PM'ing me won't change anything for the time being. That thread was closed to avoid it becoming a resource thread, a list to make building these things easier. Note that I've never even said I'm against them personally - they can have their uses, and the potential for reading replays and discovering any foul play would be very handy - but people going in and modifying their saves wreaks havoc on the online community in a way someone backing up a save before they send a paint chip off could never do.
I just think it's rather odd that you decided to not allow this one aspect of hybrid discussion (ie which bodies fit on which chassis), when that is the one aspect of building hybrids which actually has no effect on's purely visual. Other than eliminating the trial and error aspect of adjusting wheel fitment, a body/chassis list does nothing to actually make building hybrids easier.
....add to the fact that there is dozens upon dozens of instances of this exact discussions going on around the forums, and nothing is being said about it by the staff. That thread would have at least helped contain the topic to one thread. I thought you guys were all about organization and making sure things are in the right place
We can only clean up after that which we know. We don't allow any discussion for game-sharing, for example.
That's fine, you have every right to chose what you want to allow and what you don't want to allow....but I think it's a very bad look for the staff to pick and chose which aspects of the ToS they want to enforce. Either enforce it, or don't.
As a GTP member, it's just slightly frustrating to see the staff say "it's ok to trade hybrids, it's ok to show pics of them, it's even ok for someone to ask for or show pics of
this is my RX7 with a 787b 4-rotor, AWD from a GTR, transmission from a ISF" but as soon as someone says "350z chassis fits well under a s13", that's going too far? That's making it "too easy" to build hybrids, which will
flood and ruin the online community???
They do have official forums already. Our daily hit-count is geometrically higher than those. GTP, by dint of being unofficial, does allow for a bit more open discussion than an official website; witness the criticisms of GT5. If you believe an official forum would allow such discussions, to say nothing of this recent rash of save-hacking, well... I'd like some of whatever you're having.
Before you call me out and suggest that I'm
on something, have a read through my previous post again....I never said an official website would allow more discussion...rather, it would be the opposite (ie more restrictive). I guess I just don't understand why GTP would want to be as restrictive (ok, in your defence,
nearly as restrictive) as the official site. Like I said, other than to gain brownie points, what's the point?
Nobody is forcing you to stay here.
Not the first time I've seen GTP staff throw that out there...damn, it must be nice to be on top. I sincerely hope things stay that way for you guys long into the future...
Hmm...ignoring all the reasons you have for allowing discussions and the like regarding these hybrids...the fact remains, and WILL always remain that this site has it's rules that are set by the owners of the site.
If they wish to prevent talk about piracy, hacking or men in flip flops then they can even if you, me or anyone else may disagree.
If you want an open GT community then why don't you take the lead and make your own forum site. That way, you can discuss what you like.
And the fact that you think an officially run forum on any PD website will allow discussions of hacking or whatever proves you're a bit naive mate.
Start a Facebook group, invite people to join it, that way YOU can moderate it how you like...or you can continue to moan about it here.
Good luck with your quest for hybrids and hacking discussion and sharing.
Cool story bro đź‘Ť
I dont understand how some of you keep picking on mods like this even after such a good point has been given like the one above.
If you go back and read his answers again and have a little bit of common sense then you'd realize that he's not only talking about the lowering of cars and the widening of wheelbase.
There's more things you're capable of doing with this. Some of wich I bet you're already familiar with (putting crazy amounts of BHP under the hood of your car to completely ruin online racing for instance).
Arguing with mods is always going to be pointless cause there's no way that they're ever going to feel intimidated by you.
/I'm done now.
Firstly, I'm not picking on the mods. I'm trying to understand why they are doing things the way they are.
No one is trying to intimidate mods...and I hope non of the mods are trying to intimidate members. The members and the mods should be able to have a mature discussion about what type of content is allowed on the site. Of course, mods have the final say...but it would be nice if they toned down the "my way of the highway" attitude.
Of course there are all kinds of things you can do to your car that will effect their performance online....which is why this whole issue of not being able to discuss chassis swaps is
. The staff has said it's ok to talk about building and trading 3000hp civics (which can effect online play), but they're saying it's not ok to discuss which chassis fit under which bodies (which has no effect on performance, hence no effect on online play)....
Why are people arguing with the mods about this....the rules are laid out for us all. If you don't like it...LEAVE and make your own forum.
And questioning if the mods are on some sort of earner from PD is just insulting. Maybe the owners want to stay on the right side of legality and not risk the wrath of a big company who look on GTPlanet favourably.
Just leave it, you've been told how it is so grow up abit and move on...enjoy your hacks.
Look, it's GTP's number one