GTP WRS-Online : Event 105 : Classic ENDURANCE - September 11

  • Thread starter Gravitron
I hope to be back in time to race in this one, ive signed up as reserve for now.
Just registered, looking forward to this one. :)
I've hopped in the lounge for a bit of practice if anyone wants to join 👍

Edit: Ok scratch that, had to run sadly, hopefully will be in later on though if anyones about :D
Sorry, I forgot to announce that. We're currently thinking around 35, but reserve the right to bump that up or down by 2, pending more testing tonight.

I'll edit the OP and leave the 35 orange.
I've had to update my status for both races to reserve. I should know early on Wednesday whether or not I can make either of the races.

The following Daytona-specific Pit details have been added to the OP:

Pit Entry and Exit Guidelines
  • Standard Verbiage
  • ...
  • Safe Pit Entry: Drivers must keep all four tires within the white lines on pit road entry and must avoid contact with walls. There is no specific speed limit on entry, but the driver may need to slow significantly in order to stay within the boundaries and avoid wall contact. If the boundaries are crossed or wall contact is made the driver can avoid penalty by lifting off the throttle completely for 2 seconds after the car is released from the pits to "self-penalize" otherwise a penalty will be incurred after the race.
  • At Daytona the system imposes an automatic pit penalty if a driver enters the pit too fast. You're responsible for understanding this limit or risk being held in the pits or if you enter way too fast having the AI drive right past your pit and getting a drive through penalty. Also, if you are going to pit be sure to drop down off the banked section early when approaching your pit, dive bombing from the banked section at the last second is not safe and could incur a penalty at the stewards discretion.
  • Safe Pit Exit: Drivers must keep all four tires within the white lines on pit road exit and cannot cross over to the racing line until after the white line has ended. As always, when exiting pit road the driver is responsible for a safe entry onto the racing line and must "yield" to oncoming traffic. Any incident resulting from an unsafe exit will result in a drive through penalty (30 secs) for the driver exiting the pits.
  • At Daytona drivers must use the small exit road when exiting the pits and may not exit directly into turn 1 or incur a 30 second penalty plus additional infractions if an incident results. See picture below.

Heading in for some practice in a few mins.
You guys open practice lobby today evening?


Official Practice Times
  • EU: Tuesdays @ 3:00 PM Eastern | 12:00 PM Pacific | 19:00 GMT
  • NA: Tuesdays @ 7:00 PM Eastern | 4:00 PM Pacific | 23:00 GMT
  • Pre-Race: The lounge is open for pre-race practice approximately 1 hour prior to the official start of each event.

Someone will open the room at or before 19:00 and post here when it's open.

The NA timeslot is not very regular, but the EU slot is busy every week.
I just opened the lobby up for practice. Come join me!

Edit: So far Immortal and Rikson in here, I will have to go for dinner soonish, but will try get back in afterwards if guys are still around.
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I'm getting caught up in things that is delaying my entrance... I'll be there eventually... maybe when you are back from dinner.
I'll withdraw from the race.
Simply don't have the skills to handle this car in stream.
It's even worse then I thought in advance,and I'm glad I discovered it in the practise lounge.
Don't want to ruin anyone's race tomorrow.
Have fun all.
That was a nice practice. Learned a lot about drafting and dirty air. If the car is approached with respect, the racing will be awesome.
Tim setup the lounge, and I'm joining him for some practice. Feel free to join.
Thanks for the practice Lucas... I don't feel too bad about 10-12 laps now even with draft, but I'm not sure how I'm going to manage the tires for 17 or 18 laps. :scared: The car gets quite crazy for me at the end of the stints to the point where I can't make any turn without sliding and having to save it... might just have to do 2 pits and hope.

PS> Confirmed for NA, but still reserve for EU.
Signed up. Will be trying to run in the car prior to race since I haven't done any TT-laps. Tried a couple yesterday and managed a couple of 41's, so I guess I should be able not to stink too badly.

Don't have a clue about tyre wear I'll be getting, but I can imagine it won't be too much fun driving this one on worn tyres. Think I'll try one long run before race-time...
Sorry guys have to cancel for this one bit tired and had no practice so would just be a wrecking ball if I were to race (pun intended for anyone that gets it :P). Also took me about an hour to finally get the car yesterday and by that time I didn't have time to practice kept getting that freaking mazda from the ticket.

ps: when is academy coming back?
One minor change to the details post... the formation lap speed was incorrectly specified and is now set to the standard 62 mph / 100 kph.

Formation Lap
  • A steward will exit track, view the live timing monitor and announce the order after qualification while all drivers remain on track.
  • All drivers should exit track after the order is announced and enter the pits. When all drivers are in the pits a steward will start the race.
  • After the system places you on the grid drivers should proceed into stagger formation in order.
  • Pole sitter will choose his/her preferred side of the track.
  • There should be no overlap between cars in the staggered formation.
  • Speed limit on formation lap is 62 mph / 100 km/h and pole sitter should maintain this speed (or less) to keep pack together, in particular in the final sector.
  • Weaving or other tire warming procedures are NOT allowed during the formation lap.
  • Pole sitter will exit the last corner and take care to give enough time to allow all cars behind to safely exit the final corner.
  • Start marker for Road Course - Daytona is the start/finish line.
  • The pole sitter should start the race by accelerating to race pace at the identified start marker (track specific and may or may not be the start/finish line).
  • All other drivers should accelerate after the driver in front of you does so.
  • No passing is allowed before the start marker.
  • Be cautious and courteous in the first turn. Dive bombing will be penalized and will not be tolerated.

Pablo, if you have any questions on the rolling start procedures, the following video should explain it all.

During quali at the event start time (1 untimed out-lap plus 2 timed hot-laps) drivers must spread out at least 8-10 seconds on track. The best way to do this is to queue up/park just outside the pits where you have a view of the map... in this case queue up *after* the exit of the extended pit road and just before the first right turn. Then each driver should launch in order at 8-10 second intervals.

There is enough room in this combo for 10 drivers on track with 10 second intervals. If we get more than 10 drivers in the lounge we'll split qualifying into two groups to avoid any issues. It generally works best if the "faster" drivers exit pits first and get to the front of the queue and the "slower" drivers pause a few seconds before exiting. We don't enforce that strictly, but it does allow us to keep the gaps from getting smaller during the race. It doesn't really pay for a slow driver to be worrying about being caught from behind during the two laps.

After your second hot lap, just park on track until a steward has recorded and announced all drivers times. Once all drivers have qualified we'll announce the order and start the race with a formation lap to sort out the order regardless of initial grid placement.
The main lounge (GTP_3D3Racing) is open for pre-race warm up.

Moved to GTP_3D3_A for mics-disabled.
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I'm not gunna stream tonight I don't think. Not really feeling it, so sorry to anyone who was gunna watch :guilty:

And I'm joining the lounge any minute.
All reserves have shown up and we're going to be 13 so moving to the mic-disabled A lounge: GTP_3D3_A.

Give me about 5 minutes to set it up and I'll update this post.

UPDATE: Lounge A is now ready.
Incompatibility with room owner...:yuck:

It's the same owner as before (me). just quit and clear cache... we'll wait... we are qualifying in two groups so worst case scenario you can get in group 2.
Incompatibility with room owner...:yuck:

Trying rebooting now...

Yeh, try to use the clear cache option in settings, often helps with that.

Edit: We are starting quali, but running in 2 groups, so keep trying to get in Snow, and you will quali in the 2nd group.
I can't believe I forgot about this. Has the race started yet? If not, I'll happily start at the back, if so, than oh well. :banghead:
I'm not gunna stream tonight I don't think. Not really feeling it, so sorry to anyone who was gunna watch :guilty:

And I'm joining the lounge any minute.

Oh that's a shame I was going to watch I would've liked to see it. Oh well.

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