GTP WRS-Online : Special XII - WRS 2.4 at Daytona - Feb 23/24

  • Thread starter WRP001
I had a go with Kevins and Mohits tune to come to the conclusion to just stick with the tune I've been using all along.
Just couldn't get near the times I used to be seeing.
Good race last night, I was running a good pace most of the race until I lapped Joe then I just went into brain freeze and kept making mistakes and had a few big off track moments, (sorry Joe for slowing you I could see you were catching the car in front), then to top it off I ran out of fuel just over half way through the last lap :dunce:.

I used more fuel last night than I did in the practice race on Friday night. Even though my pace was around the same :confused:.
Looks like there have been a few posts in the GT5 section of the forums about connection issues with the GT5 server.

Hopefully they are fixed by the time the race is scheduled to start.

Also, good luck to everyone taking part today. 👍
Ren if it's reassuring, I'm running with TCS 1 all the time. Don't even want to try without it as it helps me a lot coming out of the first and second 'hairpin'.
I just short shift to 3rd, I don't apply full throttle until I make the shift to 3rd and have the wheel almost completely straight.

Kevin, if I had lots of money, I'd pay you to tune for me :lol:. But I don't, so I sent you my Viola Dino chips instead :). Amazing tune, I never knew this car could handle so well.

I also made 2nd gear really long instead of really short.

I had written off my chances of a podium, but I think now its back on. In the 2nd support race, it took me 9 laps to get under 1' (!!!). Now my first 10 laps had a fastest lap of 1'30.665 and a slowest lap of 1'31.442 :). It'll still be pretty hard starting so far back and with the quality of drivers on the grid.

And I'll be right behind you. :mischievous:

Good thing I do this for fun (and purple paint chips), I'm not sure you could afford my normal salary. ;)

I always just even up the gears to optimize power band. So if you took the car out with my transmission, and shifted at the exact same RPM in each gear, it drops to the exact same RPM in each next gear, until you get to the 5/6 shift. Theoretically, I could make 6th longer to keep that gap the same as well, but I've found over time that a shorter shift there is usually not a bad thing.

Glad the tune made the car easier for you. As you probably noticed, I'm not normally a fan of these cars, but I do like the track, and I find this car to be an "easier" drive, than most of these beasts. I like that it has 6 gears, and a relatively even power band.

Interesting that the damper change helped you. I set them that low since you have to use so much curb in the bus stop. It basically takes the risk out of that. I find that spring rates have a much more dynamic effect on handling, so I'm almost always running low dampers these days, if one end of the car needs a higher setting, I'll go from 1 to 2. I might try that, based on your tweak there.

As you probably also know, I don't like front toe adjustments. 👎 I think it's a driving style thing, but I normally will only do them as a last resort, I think the only car I've run them on in recent memory was the F1 car at Suzuka.

I think the LSD was stolen from Praiano, so can't really speak to that one.

Anyhow, glad it worked, it's always interesting for me to know what people tweak, and I also like looking at the theory of other tunes, to see how I might improve mine. It's rare for me to spend more than a couple hours on a tune anymore, so they are normally roughed out, but not necessarily fully refined. Pretty sure I spent about an hour on this one.
Under 2.5 hours to race time!

A reminder that the race is taking place in my lounge (GTP_WRP001) with mics-disabled.

JTV is on pole for the GT class and is responsible for setting the initial gap. Keep the GT class fairly close to the LMP class during the formation. When the LMP takes the green flag the GT class should be well beyond the bus stop and preferably approaching the flat section of the track on the front straight. Two things we're juggling here. First, we want as many laps as possible to pass before the LMP field catches the GT class giving the GT class a bit of time to thing out a little. Second, we don't want any turn 1 or turn 2 LMP incidents to gather in the GT field. Safety first of course.

Finally, LMP cars need to be courteous out there. Based on the experience from races yesterday there are going to be times where LMP cars are going to lose significant time behind a GT car. That doesn't give you the right to push them around or risk their race. If there is a opportunity for a safe pass, take it, but no dive bombing allowed. Be especially careful when approaching a pack of GT cars (even two) and remember they have their own race. Ideally, you can execute passes without impacting their battle at all... in reality that's tough, but it's the goal.

Good luck!
Im just getting a little confused reading the OP. Do both classes need to do the simulated driver change? or is that just for the LMP? sorry :S
Yes, today both classes do a 5 minute pause. between 1 and 1.5 hours on race clock.
I'll be there in a minute... I've only just had dinner and now my PS3 is being a bit reluctant to connect.
Sorry guys. Couldn't take the frustration. Quit from 2nd place.

Came to a complete stop basically twice in the bus stop. GT drivers do not have to get out of the way.. just keep going and stick to your line. 2nd time it happened the driver lost control in front and I nearly came to a stop just to stay behind, but they tried to get out of way and I ended up punting them in the grass and they spun. I went on for a second and then pulled over to wait per the OLR and then just decided I'd rather be outside enjoying the sun with my boys.

Good luck.
Tim - did you get DC'd?
I'm watching the stream and I could swear you just disappeared.

Edit: nevermind...
I had to pull out - our car won't start, which causes a cascade of problems. I'll leave me in there to avoid disruption and try to get the replay.

Edit: Dead battery (as opposed to just flat). At least it's simple.

Congrats to the racers. Apart from a couple of mistakes, I was enjoying myself this morning, once I got settled in. I might have started my pit pause too early anyway (I looked at the wall clock for some reason), but I was intrigued to see whether I could have caught Speedy or Kev.
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Sorry to hear about you guys pulling out. Was a fun race, despite the fact that I was pretty sloppy, but nonetheless, my first enduro, and had alot of fun. Hope it wasn't me causing any problems with LMP cars. I know me and speedy had a run in at turn 2, but it was nothing so bad, hope it wasn't my fault there btw Chris.

Anyway, thanks for the race lads.
Well Tim I hope it wasnt me that caused you problems I realy tried to hold my line when faster cars were aproching but found my self going off line unitentonaly as I would be paying more attention too the cars behind me then what I was doing. I only had one contact that wasnt from behind. I think it was Pual / Oink and myself battling it out going through turn 2 when a LMP car decided too goin us and we all know how that ends.
Well Tim I hope it wasnt me that caused you problems I realy tried to hold my line when faster cars were aproching but found my self going off line unitentonaly as I would be paying more attention too the cars behind me then what I was doing. I only had one contact that wasnt from behind. I think it was Pual / Oink and myself battling it out going through turn 2 when a LMP car decided too goin us and we all know how that ends.

Yeh, also sorry for a couple bumps near the end of the race mate, I had just put on fresh tyres, and just wasn't adjusting my braking points, think I must have bumped you at least twice. Really sorry about that.
Anyone take a screen shot for 'unofficial' results?
Or better put: Who won???
Good race everyone :cheers:

I have to be honest, I don't think this was as good a combination as last month's enduro. I think the speed difference between the two classes was overall too great, trying to pass the GT cars was a constant nightmare, especially on this track where the LMP car was already brutally difficult to drive.

Congrats to Bart for the win, and well done Mohit for second place, you clearly had a superior fuel strategy to me. I had over-estimated the amount of fuel that I would need (my calculation was based on 90 racing laps as opposed to 87), not that it mattered as I messed up the third stop and put too little in, so I ran out on lap 71 and lost second place. :ouch:
Anyone take a screen shot for 'unofficial' results?
Or better put: Who won???

I did not, but remember that it's not really possible on the Enduros, since we exit before finishing the race.
From memory -


Ealirendur (DNF)


I did not, but remember that it's not really possible on the Enduros, since we exit before finishing the race.

Oh yeah :dunce: it's been a while :lol:
Congrats guys 👍
Yeh, also sorry for a couple bumps near the end of the race mate, I had just put on fresh tyres, and just wasn't adjusting my braking points, think I must have bumped you at least twice. Really sorry about that.

Yah no worries mate I was out of the race by that point just tring too run it as clean as possible. I was running 2-3 seconds off my pace from the support races yesterday and I cant figure out why it was like I had never driven that car before. After the second support race yesterday I thought I had a chance of running with the pack, my plan was too hang back a little bit and take atvantage of other drivers mistakes. which would of worked out fine if I wasnt making so many mistakes my self :odd:
Feeling a bit sorry for Tim as he had to pull out. Again afther all the hard work you put in it. Same goes for Stef, in the replay it looks like he DC'd after he went off lightly in the grass, when he recovers to track he is gone. But then again it could also be he pulled out aswell, as after watching his replay I can tell you he did not have the most fortunate run. Guess the fact that he just came back from a 12h shift at work wasn't helping him either.
We will hear all the stories tomorrow.

Thanks again for organising and competing 👍
Well that was a blur of apexes, throttle control, and GT cars. And I loved every moment of it :D.

Congrats to Bart for the win. Untouchable win! Nice job Matthew for rounding out the podium, that was very close between the two of us.

Ran an almost perfect race from my side, both on track and in pits. The only major mistake I did was to lost control of my car on the pit exit and lost around 5 seconds.

Nice job Jon on the GT win as well, and congrats to the GT podium finishers too.

Thanks to every single driver for participating :cheers:. And to the people responsible for putting this all together. Waiting to see what's coming in the next Special Event already :).
Unofficial results
GTP_PASM 88 Laps
GTP_gooners_17 + 40.787
GTP_gmmatthew + 43.912
GTP_Speedy6543 87 laps

GTP_JTV 80 laps
GTP_n0iZe 79 laps
GTP_oink 78 laps
GTP_DOUG 76 laps

It was really tough out there. Ten GT cars around and a very difficult track doesn't give you any time to relax in 2.4 hours. So, respect to all finishers. I had some luck in the beginning with the traffic. I could follow Tim in the opening stages and when he made a little mistake in the bus stop I could overtake him into turn 1. Then we both hit bad traffic. I was lucky to get by them in the infield, but Tim had to wait a bit longer. That gave me some breathing room. Still I found it hard to settle in my rythmn. I wasn't as comfortable as during the support race yesterday. Then I clipped the grass out of the second hairpin, managed to keep it after a few meters with 4 wheels off, but because of the dirt on the tires I couldnt slow enough for the turn onto the banking. So I ran out of tarmac and almost came to a complete stop :ouch: Managed to just keep ahead of Matthew, with 2 seconds to spare. I was lucky that he didn't quite catch my draft to make the pass.

After my second pit stop I settled in more. I ran a number of 30's, and with draft almost managed a 29: 1'30.073. My fuel strategy was a bit off, but it worked ok. I guess I predicted a worse fuel economy. In the end I almost repeated my last lap mistake, although this time in turn 1 as Paul / oink can testify to. It turned into a big drift :dunce:

Thanks for organising and hosting 👍 Looking forward to the next special event.
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In the end I almost repeated my last lap mistake, although this time in turn 1 as Paul / oink can testify to. It turned into a big drift :dunce:

HAHA, I was actually just about to write about that and read this. That was absolutely incredible. You actually drifted an LMP through turn 1. I noticed you maybe clip the grass or lose control in there, and thought that was it. I turn my attention to my braking point, enter the corner, look up, and I just see you powersliding through the corner!

Seriously impressive recovery and control mate, especially after 2 plus hours. I actually laughed out loud when I saw it.
Tim it is to bad you had to bail out but i do understand your frustration it was a tough race but I think everyone knew what we were up against when we accepted the challange. I myself was running way off my pace and no matter what I did I couldnt find the time but still had fun any way.

Again I am sure this gose for everyone that took part, just want too say thanks for organising this race you put alot of time into it and didnt even get to enjoy the fruits of your labour.
I know me and speedy had a run in at turn 2, but it was nothing so bad, hope it wasn't my fault there btw Chris.
Not at all Paul, it was completely my fault there.
This \/
I only had one contact that wasnt from behind. I think it was Pual / Oink and myself battling it out going through turn 2 when a LMP car decided too goin us and we all know how that ends.
As I overtook Doug I completely lost track of my brakingpoint making me run in to you Paul. T-bone style. :ouch: I was literally screaming and closed my eyes for impact. Per OLR I waited...
Sorry for that. :guilty:
Not at all Paul, it was completely my fault there.
This \/

As I overtook Doug I completely lost track of my brakingpoint making me run in to you Paul. T-bone style. :ouch: I was literally screaming and closed my eyes for impact. Per OLR I waited...
Sorry for that. :guilty:

Ahh, understandable then, dont worry about it.

Now, perhaps some of you veterans can answer me this, but might it be sensible to have some sort of exception in the OLR for mixed class. Because this is the situation: I'm in a slower car, your in a faster car. I end up off the track from the collision, you then wait to allow me to take back my position, but then since you have the faster car, you are then forced to make an overtake again, and as we know, the overtakes where proving a risky thing in this race. Would it not make more sense to have an exception to this ruling, so that in mixed class situations, if the faster car caused the incident, then they can just self penalise but taking off the gas for 5 seconds or something, because it seems so ridiculous that the faster car needs to wait, only to then overtake again, which potentially could cause more problems.

Do you guys see where im coming from? Maybe im completely wrong anyway ;)
*** 5 min Sim Driver Change Check ***

GTP_PASM ...........

GTP_gooners_17 ..

GTP_gmmatthew .. (Check Needed)
GTP_Speedy6543 . (Check Needed)
GTP_EDK .............

GTP_ealirendur ..... (Check Needed)

GTP_JTV ..............

GTP_Hasslemoff ....

GTP_n0ize ...........

GTP_otxjto ...........

GTP_Allibubba99 ...

GTP_Racingworld .. (Check Needed)
GTP_oink .............

GTP_DOUG ..........

{quote this and remove quote tags when you verify more drivers}
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Ahh, understandable then, dont worry about it.

Now, perhaps some of you veterans can answer me this, but might it be sensible to have some sort of exception in the OLR for mixed class. Because this is the situation: I'm in a slower car, your in a faster car. I end up off the track from the collision, you then wait to allow me to take back my position, but then since you have the faster car, you are then forced to make an overtake again, and as we know, the overtakes where proving a risky thing in this race. Would it not make more sense to have an exception to this ruling, so that in mixed class situations, if the faster car caused the incident, then they can just self penalise but taking off the gas for 5 seconds or something, because it seems so ridiculous that the faster car needs to wait, only to then overtake again, which potentially could cause more problems.

Do you guys see where im coming from? Maybe im completely wrong anyway ;)

Actually, you're making a lot of sense IMO. Waiting for the affected driver to recover and re-joing the race is of course a required penalty in any contact situation that sends a driver off track, etc. (and always will be in order to discourage unsafe / risky driving), but in the case of mixed class racing it could be a better plan to have the faster car start in front of the slower class car for practical and safety reasons.
Seeing as the classes are not racing each other and passing is essentially irrelevant from a standings perspective, the time penalty (from wating for the driver to recover) should be a sufficient penalty.

I'll bring it up with the others in our discussion thread 👍