GTP GT6 'Community' Club Registry [CLOSED]

  • Thread starter Ameer67
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Virtual Endurance Racing Team
Club ID: 1047675

The biggest Greek club that specifies in racing. Feel the anxiety of racing in front of more than 10 people.
The club was made on Monday, August 3, 2015. Over 100 members. Close racing.

Join the fun.
Virtual Endurance Racing Team
Club ID: 1047675

The biggest Greek club that specifies in racing. Feel the anxiety of racing in front of more than 10 people.
The club was made on Monday, August 3, 2015. Over 100 members. Close racing.

Join the fun.

Added. Sorry for the late response.
This is a relatively new club for everyone, particularly those new to GT6. It is self policing so there's few rules and regulations (you could possibly use a Nissan in the Euro 550PP TT event and post best time but would you want to?). It's mostly time trials initially so everyone can take part. Most driver aids are allowed, also for inclusivity, on a majority of user created tracks. It makes things very even but also gives a large range of times in any one event. Just give it a try. There's nearly forty of us already since November and cars will be available on some events so those still collecting machinery can use some Italian exotic if they want! Regular updated content, new courses and forums to chat and exchange info, settings and tips...!/clubid/1056131/
The new All Round Drivers club
Club id; 1056131
This is a relatively new club for everyone, particularly those new to GT6. It is self policing so there's few rules and regulations (you could possibly use a Nissan in the Euro 550PP TT event and post best time but would you want to?). It's mostly time trials initially so everyone can take part. Most driver aids are allowed, also for inclusivity, on a majority of user created tracks. It makes things very even but also gives a large range of times in any one event. Just give it a try. There's nearly forty of us already since November and cars will be available on some events so those still collecting machinery can use some Italian exotic if they want! Regular updated content, new courses and forums to chat and exchange info, settings and tips...!/clubid/1056131/
The new All Round Drivers club
Club id; 1056131
Is there a group that does snow racing or rally in general and if not would anyone be interested in making a snow racing club.

I was hoping to add an event like that. I was hoping to find a rally cross style course and a full on rally stage. Have you any ideas or suggestions on courses? Same for cars, is a 1 make best or do we just set a 450/500PP limit and give 5 manufacturers? I'd be happy to add an extra event, especially as it'd be our first rally one.
I was hoping to add an event like that. I was hoping to find a rally cross style course and a full on rally stage. Have you any ideas or suggestions on courses? Same for cars, is a 1 make best or do we just set a 450/500PP limit and give 5 manufacturers? I'd be happy to add an extra event, especially as it'd be our first rally one.
Well there really isn't much on gt for snow tracks. Could do like a 500 pp 2wd snow race, a race at Tsukuba with wrc cars on comfort tires in the rain or something. Could do a rally without tuning all stock cars with 4wd cars getting some kind of weight added or power restricted. Do you race on a wheel? Dirt on the g25 sucks.
Yes I have a wheel Logi GT, being on dirt is a shaking nightmare. I haven't done very well with it BUT now I'll give it a shot. We'll try the Tsukuba/wrc type cars. Generally I'll stick a TT up then hopefully we'll start a twice a week race thing (I always say send a friend request as being online racing doesn't have to be a club event). Have a look this afternoon an it'll be there but I like the stock car thing so may try something there too. Desperately need practise on Rally
Yes I have a wheel Logi GT, being on dirt is a shaking nightmare. I haven't done very well with it BUT now I'll give it a shot. We'll try the Tsukuba/wrc type cars. Generally I'll stick a TT up then hopefully we'll start a twice a week race thing (I always say send a friend request as being online racing doesn't have to be a club event). Have a look this afternoon an it'll be there but I like the stock car thing so may try something there too. Desperately need practise on Rally
Yea I gave up on dirt on a wheel it's not fun. And cool if I see the room I'll jump in.
Thanks for replies and input. Im in agreement with you. I'm even thinking of trying to use wheel with power off if I can't get a grip (pardon the pun) with rallying. Going through the nightmare of buying a house so my rather organised time is thrown up in air. Facing the nightmare of house viewers at any time at a moments notice (I'm renting a house that's gonna be sold now I'm leaving) whilst the bid for our own place is going through. So I apologise if replies or club events can be a day late.
I'm really interested in the stock car thing. I've noticed that many club members with less mileage logged don't leave a time as, like me, their tuning inexperience added to their general inexperience equals 4 seconds or more over a minute 1/2 2min lap. Well it does for me . Although I'd argue that any time, regardless of your opinion of it, is a positive as it clearly serves as a encouragement. Any ideas on PP, bhp or one make limits on a stock car event TT then an open race for members to race same car/conditions/track? Anyway I'm gonna have a crack at the rally tonight and hope for best in my escort. I'd encourage you to try the superminis TT or the FYC TT if you get a spare 10 mins. I think they represent both ends of spectrum and tick the variety box although now I've changed the GT3 to 600pp so cars are eligible I had a good time sliding round the Apricot course . I'm beginning to think the smaller PP events offer more scope. Send a request as I'm always up for joining a room, club event or no,
Thanks for replies and input. Im in agreement with you. I'm even thinking of trying to use wheel with power off if I can't get a grip (pardon the pun) with rallying. Going through the nightmare of buying a house so my rather organised time is thrown up in air. Facing the nightmare of house viewers at any time at a moments notice (I'm renting a house that's gonna be sold now I'm leaving) whilst the bid for our own place is going through. So I apologise if replies or club events can be a day late.
I'm really interested in the stock car thing. I've noticed that many club members with less mileage logged don't leave a time as, like me, their tuning inexperience added to their general inexperience equals 4 seconds or more over a minute 1/2 2min lap. Well it does for me . Although I'd argue that any time, regardless of your opinion of it, is a positive as it clearly serves as a encouragement. Any ideas on PP, bhp or one make limits on a stock car event TT then an open race for members to race same car/conditions/track? Anyway I'm gonna have a crack at the rally tonight and hope for best in my escort. I'd encourage you to try the superminis TT or the FYC TT if you get a spare 10 mins. I think they represent both ends of spectrum and tick the variety box although now I've changed the GT3 to 600pp so cars are eligible I had a good time sliding round the Apricot course . I'm beginning to think the smaller PP events offer more scope. Send a request as I'm always up for joining a room, club event or no,
jonny-b-1994 add me gt6 online is becoming dead.
jonny-b-1994 add me gt6 online is becoming dead.
I'll send as soon as I switch on.....You are spot on. I look at my friend list and, whilst I accept I had plenty of pals from BF3&4, it's still depressing to see just how many haven't signed in on a PS3 for months cos they are on new system.
Try the Supermini 375PP time trial (Sierra superquick is the track) when you're bored then, if you want something different try the Forest Speedway. For a mad up and down elevation with camber to match its FYC TT which is on King of the Mountain.
It's so quiet Time Trials on interesting courses is what I do most often but I'd love to be racing round some of the tracks we've done Trials on. Hope I see you soon. Hamonrye333
Hello Ameer,

I recently posted a Club page "FGT Club" under the main "GT6 Clubs and Leagues" page. I noticed that it hasn't been added to the 'Community Registry' (here, this page) yet.

Was I supposed to forward or CC it to you? Or is it just a case of me needing to be a lil more patient?

Sorry. I'm a noob when it comes to this, so please excuse my ignorance.

I also have another VERY noob question.... I noticed after I posted the Club page, there seems to be no way of editing the page. If there isn't, could you tell me how I'd go about doing so? Do I just need to copy/paste any new info that needs to be added/subtracted?

Thanks in advance for your help!
Hello Ameer,

I recently posted a Club page "FGT Club" under the main "GT6 Clubs and Leagues" page. I noticed that it hasn't been added to the 'Community Registry' (here, this page) yet.

Was I supposed to forward or CC it to you? Or is it just a case of me needing to be a lil more patient?

Sorry. I'm a noob when it comes to this, so please excuse my ignorance.

I also have another VERY noob question.... I noticed after I posted the Club page, there seems to be no way of editing the page. If there isn't, could you tell me how I'd go about doing so? Do I just need to copy/paste any new info that needs to be added/subtracted?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Hello potvinsuks, I'm here to be of your assistance!

1. If you want to have your club listed in the registry, you must post in this thread. Notice how the posts above yours have their club name, number, etc. That's basically what you have to do. Here is the format:

Club Name
ID Number
Other info (links, description, etc.)

Cool Kid Racers
We're a bunch of cool kids that race fast cars. Our thread:“fgt-world-championships“.347584/ We have a website too!

2. You're saying you want to edit your thread, correct? There is an 'Edit' button located in the bottom right corner of your post. It should look like this:


From there a box should appear with the text editor in it allowing you to alter whatever you like.

(By the way, I see you have a poll in your thread. If you want to create a new one you have to contact a moderator so they can delete the old one. The best way to do this would be to click 'Report' in the top right corner of your post and state that you need a new poll.)

Thank you so much for your quick reply and perfect answers to my questions!

Why o why did I not see the Edit button, is beyond me :dunce:
Now that I look back at it, I realized what I was doing wrong. I was looking at the top of the page where it says "Thread Tools" instead of the bottom of the post lol. Whenever I tried, the only option that came up was to "edit headline" lol.
Now that I look back at it, I realized what I was doing wrong. I was looking at the top of the page where it says "Thread Tools" instead of the bottom of the post lol. Whenever I tried, the only option that came up was to "edit headline" lol.
@potvinsuks, easy there, cowboy! You just had 6 posts in a row! (Use the edit button to add in/delete more information to your previous post. GTPlanet moderators do not like double/triple/quadruple-posting.)

Hi Ameer!

So I decided to do some touch ups on the FGT Club page a bit, prior to forwarding it over to you to be registered.

I'm embarrassed to ask you on exactly how I go about sending it to you, as I couldn't figure it out lol lol.

This is the link to it, if it helps Ameer“fgt-world-championships“.347584/
You're supposed to post your Club Name, ID, Public/Private, and info on THIS thread if you want to get listed in the registry. Not your own thread.

I want to REALLY thank you for ALL of your help bud!!

Really appreciate it!
No problem, it's what we're here for.
@potvinsuks, easy there, cowboy! You just had 6 posts in a row! (Use the edit button to add in/delete more information to your previous post. GTPlanet moderators do not like double/triple/quadruple-posting.)

You're supposed to post your Club Name, ID, Public/Private, and info on THIS thread if you want to get listed in the registry. Not your own thread.

No problem, it's what we're here for.

Yeah.. I'm pretty computer literate, but when it comes to this stuff, I'm an ultra noob!! I truly apologize for my ignorance

I saw some other people do it in previous pages of the Registry Club Thread, whereas the criteria of the info you asked for, are literally, first things you see on the top of the page. I thought that was what I supposed to do. Sorry!!!
Virtual Grand Touring
Club ID: 1064957
Public club
Feeling like GT6 online is inactive? Here your needs are covered as I promise to host rooms every afternoon-evening, GMT time. Maybe some events if enough people join.
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