Whoever came in 2nd, consider it a room B victory really. Bart would have wiped any of us in the A room. The hard part is we have no stewards in D3 or D4 and we can't have official races without an official steward in the lounge to direct things and make sure everyone it so spec. I asked a couple weeks ago if there were any drivers interested and the response was less than overwhelming. So each week the slower lounge is going to have a ringer... sometimes they aren't going to just watch and do nothing for an hour like I did for the EU-C race and they are going to want to drive... we're not going to ask them to take their time and sit on their hands, especially in Bart's case when it was 4 AM in the morning. If we get some stewards from D3 and D4 then we'll protect you guys from sharks like Bart. Until then, save the replays and watch his every move and learn his tricks.