GTP weekly character drawing comp # 1: free for all.

  • Thread starter Cano


ok, as the comunity voted "damn yes" in the poll, we WILL be doing this stuff. for the first week, we will make this one a free for all. That is, you have to design a character. I remember that we tried this one some time ago and it was a disaster, so try to get this right now and participate, even if your drawing is just a doodle. Again, and as the car comps, I run this one so everyone that wants to practice can get to develop, if a little, his/her skills, so be no afraid.
your character can be WHATEVER you want, from a new york hooker to a dog (or a new york hooker with a dog) to an alien to a robot to a damn car with eyes, I dunno, just make something. this week it's free for all, so there are no rules, except one: the damn character MUST, I repeat, MUUUUUST be yours, your design, ok? in the upcoming weeks we'll have base characters, that will range from anime to comic strips to historic figures to Disney. but for now, simply get to draw an original character, it aint that much to ask. you have one week, as this competition will last till monday (BUT we will have the next one posted sunday, just as the car comp) and you can't neither use photoshop to phisically alter your drawing. get to draw people, I want to see what kind of sick mind you all have.

well i voted yes in the poll and here is my entry hope you all like. ps im only going to post the head of the character, ass its got rude bits on. so if your not into rude then just look at the image posted, but if you want to see the full image click the link and you will see the ful image. ;)


Full image

The history behind this art is that its for a survival horror game that we* had to create for games design last semester, it was one of the main characters in the game, the game was based on a small mid-Americn town called Cottonwood in the 1970's. hope you like ;)

* Simon aka loop, Tom aka TJK, Kyle and me (I did the concept art for the bad guys)
I could enter this I just have to see if I get the time to enter this and to do the drawing.
wow, i just found that my computer for has a crapload of media stuff. photoshop and flash are the ****.....i think im gonna try and copy them to my pocket drive. :D
sprite, that is AMMAZING!!! incredible!!!! creepy! awesome!!!
my entry is almost ready. it may be on tomorrow. its a girl (:


and, erm, people, are you sure you want to do this? as Oosacker says, this is familiar....
ok, I think this isnt having the success the poll had suggested. Its also gonna be extended till next sunday, and we'll see if people comes up with something. THEN we'll do one with a base character. if that one fails too, lets say bye to the character comp. Mine will be here tomorrow, or maybe tonite.


i couldnt think of anything to do so i did a revision.

sorry about my lateness....some crap has been going on at school. i hate this babbling idiot that's supposed to be my 'teacher'.
that guy looks like a damn rappper XD but hey, its indeed good. The beard looks like wolverine. he needs a gun.


more, come on
a rapper??? about no. try hitman. :D i can draw him with guns too.
oops I forgot to read all of Cano's post heh:dunce: i'll try to find the original drawing.


"unknown pilot"

Did that when i was in highschool which was bout eh 6 years ago. I lost the bmp format which totally sucked so now the colors look all messed up. I didnt really give much thought into the helmet so it looks pretty crappy heh heh. Brown socks and green shoes rock!
Here's mine. Just a quick one...


  • balddragon.jpg
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oops I forgot to read all of Cano's post heh:dunce: i'll try to find the original drawing.


"unknown pilot"

Did that when i was in highschool which was bout eh 6 years ago. I lost the bmp format which totally sucked so now the colors look all messed up. I didnt really give much thought into the helmet so it looks pretty crappy heh heh. Brown socks and green shoes rock!

err... dude, you werent suposed to use photoshop in ANY way, you CANT colour the thing with photosop. if you get some colour on it, you might colour it with marker, pencils, or letting it in line-art. your entry wont be posted in the poll if it stays that way, you'd need to provide the b/w or hand-coloured illustration. sorry, but it was stated clearly in the first post. and the drawing is VERY cool, I liked it a lot, but you have to attain the rules here. you still have some time to get the b/w one in here

chaser, that guy is awesoe, the drawing is very funny! way to go :D
now mine! I was talking with Chaser last nite and was tellin him the story I'd like to develop around this girl, seeking vengenace and quitting to her humanity in order to achieve it... here, I tried to mix up the gangsterile 1920s-30s look with some modern touches, as the story would be told in the near future. meh, just look at it:

err... dude, you werent suposed to use photoshop in ANY way, you CANT colour the thing with photosop. if you get some colour on it, you might colour it with marker, pencils, or letting it in line-art. your entry wont be posted in the poll if it stays that way, you'd need to provide the b/w or hand-coloured illustration. sorry, but it was stated clearly in the first post. and the drawing is VERY cool, I liked it a lot, but you have to attain the rules here. you still have some time to get the b/w one in here


yeah my bad.