GTP WTAC Week 13: Automotive Orgy

  • Thread starter Detroitbb
Finally found a tune I like with the Seat which reduces the under steer and was able to do a 48.093 but that's probably it from me as I cant seem to improve on that time. I am sure someone will manage to break into the 47s though. Everyone's times will be really close this week so anyone could be fastest.



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I didn't run any cars last night and I'm pretty sure I won't have any time tonight, so my previous time will have to stand:

Seat Ibiza Cupra: 0'48.344


I'll see everyone in The Big Apple!


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here is my final time. i think its pretty good considering it was not one of the more powerful cars. and it truly is a close group this week. :scared: good job everyone 👍👍


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I've got an old 0'48.666 with the 206, I'll try to run some laps tonight with the SEAT !

Good luck guys !

EDIT : SEAT 0'48.408 so far, I'll try my best to catch up with Dbb and Sylar !
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I didn't run any cars last night and I'm pretty sure I won't have any time tonight, so my previous time will have to stand:

Seat Ibiza Cupra: 0'48.344


I'll see everyone in The Big Apple!

You're .015 seconds faster tan me in the SEAT. The gaps this week are so small.:crazy:

SEAT Ibiza Cupra '04
Professional, N3/N3

Sorry about the poor quality, that's all my camera seems to be able to do.


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My final time
Seat Ibiza Cupra '04
no aids
no TCS




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My submission :

Seat Ibiza Cupra '04 : 0'48.294 (twice !!!), definitely can see a 0'47 with a better tuning and more time...



I did it again : I ran two 0'48.294 laps ! One with a 0'25.191 first split and one with a .238 first split...

Weird thing though and I experienced it before : whereas the first 0'48.294 was still the current best laptime, when I ran my second 0'48.294, I saw -0'00.157 when I crossed the line but same final time and when I watched the replay, it doesn't look like there is any problem with the final time but when you do the maths : final time - first split = less than -0'00.157 :confused: ...

Have you guys already experienced it too ?

Funny thing though : it is my 6th time I have two exact same laptimes -with different splits- ! my first "double" was with the VIPER GTS-R Team Oreca Race Car '00 / Standard / R3 R3 -I was young ;)- New York Reverse 1'27.724 ...:mischievous:... I'm actually still proud of this one because it was the first time I was faster than PiTch_ (and Detroitbb knows what that means ;)) and it was very hard to run a 1' lap with this combo....

See you at New York Reverse !


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hi friends

my submission for this week :

48.193 seat ibiza cupra
pro physics no aids


i had a 48.3xx with the crx

see you


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My Submission....

Seat Ibiza Cupra '04
Pro Physics
No Aids




  • Seat WTAC
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Good times this week, guys! We were all within a half-second of one another. I'm especially impressed with all the fast Hyundai/Honda times! A special note goes out to rpr101 for being the only person to not use the Seat Ibiza Cupra. His time with the 1990 Honda CR-X SiR almost beat my time with the Seat! I'm also surprised that nobody submitted a time with the Peugeot 206 RC - I wasn't sure that the Seat was really faster or not. I also have to give Sylar a tip of my hat for taking first place by a full tenth of a second over Fuchur - congratulations!

All in all, I had fun testing multiple cars... but I'll be glad to do a challenge where all the turns aren't just left-handers. Thank you all for surviving a less-than exciting track!

This week's results:

1st - Sylar####l (0'48.093)###[8 pts]

2nd - Fuchur ##. (0'48.193)###[7 pts]

3rd - Lion-Face # (0'48.256)###[6 pts]

4th - easyasashii ##llll (0'48.294)###[5 pts]

5th - Detroitbb ####ll (0'48.344)###[4 pts]

6th - Peter #######l (0'48.361)###[3 pts]

7th - rpr101 #####lllll (0'48.412)###[2 pts]

8th - red ice ######l (0'48.587)###[1 pts]


Current session points leaders:

Place - Competitor - Points

1st #l-llSylar ######l15

2nd #-l Lion-Face ###14

3rd #l- lFuchur #####12

4th #l-l Detroitbb #l##10

5th #l-l Easyasashii ##9
6th #l- lred ice #####4 (tied)
6th #l- lrpr101 ####l#4 (tied)
8th #l-l Peter ######3
9th #l-l Awaren ###ll#1
thanks a lot Detroitbb:) i like honda thats why i stuck with it even though i thought it would not be the fastest. but this was a really good challenge everybody ran in the 48 second range and the whole field from first to last was within half a second of each other:gtpflag: everybody did a great job.👍
:) i got last. But nice experience for this week. I got to test all these cars. nice one rpr101!
im off to seoul and new york this week.
congrats to everyone
Also, since i'm Peter now, how about updating my name in the TAC leaderboards. Only 1, under Cote d' Azur.
Also, since i'm Peter now, how about updating my name in the TAC leaderboards. Only 1, under Cote d' Azur.

Send a PM to easyasashii as he's the only one who can make changes to the leaderboard. He'll make the necessary changes as soon as he can.
