GTP weekly Drawing Competition, week 3: DeTomaso Pantera! :drool:

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Originally posted by drawingdeep
Took me alot of rough work to get up to this drawing. So i present my first 3d dun dun dun (not exactly first , first if you count the fact you cant see my cyclinders!!!)Ok, I dont kno how to post pictures but it said it was to big so I had to crop my sig and **** so please do not write in your on signature,

OH YEAH! now that's the kinda work we neeed here. very good dude, very good shading, magnificent way to handle your light sources. weee, we have more entries! what do we do? poll now or do we wait more?


the last one also looks good.
I dunno,
Give it till Monday I say. Yo driftr that ****ing ownz, I love it. I hung it up in my room!!!(i swear it looks ****in sikk).
Da Bains(o ya wait for vipfreak I think he'll have an entry :lol: )
Originally posted by skip0110
looks real nice, driftR. Put in some shading, ad you just might steal my vote!



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vipfreak, dont feel bad; I would give my left nut to be able to draw that well. And very nice, driftR. You got my vote. It's a nice interpretation.
how come yours sucks vipfreak? it looks very good! and driftr looks cool also, but its too riced out :irked:
very good job all of you. we have really cool entries, this will be really good competition. do we post the poll now? or do we wait a bit more?

I feel embarassed to post that because my wheels are bad and then there's a lot of other things wrong with it... It doesn't look professional. I didn't want to dissapoint everyone so I tried to do one even though I have a lot of work to do. I feel like instead I'm brinking down the competition. Oh well, hopefully the next contest will be better for me.

Originally posted by VipFREAK
I feel embarassed to post that because my wheels are bad and then there's a lot of other things wrong with it... It doesn't look professional. I didn't want to dissapoint everyone so I tried to do one even though I have a lot of work to do. I feel like instead I'm brinking down the competition. Oh well, hopefully the next contest will be better for me.


well, yeah, your wheels DO look bad, they lack detail and even volume. but hey, it is a quickie. besides, I like the "bodykit" you penned for the car, nothing too outrageous (not like, say, driftr) but something that goes well with the complete car. I like it. if you just gave the wheels one more level of shading it would look better.


poll? or not yet?
Come on, Its time for the poll, it seems that everyone that was interested enterd, but its completly up to you, its your competition.
Originally posted by VipFREAK
Hey I was just wondering but are any of you guys using templates or french curves for your drawings?


not at all dude, but I sometimes think I should. the poll will be up tonight.


a car has beeen already suggested for next week. its ugggggly as hell¡
Vipers are my favorite car so i shed a tear lol. And for all the ppl that say they rather have a toyota supra because it can beat a viper(if its modded up to the max) in a 1/ mile. Who would you rather be the guy that goes home in the supra or the viper?
Originally posted by drawingdeep
Vipers are my favorite car so i shed a tear lol. And for all the ppl that say they rather have a toyota supra because it can beat a viper(if its modded up to the max) in a 1/ mile. Who would you rather be the guy that goes home in the supra or the viper?

Nah, it's more like why the hell would you want to get a supra, spend another 30 grand "suping" it up, and end up with a crotch rocket. :odd: :rolleyes: You can get a Viper no "cheating power needed, no extra money needed and you can still smoke people... because hey lets face it, peeps with suped up cars need as much power as possible because they have to use it to catch up going on the straights. Oh yeah... and it's not "go home in a supra or Viper" it's the chick and I go home in the Viper :mischievous: 👍

havent been on for a week- maybe 2 and loads for entries- so i just rushed mine together:

also have to use your imagination a little bit as it wasn't scanned- had to take a pic of it :(
it really is a lot cleaner than this....
if i can scan it as some point at a mates i will do......