GTP Proper Stance thread. Read First Post. (Merged)

Thank you for this thread :)

My input:

Wow, did things get that bad in the other thread? :lol: Things were going in a bad direction last time I check there, but I wasn't expecting a new thread.
to be fair 90% of cars I see with stance (at least locally) have been cambered. >_<
anyways,sense camber is apparently bad,feel free to mock this one.

what can I say,Hemi Orange looks good on VWs lol

Not exactly stance (could be I'm to tried to think ATM) but I feel like sharing
Yeah, the main thing im saying is you cant have flush stance with camber on GT cause you cant use spacers or wider wheels.
Can someone please explain to me how sunken cambered wheels even look cool? it just looks stupid, i can see 0.5-1.5 camber(useful)(and further reinstates that the car is lowered) but even when we could mod on GT5, that camber even with all the flush started to look ridiculous.. in real life id'e go -2- - -3 on camber, but only because of spacers, i rather have a nice fitment that's flush with the body lines, looks sexy as hell.

Different folks different strokes.

I so wish you could adjust the width of the tyres, would help fill the arches out a bit.
True, PD definitely should have added a slight offset feature, similar to Shift 2, when you added upgraded tires, the wheels would move out as if it had offset. Classy celica though, the wheels go great with it. (this only worked on certain cars though, the 240sx was a dramatic difference)
This makes me want gt6 so bad. Maybe one of my family members will get me it for my birthday. But its notlooking good though, there are no gifts under the tree at all.