GTP Football League @ xperteleven - Season 2

  • Thread starter Lee
I've set some base tactics and my selected my squad, now all I need to do is make some money.
Right important news.

The League has been created and the first matches will be played this Saturday, we are still accepting sign ups (I believe) but we now have a deffinate deadline.

All the fixtures can now be found, the first season should end November the 11th (Spooky).

Good stuff, I'm hoping to buy at least one player by the first game. I've got one player on transfer out and over 1 million to spend so far.
Poos. Dave got me 3 zip. :grumpy:

That win over Marc was a total fluke... how do you "play" this game, exactly? :asshat:

edit: 4 of my players booked!

edit again: Howard Allbright has signed up as a UN-soldier and is sent on a shorter mission to Bosnia. This means the player will be away for 7 days.

That's a bit random, UN-soldier :odd:, anyway I'm happy with my tactics. You had a goal dissalowed for being clearly offside apparently, you might want to look at your tactics for the offside trap if that happens alot.
Has anyone bought any players yet? I've decided to wait uintil I have a few million and buy a good player rather than a mediocre one now, however I have brought a promising 20 year old up from the youth team. But I've also lost one of my few defenders to a training injury so I might be forced to buy sooner. The dumbass put his head through a hole in a board where people where practicing shooting and got knocked out which for some reason will take 12 days to heal.
Word for word it said In the last training session the players were training precision shooting by setting up a board with holes in front of the goal. Micah Brydon decided to fool around and sneeked behind the board. He crept down and stuck his head through one of the holes just as someone fired away an awesome shot that hit Micah Brydon right in the face. Micah Brydon got a nasty concussion and will be out of action for 12 days.

Yeah, but at least your guy won't face the risk of getting shot (well, in a way, your guy got shot) :|
At least I know some of my players can do precision shooting :lol:.
Word for word it said In the last training session the players were training precision shooting by setting up a board with holes in front of the goal. Micah Brydon decided to fool around and sneeked behind the board. He crept down and stuck his head through one of the holes just as someone fired away an awesome shot that hit Micah Brydon right in the face. Micah Brydon got a nasty concussion and will be out of action for 12 days.

:lol: Oh that's classic!
I think it's to do with form.

Here's the proper answer for you

Form Tendency.

Basically, if the player has a red arrow in this box then after each form notation his form will continue to go down unless he then completes form training or another positive notation.

The opposite is true for green arrows.
Bugger, I've now got two players injured, both defenders. Fancy someone getting an injury 1 hour before a match, that's just not going to happen :lol:. That leaves me with 3 proper defenders now, the best I had is still available but the other two are the two worst, luckily I have a midfielder spare who can play in defencse as well and he's ard as nails.

Anywhoo another match, another 3-0 win. walks off whistling.

EDIT: Congratulations Bee, you won manager of the round 👍.
This game sucks ass. There's no control, and the creators obviously hated the american playerset.
Your right there isn't an awful lot of control but I wouldn't expect LMA manager or anything like that for a free web game. I don't think the game has any preferrence to any player set you choose, all the teams start pretty much equal. It'd be nice if there was more to do between games though.
Hm, been looking over this game, would you peoples recommend this game to someone who's not really a soccer (ok, ok, football. see, I'm American) fanatic? It seems like a nice strategy game, but I don't know if there's a huge time commitment or not. If it's a BATRacer-like thing I might give it a shot. Thanks!
I have no idea how this game works, so don't ask me! :lol:

It's a bit weird. One of my players was sent to Bosnia, and one of Dave's was hit in the balls (well, face, but I wanted to make a joke) with a, er, ball.
It's not time consuming at all, theres generally days between games and all you have to do is sort your team ie buy/sell players choose who plays who's reserve and who's training. You set a very basic stratergy for the team to play, there's not much else to that.
I think they make americans lose on purpose. They're jealous of our beef and interstate highways.
:D Hey, I just put a team on, am I too late? 👍

I'm afraid so, next season should be at the end of November, in the meantime you could join a public game so you can learn how to play. ;)
Magburner: you can take my team. I'm resigning - I don't understand how this game works. :|

edit: if I can remember where the "resign" button is...