ive noticed that some of the images that have been created here are a little out, perspective wise mine included, and since i drew that 10 years ago ive learnt how to draw in perspective sort off and i was wandering if you guys would welcome a tutorial of sorts on this subject, if so where would i post it ? let me know if you want this and i will put it up. but the art looks really good and keep up the good work guys.
I'd like to see that tut, maybe put it in the photography/ graphics forum if that is OK with the mods here.
I could use a few pointers myself, all of my attempts at a V1 Viper turn out looking like kitted miatas that have been in an accident.
very nice all of you. That thing is nice Sprite, and that was when you were twleve? amazing. nice one too i60r, very funny. now, as I was out of the city for 3 dyas, I didnt have the chance to make one, but I had already drawn one some time ago, by memoty, so dont you even think that is very good, but it's something:
so, we have the poll right now. Sorry for everyone that didnt make it to the deadline, Chaser and Vipfreak said they would be in... sorry guys =/
Yes, sorry about that. I would have done something, but I had to get a magazine ad. together at late notice Still, nice work guys - I like the blue one. I wish I could have done that when I was a lad.
very nice vette-drift (I hopw I will never see your nick becomin a reality, but as even cobras are drifting nowadays, who know...), its a pity you didnt get the scaner before deadline
I don't how I missed this thread, but hey sometimes I skim through the site to quickly.
The comp is over, but I figured I would share anyway. This is just something from my sketch book I did in a couple hours, and I never finished. Its apart of my profolio now.