GTP V8 Supercars Round 5: Midfield Raceway ***RESULTS***

  • Thread starter Stiggy
New South Wales

Race Length & Information:V8 Supercars/Class 1 - 14 laps, V8 Production/Class 2 - 7 Laps

This is a sprint round so you can choose from hard and soft compound tyres and only one set of the soft tyres is allowed.

Car Specifications:
Ford Falcon XR8 Race Car: Power - 600hp (+0) Weight - 1309kg (-3)
Chevrolet Camaro Race Car: Power - 593hp (+0) Weight - (approx.) 1250kg (+8)
FPV GT: Power - 391hp (+1) Weight - 1660kg (-9)
Holden Commodore SS: Power - 390hp (+19) Weight - 1624kg (-2)

Entrants List

V8 Supercars/Class 1
5. LSX, Camaro, LSX Engineering
33. AyJay, Camaro, Garry Rogers Motorsport
38. CAMikaze, Falcon XR8, Team GTP
44. LancerEvo7GSR, Falcon XR8, East Coast Motorsports
54. viperin, Falcon XR8, Map O'Tassie
56. oldmodelt, Camaro, Vintage Motors Inc.
60. Irons, Falcon XR8, Honor Tuning Motorsport
77. C-ZETA, Falcon XR8, Corsa dell'Italia-Australia
87. oscarhardwick, Camaro, Tal-ko Performance Racing
90. GTsail290, Falcon XR8, Paul's Offshore Racing Team
95. TheStig13, Falcon XR8, Ford Australia Racing Team

V8 Production/Class 2
1. Pitracer100, FPV GT, Swift Pits Motorsport
02. Irons, FPV GT, Honor Tuning Motorsport
13. TheStig13, FPV GT, Ford Austraila Racing Team
16. oscarhardwick, Holden Commodore SS, Tal-ko Performance Racing
23, LancerEvo7GSR, FPV GT, East Coast Motorsport
34, AyJay, Holden Commodore SS, Garry Rogers Motorsport
55, LSX, Holden Commodore SS, LSX Engineering
56. oldmodelt, FPV GT, Vintage Motors Inc
88. C-ZETA, Holden Commodore SS, Corsa dell'Italia-Australia
90. GTsail290, Holden Commodore SS, Paul's Offshore Racing Team
98. viperin, FPV GT, Map 'o Tassie (guest car)

Rookie Of The Year competitors:


Results & Series Standings

Points: 1st: 10, 2nd: 8, 3rd: 6, 4th: 5, 5th: 4, 6th: 3, 7th: 2, 8th: 1, bonus point for fastest lap

Race Rules- Standard online rules apply
- No shortcuts and try to keep at least 2 wheels on the track at all times
- No wall-riding
- You MUST use the specifications provided
- Forced pit entry is to be used
- You must make at least 1 compulsory pitstop for tyres. If you don't make a pit stop (drive-throughs don't count) you will get a 40 second penalty
- TCS & ASM can be turned on
- AI - any level
- If you submit your time late you will recieve a 30 second penalty
- Tyre wear must be set to strong

PM me with the following details filled in before the deadline of Saturday 5th December 11:59pm GMT. Times will still be accepted until the Tuesday after the deadline, but a 30 second penalty will be applied. Deadline Extended till Tuesday due to low number of participants

User Name:
Total Time:
Fastest Lap:
No. of Pits + Drive Through Penalties:

Hope you will enjoy the race



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Looking forward to it.

Is it okay if I have another Drive in the Production class ? I like Midfield and would enjoy trying both classes here.

AH, Midfield Raceway!

A nice long straight, so my Commodore can stretch its sea legs! A little extra weight should make my Commodore scream down the hills!:) I just hope it has the brakes to stop at the bottom!

I hope team PORT can find the race track, they are driving the car hauler with the Ford Falcon inside, and the directions I gave them were somewhat confusing. I am driving the Commodore over myself since you can't get enough practice, even at highway speeds (well maybe faster than highway speeds:guilty:).

Enjoy the racing,
G'Day all,
Just a quick post to those who have the link to vids.
I have uploaded a vid from round one.
Not the Race I submitted, but another effort which was much quicker, but I did not enter, as I tapped a couple of walls and was a bit too aggressive with some of the AI.
Otherwise it was pretty much identical, I ended up producing a vid of this effort as the other has been probably overwritten. Oh well.
You know where to look.

I was thinking maybe a one stopper for this but I dunno ?
Might have to play safe and go for two.

Times submitted. Took two days off and ran some Tourist Trophy races. Funny thing is that I have spent the last 3 weeks on the Ring. One on the Ducati999. One in the Merc for #34. And weds nite and thurs on the Honda162. So not much strategy went into this week. One shot and out.

V8 Production was pretty simple. Ran on SS until they were red. Supercars was a diff. matter. I ran on RH and then switched to RS. Doing the Supercars 2nd even on the RH they stuck like glue compared to the Sport ones from the Production side. And I one stopped both races.

Viperin. Do me a favor and two stop the Supercars. I could use the extra 30 secs it will cost you. 💡
G'day all -
I've run a few races in the V8 Production class, and I'm starting to run consistent laps. I'm running in the mid 1.21's on sport soft tires. Not much more time will be found for a single lap, but my overall time should drop because I'm getting held up by some AI road-blocks and I am losing over a second due to them.

The Mid-field Raceway is such a nice track:tup: even if it is a bit simple.

Enjoy the racing!

Viperin. Do me a favor and two stop the Supercars. I could use the extra 30 secs it will cost you. 💡

Sorry but had a rethink about that and decided not to do it, although I was tempted to do a stint on RS just to try for fastest lap.Some test races managed a 1 ' 04 . xxx

In the Proddy class had a lot of trouble with AI getting in the way as well.
They spoiled quite a few good runs and I had to cancel a Race with a lightning quick fastest lap ( low 1 '19 's , curses !!! ).
Managed to finally get a valid race done but not overly excited about it, felt I could have done a lot better. Oh well.
Also felt the FPV was way overgeared for this track, shame cannot adjust gearing as for the Supercars.
Had to work today at short notice so I have run out of time to have any more attempts so times submitted and I am done 👍
Good luck all.
In the Proddy class had a lot of trouble with AI getting in the way as well.
They spoiled quite a few good runs and I had to cancel a Race with a lightning quick fastest lap ( low 1 '19 's , curses !!! ).
Managed to finally get a valid race done but not overly excited about it, felt I could have done a lot better. Oh well.
Also felt the FPV was way overgeared for this track, shame cannot adjust gearing as for the Supercars.....

If you are running in the 1.19's I don't stand a chance! I'm not even sniffing at 1.19's. I may give it one more go, but I lack the time today to spend any more time on this.:(

I concurr with your comment on the gearing. Even though Mid-field has a nice long straight, I do not get into sixth gear. Adjusting the gearing would be nice, but then we would not be in pure "stock" cars.

👎 By the skin of my teeth for the deadline. Didn't run V8 Production, I'm sure my V8 Supercar run is nothing to write home about. Busy week, hope to do better next race.
Too Busy, will not be able to compete. Oh hey! The deadline's extended! I'm in this for sure!
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Does this mean we can resubmit and I can paste the hair I've pulled out back to my scalp :lol: ?

If not I'll just try harder next time.
Does this mean we can resubmit and I can paste the hair I've pulled out back to my scalp :lol: ?

If not I'll just try harder next time.

Paste away my friend, paste away, although I think "Follicular Hair Fusion" may be a better bet ;)

Extended deadline wont help me unfortunately as I will just have no time to try again in earnest until later in the week.
Happy with my work so far though, must be because of watching my channeled medium ( aka J.Whincup winning back to back titles 👍 ).
Pity the last races were on another stupid concrete canyon street course though, they just do not suit the V8's at all :yuck:
Congrats to Viperin and GTsail290 for the 1,2 finish. Looks like the old guys are schooling the youngsters in track management. Unfortunately, I'm living up to the "old guys don't know when to hang it up" moniker. Will have more time to put into next weeks' races.
Nicely done everyone!

A nice tight pack in both divisions!

Congratulations to Viperin in getting the FPV GT to really hustle at Mid-Field!

Yeah, there as a mistake with the fastest lap award, I did NOT run a 1'04:xxx but the slowest lap, a 1'07:xxx. Good job GTsail. Though I notice AyJay ran a 1'05:xxx and didn't get the lap awarded, I don't have any idea what the circumstances are or were. But anyhow, I just wanted to clear that up.

Congrats Viper on the blowout!
... Though I notice AyJay ran a 1'05:xxx and didn't get the lap awarded, I don't have any idea what the circumstances are or were. But anyhow, I just wanted to clear that up.

D'oh! :dunce:

EDIT: Fixed.
Wow, fastest lap! Surprised even me :dopey: I was feeling really confident with Midfield as it's one of the tracks I'm more experienced on, and I guess that's shown in... well, that lap, the rest wasn't so hot :guilty: Great racing to all! Meet you all at HSR, I'll be there early getting some extra practice in! 👍
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Wow, fastest lap! Surprised even me :dopey: I was feeling really confident with Midfield as it's one of the tracks I'm more experienced on, and I guess that's shown in... well, that lap, the rest wasn't so hot :guilty: Great racing to all! Meet you all at HSR, I'll be there early getting some extra practice in! 👍

Well done on fastest lap, a great time.
Well done to everyone especially GTsail290 for making me work so hard :nervous:.
It seems it paid off though, I felt I had done pretty well as I am quite fond of Midfield and I was aiming to be very consistent and avoid running off track or running into dopey AI.
I am very pleased I did even better than I thought :) so the disaster of New York is now long forgotten 👍

Sort of looking forward to HSR and should be able to stretch the legs of both Cars again ( provided I can secure the guest Proddy drive again ? ), but I do sometimes get a bit edgy here.
We will see.
Viper, you feel free to drive the #55 Production class LSX Engineering Commodore at HSR if you'd like. I trust you to keep it out of the wall :lol:.

Yes, congrats to you guys for constantly being the front runners up to the half way point so far. I hope I can pick it up sometime this season and break into a win. I had laid down some mean fast laps at Midfield in V8 Supercars, just I'd overshoot turn 1 and be off in the grass, so I'd have to restart. Not to mention the softs KILLED my strategy in the pits. I think the time I submitted originally was the fast lap from one of those runs, which is scattered on my notes in where I ran 15+ races. It came less than ten minutes before the deadline where I had a TOTALLY clean run, it was slow but clean so I handed it in. My schedule is pretty clear this week, so we're looking good at LSX Engineering for the Supercar class.

Unless I find someone to fill a full time role in the #55 Production Commodore, I'll only be running at select events with it. Anyhow, see ya guys at HSR, I have a feeling it's going to be a tight field!
Viper, you feel free to drive the #55 Production class LSX Engineering Commodore at HSR if you'd like. I trust you to keep it out of the wall :lol:.

Unless I find someone to fill a full time role in the #55 Production Commodore, I'll only be running at select events with it. Anyhow, see ya guys at HSR, I have a feeling it's going to be a tight field!

Thanks for the offer ! I am sorely tempted as LSX Engineering has a very high reputation.
I dont think my Ford sponsors would be too happy though :grumpy:
I suppose I could drop the FPV GT guest drive for one round just to try the Commodore out ?
I will think about it and see what the contractual repercussions might be :)
I'm pleased with my podium finish in the V8 Supercars class. I hope I can repeat that performance a few more times this season. ;)
So long as you only beat me once per class. :)

Not so sure I can even manage once for both classes this round :indiff:

Okay, as there were no major objections I will swap from guest drive in Map o' Tassie FPV GT to a Holden Commodore for this round
( Dick Johnson would be spinning in his grave, if he was actually dead that is :dopey: ).

I will be guesting for LSX Engineering as you never know, I might be looking for a job soon !
So far I have only given the Supercar a run and have a clean Race in the Bank.One stop, 200 points Race, best lap low 1 '05's
I am toying with a change of strategy though so I might improve yet.

I have also uploaded video replays from Midfield and they have been added to the folder you have access to.
Videos slightly clunky due to PC suffering trauma after virus attack, all better now though I had to get OS repaired and some other arcane practices carried out on machine.
