Will GT7 with PS5 Pro and PSVR2 have significantly better video quality?

  • Thread starter Carl Sagan
That's a scandal on its own. how did they miss the product launch day.
I would say it is very surprising (or not, it's PD after all, they've always had a strange pace), and all the more surprising that GT7 was used to showcase the PS5 Pro.

Will test PSVR2 GT7 this morning on my fresh Ps5pro.
First reports are positive even without a Pro patch!
I posted an update on the big thread but after a few hours play today I will say it is definitely better but in subtle ways.

Pop up is less, but still there, and while image still looks soft, draw distance appears improved, or it’s not but it appears better as the visually smearing appears to be eliminated.

If you look out the window to the side while moving, that still will smear but it looks lot better than before.

I’ve no proof but I feel like the projection may be gone. Any way to know for sure?
What about testing with the “VR Replay” function where the scenery is stationary but the cars blow by? That generally amplifies the issue with double (ghost) imaging, so if that is no longer the case then I imagine that would be somewhat strong evidence of improvement in that respect.
I can see the reprojection easily when overtaking another car and looking at it when I am along side and I move forward past it. It has a ghost.
Driving slowly doing testing and looking will probably give an artificial benchmark as the GPU load will be less on the hardware.
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This is what the current Le Mans TT looks like with the PSVR2 on the Pro.

I don’t know about you, but it looks a whole lot better to me than what it was before. You’ll see that there’s a lot less pop-up going down the long straight and it is clearly cleaner.

GT7 | Le Mans TT | PSVR2 on PS5Pro first run.
Less pop up from far away distance in front and in the rear view mirror makes sense, as this is help with the extra power from the Pro.

And that should be reflected on screen and inside the PSVR2... It would be good to see a side by side to be exactly sure...

As for the resolution being better inside the PSVR2 I am highly skeptical right now.

The video shown by @TheNormsk is what is displayed on the TV screen and thus no representative of what one would see inside the VR2 set....

The resolution on the TV is different from the resolution inside the VR2 set, therefore I don't think this confirm anything...

But please prove me wrong ...
Less pop up from far away distance in front and in the rear view mirror makes sense, as this is help with the extra power from the Pro.

And that should be reflected on screen and inside the PSVR2... It would be good to see a side by side to be exactly sure...

As for the resolution being better inside the PSVR2 I am highly skeptical right now.

The video shown by @TheNormsk is what is displayed on the TV screen and thus no representative of what one would see inside the VR2 set....

The resolution on the TV is different from the resolution inside the VR2 set, therefore I don't think this confirm anything...

But please prove me wrong ...
Yes don’t use the video for the resolution guide but I think it is indicative of the draw distance and pop up.

I don’t believe the system renders two images, one for VR and one for TV. It renders the VR and then that is recorded as a HD image. Beyond the downscaling to HD what you see is what I saw while driving.

Now in VR you still have lens focusing issues that may cause blurriness depending on how you have it adjusted, but I’m stuck with the image is better than what I recall before.

Right now I don’t think there is any resolution improvement.

Having watched my replay on my 77 inch OLED, I realize that the YouTube compression with HD is awful and that it gives no real indication as to what I’m seeing. I might have to do one where I scale it to 4K on my computer and then upload. YouTube gives a much better bit rate for 4K content that it does HD.
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just got the PS5 Pro. I hope to test today or tomorrow...

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So, I had the chance to play today with ps5 pro:

i played the nordschleife without psvr2 first.

And then with psvr2. man, the experience is uncomparable. psvr2 wins it all the way in terms of realism. i noticed certain low quality things are gone. but being able to feel all the elevation changes in norschleife... it took me to the days i had there. I've been there both with BMW M track days and alone many times.

the vr thingy is singlehandedly most promising experience when it comes to cars.

Still too far from the quality we deserve. the shadows flickering/reappearing is very annoying. The PR guys better push and update soon, this game has a crazy potential.
GT will need an age advisory rating at some point in the future. I was doing some VR casual testing at Fuji, I was in a Gr1 car and got to the end of the straight and wasnt ready, touching the grass i was spamming buttons on the steering wheel to bring the menu up, I was afraid of the pain of crashing into the barrier.
I knew I was in a game but part of my brain was not so sure and wanted to protect me.

So when this gets near perfect visual reality on future hardware, its going to be traumatic as well as exciting.
(with the amount of times we crash)
But I also think it should be an inverse age rating, children wont care, older drivers with lots of real road experience will be kept awake at night by the terminal crashes they somehow survived.
one thing for sure, nordschleife looks much smaller in real life when driving even though it is 20+ km long. the curves etc feel very close when you are actually driving there. That's why it is a lot of adrenaline.

with TV the perspective is too far oriented. it simply looks longer and wider and no feeling of elevation changes, with PSVR2 it looks exactly like how it should.

@Poliphony, you have a great thing going on here.
My main concern are the lenses in PSVR2. (I do have one myself) The Fresnel lenses have quite a lot of distortion and such a small sweet spot, that it kind of cancels any gains in resolution or picture quality in general. FPS is the only gain, and I think that is just fine with regular PS5. Pancake lenses would be a lot better, but I guess it would be even more expensive. I wish we had a way to change the lenses..

I can confirm that the sweet spot seems better on the pro tbh, it seems the window for higher resolution with foveated rendering seems bigger to me, meaning it's much clearer on the pro....and this is without the patch too!!! As soon as I put my headset on and got into a race, the first thing I noticed was that everything was just much clearer, even on those long draw distances where things used to blur out on the high end of the track...plus, framerate seems much smoother too.

As for resolution and textures etc, my guess is we'll have to wait for the patch as the patch is what's dealing with that...that comes next week from what I know
the first thing I noticed was that everything was just much clearer, even on those long draw distances where things used to blur out on the high end of the track...plus, framerate seems much smoother too
How comes it is far from obvious* for everyone who has PSVR2 and a PS5 Pro then ?

*some even say there is no difference, so far from obvious is an understatement
It was stated and reported by sites like IGN that the Pro would improve games due to baked in sorcery. IGN later retracted that comment specifically as it pertained to PSVR2...

I would NOT be shocked if there were subtle improvements baked in due to the hardware.
How comes it is far from obvious* for everyone who has PSVR2 and a PS5 Pro then ?

*some even say there is no difference, so far from obvious is an understatement
Could be related to dynamic resolution. In the cases where someone says there is no difference it could be an area where OG PS5 is able to maintain max res so on the pro it would look the same but in another scenario like a race the pro could reach a higher resolution ratio compared to the OG PS5 as DRS kicks in and lowers the resolution.

Just saying it's clearer is not helpful though, you need different people to test the exact same scenarios like a music rally/circuit experience.
How comes it is far from obvious* for everyone who has PSVR2 and a PS5 Pro then ?

*some even say there is no difference, so far from obvious is an understatement
I don't know, could be a number of things... could be anything from what race people are trying, the amount of cars (if any) they are playing on track with, etc etc etc....

Look, I'm not saying that there's massive texture updates etc etc...because there isn't....I'm talking as an autistic person who has a VERY analytical mind, who is VERY good at spotting the smallest differences in things.... especially if I have the ability to play on one and the other straight after, as I do, as I have both OG and pro.

Me, aswell as many other people like me, who spend alot of time playing, reviewing, analysing games, Habe noticed a MUCH clearer image...it's not that the graphics quality has been bumped, as it hasn't....it's the clarity of things... before there was always a blur to image, hard to get into the sweet spot, things at a further draw distance would be harder to see/read etc...those are problems that seem to have been pretty much eliminated on the pro...in such a way that it was noticeable the moment I jumped into the first race... especially the easier sweet spot .. usually I have to faff around to get things JUST right before I start racing...I had more leeway on the pro as that spot was larger due to things being clearer in a larger window. I didn't have to readjust the headset everytime it moved the ever so slightest from it's position.

Then we have framerate... everyone I've seen review has agreed with me on the fact that it seems smoother...it doesn't have the judder that it had before... especially when moving your head....I've seen videos side by side that show it pretty clearly too...OG judders...pro is smooth... people think (though I'm not sure if this is the reason why) that it's no longer reprojected, which is entirely possible, or it could just have better frame pacing due to the more powerful console.

Now, as for resolution, psvr2 GT7 does rin at a dynamic resolution in the foveated rendering part...and obviously it's already known that ANY game that has dynamic Framerate and/or resolution will make use of the pro's more powerful hardware without any patches, as it can leverage the power of it via a brute force....so that explains why everything is clearer in the foveated rendering spot, as its hitting the ceiling of the dynamic rendering for much more of the time than it does on the OG....

Look. Not being funny or nothing, I dont see how anyone CAN'T see any of this....and me, and alot of other people, think that most who are trying to slate the pro are mainly big time YouTubers that seem to be doing anything they can't to hurt ain't because they are butthurt at the price.... especially when they outright lie and say there's no differences in enhanced games that you can BLATANTLY point out big differences with. Especially side by side....and these people all seem to be big PC elitist's...so,. there's no surprise there....

Majority of people who have slated the pro have slated it for non-issues, and are misrepresenting the console....that amount of people I've had to call out for Saying the pro is ****, that the gt7 enhancements are **** and make no difference etc, even though the game hasn't even been patched yet (which means they are outright lying, especially as they KNOW it hasn't been patched yet), or people that have played 20 minuites of just ONE non-enhanced game, then rant how it's an awful console, how there's no difference in anything, yada yada yada....it's bloody ridiculous how many I've had to call out for misinformation and just outright lying and misleading the public....it's disgusting if you ask me.
Not being funny or nothing, I dont see how anyone CAN'T see any of this
difference even without the patch is quite visible.

i've noticed that since PSVR2 has a sweet spot, adjusting the lenses and even minor adjustments make a big difference between clear and blurry. best way to test in the game is stopping and doing minor physical adjustments on the headset position so that the speedometer in the game is very sharply visible. once you can see the numbers very sharply, the difference in the rest is much more perceivable.
people think (though I'm not sure if this is the reason why) that it's no longer reprojected, which is entirely possible
I have to pick you up on this bit. I cant understand anyone saying its no longer reprojected, or even possibly so. The one and only obvious thing about VR and the Pro to me is that reprojection is on. There are massive ghost double images around the whole cars as you overtake them and look to side when parralel.

I agree about possible smoothness and to me the mirrors quality/frame rate are improved.
The Pro will be worth it for any GT7 VR enthusiast, thats the important message for buying a Pro, consider oneself a Professional enthusiast. The proper reviews when the update happens will count I'm sure. Although if the speculation is PSSR needs more development for VR we may need to wait longer for no reprojection and native 90/120fps. Dedicated Pro update patch on Thursday should at least unlock the full GPU power and the CPU boost, and also make use of the extra 2GB of video ram, as we now have the OS running on a dedicated 2GB chip. Its also possible that "standard software" can be pushed harder with the Pro uprated cooling hardware. So the console wont dial back the cpu clocks as much as the Amateur PS5.
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I don't know, could be a number of things... could be anything from what race people are trying, the amount of cars (if any) they are playing on track with, etc etc etc....

Look, I'm not saying that there's massive texture updates etc etc...because there isn't....I'm talking as an autistic person who has a VERY analytical mind, who is VERY good at spotting the smallest differences in things.... especially if I have the ability to play on one and the other straight after, as I do, as I have both OG and pro.

Me, aswell as many other people like me, who spend alot of time playing, reviewing, analysing games, Habe noticed a MUCH clearer image...it's not that the graphics quality has been bumped, as it hasn't....it's the clarity of things... before there was always a blur to image, hard to get into the sweet spot, things at a further draw distance would be harder to see/read etc...those are problems that seem to have been pretty much eliminated on the pro...in such a way that it was noticeable the moment I jumped into the first race... especially the easier sweet spot .. usually I have to faff around to get things JUST right before I start racing...I had more leeway on the pro as that spot was larger due to things being clearer in a larger window. I didn't have to readjust the headset everytime it moved the ever so slightest from it's position.

Then we have framerate... everyone I've seen review has agreed with me on the fact that it seems smoother...it doesn't have the judder that it had before... especially when moving your head....I've seen videos side by side that show it pretty clearly too...OG judders...pro is smooth... people think (though I'm not sure if this is the reason why) that it's no longer reprojected, which is entirely possible, or it could just have better frame pacing due to the more powerful console.

Now, as for resolution, psvr2 GT7 does rin at a dynamic resolution in the foveated rendering part...and obviously it's already known that ANY game that has dynamic Framerate and/or resolution will make use of the pro's more powerful hardware without any patches, as it can leverage the power of it via a brute force....so that explains why everything is clearer in the foveated rendering spot, as its hitting the ceiling of the dynamic rendering for much more of the time than it does on the OG....

Look. Not being funny or nothing, I dont see how anyone CAN'T see any of this....and me, and alot of other people, think that most who are trying to slate the pro are mainly big time YouTubers that seem to be doing anything they can't to hurt ain't because they are butthurt at the price.... especially when they outright lie and say there's no differences in enhanced games that you can BLATANTLY point out big differences with. Especially side by side....and these people all seem to be big PC elitist's...so,. there's no surprise there....

Majority of people who have slated the pro have slated it for non-issues, and are misrepresenting the console....that amount of people I've had to call out for Saying the pro is *, that the gt7 enhancements are * and make no difference etc, even though the game hasn't even been patched yet (which means they are outright lying, especially as they KNOW it hasn't been patched yet), or people that have played 20 minuites of just ONE non-enhanced game, then rant how it's an awful console, how there's no difference in anything, yada yada yada....it's bloody ridiculous how many I've had to call out for misinformation and just outright lying and misleading the public....it's disgusting if you ask me.

Your "VERY analytical mind" that is "VERY good at spotting the smallest differences in things" can't decide if reprojection is still in use or not?
difference even without the patch is quite visible.

i've noticed that since PSVR2 has a sweet spot, adjusting the lenses and even minor adjustments make a big difference between clear and blurry. best way to test in the game is stopping and doing minor physical adjustments on the headset position so that the speedometer in the game is very sharply visible. once you can see the numbers very sharply, the difference in the rest is much more perceivable.
Exactly!!! You have to have your headset on correctly in the first place, otherwise what you perceive as the blur from the OG could just be not having the headset on correctly...your right, such small adjustments can make a big difference...I usually have to Have two or three attempts to make sure everything is lined up properly...but as I said, once actually in a race, I found it much easier to keep it clear due to what seems a bigger foveated rendering window.
I have to pick you up on this bit. I cant understand anyone saying its no longer reprojected, or even possibly so. The one and only obvious thing about VR and the Pro to me is that reprojection is on. There are massive ghost double images around the whole cars as you overtake them and look to side when parralel.

I agree about possible smoothness and to me the mirrors quality/frame rate are improved.
The Pro will be worth it for any GT7 VR enthusiast, thats the important message for buying a Pro, consider oneself a Professional enthusiast. The proper reviews when the update happens will count I'm sure. Although if the speculation is PSSR needs more development for VR we may need to wait longer for no reprojection and native 90/120fps. Dedicated Pro update patch on Thursday should at least unlock the full GPU power and the CPU boost, and also make use of the extra 2GB of video ram, as we now have the OS running on a dedicated 2GB chip. Its also possible that "standard software" can be pushed harder with the Pro uprated cooling hardware. So the console wont dial back the cpu clocks as much as the Amateur PS5.
You checked out the pro upgrades??? Reproduction has gone, much higher fidelity, among many other things...
reprojection has moved its location to further away objects. it is much better now staying over by the trees and fences and not the cars right next to me.
reprojection has moved its location to further away objects. it is much better now staying over by the trees and fences and not the cars right next to me.
No....you can switch it off now....have you not looked in the settings? It's towards the bottom with PSSR setting.
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I cant switch it off now. I can change the mode to enabled or disabled. Both modes have reprojection, on treelines and far fences. When going fast look side and up at the tree tops, they are ghosted.
Now I am open to the idea of the modes not always working or changing properly or acting as they should. As mentioned in the PSVR2 thread the enabled mode caused an error to my HUD, it broke up and had tearing.
I cant switch it off now. I can change the mode to enabled or disabled. Both modes have reprojection, on treelines and far fences. When going fast look side and up at the tree tops, they are ghosted.
Now I am open to the idea of the modes not always working or changing properly or acting as they should. As mentioned in the PSVR2 thread the enabled mode caused an error to my HUD, it broke up and had tearing.
No...it can be switched off, like so....hence the word...off....and its bit broken at all... myself, and everyone else I've seen play it so far, when turning off the reprojection, it's turned it off....so why would you be the ONLY person that it's not working for?? Sorry dude. It seems like you're just trying to make problems where there are none now......

When you turn the reprojection off...it turns it off..hence...off...


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When I’m taking race photos, panning the camera is so smooth. I’m really liking the graphics.
i'm traveling so i couldn't check it yet, is the difference noticably good? what are your thoughts how it is and how it should be?
Night and day mate...you can now turn off reprojection, do it runs so much smoother now, though maybe at an ever so slightly lower framerate (though not noticeable), and as for graphical fidelity, is say it's a close to looking like playing on a flatscreen as it can possibly get!!! It does look really really good it's definitely a noticeable improvement...the whole thing just seems much nicer!
Sorry to try to find excuses

But if there is anyone here who can run GT7 simultaneously on both PS5 and PS5 Pro

Then switch immediately back and forth the PSVR2 unit between the two consoles, and identify clearly on different scenarios what the improvement are

That would be ideal...

I know it will take a lot of time, but that would be concrete evidence....

Anyone wants to give a try ?

It would take away a few hesitation....

There are improvements, but right now we are just qualifying them, not so much quantifying them....