Congrats Adam, Bart, and Dennis for the top 3 LMP spots. 👍
to Tim and Marc for the next 2 spots, and doing about 100X more steward-work for this than me. You guys kick the butt.
And everyone who has made it through a quali session so far...👍👍👍 I hope you were less tense and shaky than I was, but oh what an experience! Great fun.
Will be hitting F5 every few seconds to see what develops over the next few days.
EDIT: Good luck Scott! You picked it up REALLY quick! Marc or Tim might already be in there, but if not, I can't make it till around 11:30pm CT.
Actually we created it for the first season of Spec Miata (now FMSC), I initially pitched the idea of live qualifying since we couldn't rely on every one to be fair during group qualifying (every one was new to each other) so we came up with the format and then I pushed it onto Masi since both our series were in the same boat at the time (November 2010) and were reosrting to having every one upload Youtube clips of their runs for qualifiers. The live week-long qualifying method quickly became a standard with our different series soon after that. The first live qualifying for WSGTC was the Monza pre-season race and it was Nurburgring GP for spec miata after some testinf iirc.
Funny note: Jason (R1600Turbo) wanted to originally make the format a one-lap flyer. I kept begging him to make it two laps but he wouldn't budge, that is until El_Zissou told him simply, "one is to short, make it two" and suddenly Jason was like, "Great idea!"
I'm commited for LMP. 👍
DDiamond@Tim or Marc.......not sure who alluded to it, but at one point it was mentioned that the support races would be, if I remember correctly, around one hour or about 50-60 laps.
Was there ever a definitive time/laps determined for the Support Races? I may have missed it if so.
I was really looking forward to taking part in this, but the 4.11 update has really screwed me over and now my PS3 is not recognising any disks.
Hope you guys have a great race, I'll try to follow the results.
They told me around an hour. 60 laps would be close to the full 2.4 hour race.
Quick note on the lounges.
Tuesday and Wednesday (3/20-3/21) are "official" practice/race days for the weekly WRS combo race (GT5 Week 28 Online: Snake in the Road) so the main lounge GTP_3D3Racing will be reserved for that car/track Tuesday and Wednesday. During this time please use the alternate lounge GTP_3D3_B to run any Spa qualifying or practice sessions.
Today (3/19) and after the races on Wednesday (3/22-3/25) Spa will get priority status in the main lounge.
We have 27 drivers registered and 28 spots available so all drivers will be able to compete in the Enduro in one class/lounge or the other.
Looks like we have 28 drivers as Pekka (MadMax86) has joined in for the GT class. 👍
*** QUALI in progress.**** - Room 3D3 B
Please do not enter the 3D3 B lobby until I have posted again - about 15 mins. 👍
Room 3D3 B is open again.
Nice quali Paul (Hasslemoff) 👍
When I ran my qualifyer, the car I drove was not tuned to correct specs.
It was at 735 bhp and 707 pp, but since I for some reason had a High rpm turbo installed, in combination with that the car was not fully run in, the numbers ended up exactly at 735 bhp and 707 pp.
Reason why I was so "sloppy" (I'm usually very strict with having the car set to correct specs) was that I ran the Vette, and that was the only car I was aiming to race.
Marc (Hydro) told me that the LMP deadline (that I did not care about since I was aiming for the GT class in the first place) was about to run out, and that I could at least submit a lap.
I thought: "Why not.."
So I went to my garage, and set the car up to 735 bhp and 707 pp.. And went out there.. Then, I had to leave for work, so had to rush my quali. So I just did it without thinking about the specs. (BHP and PP was correct so I was still let to track by the cpu)..
So it was more of a casual approach this first time I raced this car. Thinking about it, I should ofc doubble check both the OP and the car.. But the casual approach and the fact that I was short on time in combination that I did not aim to race the LMP at all ended up in this mess.
I deeply appologize to all participators and Stewards/moderators for this.
I understand that my quali run is not valid, and I'll accept any penalty/DQ the stewards decide on.
Best regards
UPDATE: Not surprisingly considering he was on the fence anyway, Dennis has chosen to drop LMP and will be qualifying for the GT class. I'm sure Biffy will be thrilled with the added competition.
Tough break Dennis... But I'm sure you'll put in a great race in GT. 👍