hahaha, that is weird dodge. just one question, how you get in, with the zoomies right in the middle of the door?

And oosacker, its COOL you came!!!! my PM worked (:
So, dude, would you join? if you will, I will give this comp ONE MORE DAY, just to see if oosacker crancks out someting. if he doesnt for tomorrow, we will have the poll. dig? dig.
oh, and a few things:
- oosacker, your avatar is cool

Nausicaa absolutely ****ing rules.
- Drifterzzzzzzzzzzzz (yeah, I fel asleep reading yer post) get a grammar book. as for the 32 ford hot rod drawings, you will be able to see plenty of them when my web page is released. just hold on. I will of course announce it here on gtp (:
few things.