GTP vs. Wham - Last Year's Thread

  • Thread starter Daniel
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Had a small bout of paranoia at work today. :scared:

I noticed that one of the teachers had left one of the Christmas Ad videos paused on the computer and given that (A) this teacher has played music in the past and (B) that I didn't know which Christmas ads are safe, I started to ever so slightly panic.

I figure that if it was Wham! infested, I'd rather be nowhere near that classroom when it was played.

So in summary, unwhamed, but slightly more on edge for when the December part of this challenge starts up.
I wish I'd seen this sooner, is it too late to officially enter? I'm working (part-time) in a charity shop at the moment, last year they loaded up Heart/Christmas CD's once December rolled in... :nervous:
Come to think of it, it would've been an actual game for me if the rule didn't apply if I was at work. I mean, I could've at least have the opportunity to cover my ears and run out of a store. :lol:

Next year.
Dodged another bullet after being made to go out to eat tonight at my local hotel. They had all their Christmas decorations up and were playing Christmas songs, but I got out of there before any Wham would come on.

I can't keep this up much longer guys. :nervous:
Rarely switch on my car-radio (I take a lot of short trips and can't be bothered synching in and out of the radio's blahblah) but just to live dangerously popped the button on my steering wheel.
Nearly went off the road - I was lambasted immediately by the someone yelling that Santa Claus is coming to town.
That was it. Radio off. Santa can go to hell. And take George with him.

Wham-free for now.

On another note - spent hours in a local Walmart - and no music at all! Just silence with the occasional plea over the speakers about carry-out help, or price checks, or someone called to someone's office.
Which announcements occurred every minute or so - so I guess they took George-music off their sales-technique and have learned that silence is sometimes golden.
Rarely switch on my car-radio (I take a lot of short trips and can't be bothered synching in and out of the radio's blahblah) but just to live dangerously popped the button on my steering wheel.
Nearly went off the road - I was lambasted immediately by the someone yelling that Santa Claus is coming to town.
That was it. Radio off. Santa can go to hell. And take George with him.

Wham-free for now.

On another note - spent hours in a local Walmart - and no music at all! Just silence with the occasional plea over the speakers about carry-out help, or price checks, or someone called to someone's office.
Which announcements occurred every minute or so - so I guess they took George-music off their sales-technique and have learned that silence is sometimes golden.

Not sure if it applies to Canada but from what I remember, there was some sort of dispute that ended up having Wal-Mart Never playing the official "last Christmas" ever since, henceforth the taylor swift/somesingeryou'veneverheardof covers.
Oh! Really?
Not sure what the shenanigans in the Boardroom were, but I can tell you it was enjoyable to shop with only the sounds of people laughing or chatting around me, or all the other sounds that came my way. Like children screaming in the HW aisle.
I went in to buy a jacket for my son, and we ended up blowing almost $300.00 on various other things.
No music? Walmart got my gold in their till.

And I meant no music at all. Whoever the manager was that moment, they decided to give the rock'n'roller shift the shaft.

Then again it could be a ploy to make me return when the Whamager was on duty.
Almost at one month and the car radio is getting repaired, so I'm safe for now.

Unless of course @Jordan decides to take us all out with a second Whammassacre :P but that won't happen till soon before Christmas (I think :scared:)
Surprise family meal out today. I wasn't aware till an hour before. The restaurant was fully decked out for Christmas and serving Christmas meals 2/3/4 courses etc but no Xmas music on. Getting closer.
I'm brave and I'm up for this. Didn't get whammed last year, so let's give this an official shot! Already had a close call with a Mariah Carey cover (thank god the portuguese love this cover)!
You also have @Terronium-12 to worry about too since he's out of the contest. He's just as much of a threat.

And don't you forget it. Thanksgiving got the better of me so I wasn't able to do anything (not literally of course, I just couldn't be arsed) other than loaf about, but that Thanksgiving weekend.

Tomorrow is a new week, yes?
I embrace all. With Wham!

And you can't ignore a moderator here either.

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