some real tracks?
i say start with cote de azure, the section 3 turns before the finish that was supposed to be the next section.

infineon sports 9-11(i would have to make the map for you guys to see what im talking about.)
infineon stock 6-9
fuji d1
suzuka spoon corner
ill throw some more out tomorrow, aswell as correcting the corners because this is just off the top of my head.
I had a look at Fuji, but on the replay the camera pans into the distance and you miss half of it.
The problem with the ring is its soo long, so youd have to do a section near the start.:)
the camera at fuji is fine.
go past the start/finish when you first get on track then go to the section and the camera is great there.