GTP Weekly DRAWING contest - week 2 - Ugliest car ever!!!

  • Thread starter Cano
Originally posted by DODGE the VIPER
Haha, I really went over the top on this some inspiration from a big of Euro, Japan, and American in this:
051003-AMC Pacer Wagon.jpg
:tup:nice job
hahaha, that is weird dodge. just one question, how you get in, with the zoomies right in the middle of the door? :P
And oosacker, its COOL you came!!!! my PM worked (:
So, dude, would you join? if you will, I will give this comp ONE MORE DAY, just to see if oosacker crancks out someting. if he doesnt for tomorrow, we will have the poll. dig? dig.


oh, and a few things:
- oosacker, your avatar is cool :D Nausicaa absolutely ****ing rules.
- Drifterzzzzzzzzzzzz (yeah, I fel asleep reading yer post) get a grammar book. as for the 32 ford hot rod drawings, you will be able to see plenty of them when my web page is released. just hold on. I will of course announce it here on gtp (:

few things.
yeah i know my english bad sorry ... ... btw thats girl sketch is fron final fantasy mayb ( yuna ) btw nicezz drawing

one more thing cano can u give a site contain all hotrod cars ...:D
a web site with all hot rod cars? there are millions. in fact, you have a hot rod in yer avatar. as does punk rock and many many more GTP members who have modified cars in their avatar. every page about modified cars are about hot rods, as the term hot rod is simply a car that has been modified to attain higher levels of performance. wheter they are from japan, america, europe, australia, or wherever doesnt matter. hot rodding is absolutely the same as "tunning" or "modifying" or whatever you want to call it. every car that is modified is a hot rod. or a tuned car. or a modified car. or whatever you want to call it. hot rodding isnt jut limited to merican cars, it embraces all. that is my view of hot rodder and that is why I proclaim myself as a hot rodder. I love modded cars, from everywhere. for me, a stock car is nothing but a blank canvas so you can add that spice.


if ehat you want is a page abut modified old american cars and the such, try thousands of links to many hot rod stuff, and try for thousands of pics. there.
oh, and sorry for the little rant ^-^
thanks cano ... i ask u cause i want to make a chop with the week 41 some diffrent so i want to find the goos angle cars ...then ...hehehehe since everybody chops car with present cars & i want to make a diffrent ... i loved make diffrent like others ... anyway thanks ...;)
so you really gonna enter this one!!! SO EFFIN COOL!!!! thanks man for coming around, I hope to see you around each week :D and cant really wait to see what you draw from that pos XD


hey, I LOVE pencil!
hahaha, that is weird dodge. just one question, how you get in, with the zoomies right in the middle of the door?

Heh, I was thinking about that. You see, the door opens straight up and down, not gullwing, but scissor. :D And to get out you kick down the exhaust of course! :P
Thanks Cano for the hotrod's link :D
And you're absolutely right about hotrodding being about modifying cars ;)
Maybe I'll enter one of these drawing competitions in the future.. the pacer didn't really get my inspiration going.
oosacker, that front end is VERY cool, i'd imagine that's what a 2004 pacer would look like exactly.

Originally posted by driver
is this shut yet?

looks like it. that redesign is cool oosacker!! a new pacer. And it maybe would be really saleable, thanks to the huge compact market :D


well, poll time (: