GTP vs. Wham - RIP George Michael

  • Thread starter Daniel
Michael's death while sad seems to have unleashed a dangerous Wham aura for those who survived Christmas, infecting anyone willing to go on mainstream media.

I'd imagine this aura will also linger on to next year for a year anniversary tribute.

@Jordan isn't going to be the only dangerous Wham inducer anymore ;)
Every time I hear someone mention they got Whammed by liking something, I start to think @Jordan had this in mind:

As for George, I don't like that he died, but I do like the song. RIP.
Once again I need to honestly state that last Christmas is one of the best Christmas songs ever. You're all just on the anti bandwagon here.
Maybe so, but I don't care for it in any version, and Christmas music generally irritates me. Dunno why.
Local shopping malls are now turning against me by playing Last Christmas covers. To think a few years back their playlist only consist of Jingle Bells and other festive songs...

Only 3 days left now. :nervous:

And yes, I remember the next scene but that's not the point here.
The amount of Christmas music heard has drastically been reduced since this past weekend, I'm still good.

Like I'm struggling to remember which one I last heard, but can still hear the same crappy Drake song in my head. :boggled:
As glad as I am to have made it this far, there's the big fear that New Years Celebrations might be abit more Whammy this year.

Almost liked a comment before remembering what happens when you do:
