GTP WTAC Week 19: Big Performance From Little Packages

  • Thread starter Detroitbb
I took off .600 from my Altezza time (1'19.3xx), but only .150 off my best HPA lap (1'19.7xx).

Man, I'm suckin' it this challenge!

With normal road cars I do exactly as you say Easyasashii for a start.

I will

Max Aero
Ride Height 0/0
Spring Rate x3 default values
Damper x4 default values
Toe 0/0
Camber 0/0

Put the laps in, usually about 50 for a standard ~4km course before I look at altering the settings any further. There are always cars that are the exception to the rule, but those are the basic guidelines I start with each new WTAC.

Thank you very much sir Lion-Face ! We finally have your Road Car tuning approach secret :D !!! If it is as good as your Race Car L-F tuning, we might be getting faster and closer to you !!!

Thanks for the help! easyasashii & sir Lion Face.

No problem ! Glad it helped you !

The setup I was using on the Golf which is a bit unorthodox as actually prefer it with a -0.40 rear toe setting to increase the overstee.

ride height -10,-10 (front, rear)
spring rate 1,10
damper 1,10
toe -0.01,-0.40
camber 1.0,0.5

For the toyota I was using the default setup only change I made was to set the rear toe to -0.30 as I found It helped the car turn in easier,

Thanks for sharing your tuning 👍 !

Well, I should try to run some laps, I haven't played since last time... I should run more if I want to catch up with you guys !!!

Good luck and long live WTAC !

Got a chance to do some more laps in the Golf and improved time a little with a 1'18.057 but don't think I will be able to go much faster maybe about two tenths at most.

Can you double check the attached replay Detroitbb I have looked at it multiple times from chase and reverse chase cameras and it seems okay but I was more aggressive than I though with final chicane before last corner and took more of left kerb than I intended. Thanks.

Not sure if I will have much time to do many more laps as I am considering picking up PS3 version F1 2010 tomorrow night and have a feeling that if I do I will probably end up spending most of free time at weekend on it as I have been a fan of F1 games since GP3 on PC. Still not decided though with mixed reviews and GT5 being released in around six weeks though.


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Got a chance to do some more laps in the Golf and improved time a little with a 1'18.057 but don't think I will be able to go much faster maybe about two tenths at most.

Can you double check the attached replay Detroitbb I have looked at it multiple times from chase and reverse chase cameras and it seems okay but I was more aggressive than I though with final chicane before last corner and took more of left kerb than I intended. Thanks.

Not sure if I will have much time to do many more laps as I am considering picking up PS3 version F1 2010 tomorrow night and have a feeling that if I do I will probably end up spending most of free time at weekend on it as I have been a fan of F1 games since GP3 on PC. Still not decided though with mixed reviews and GT5 being released in around six weeks though.

OFF TOPIC: Will the F1 2010 be released on the PSP too?
OFF TOPIC: Will the F1 2010 be released on the PSP too?

No, F1 2010 was developed by Codemasters in house for the 'next gen consoles' while they licensed out development for the Wii and PSP versions to Sumo Digital for last years F1 2009. Which I think is a great game, more sim-cade. Fun for what it is, but nothing like GT PSP.

I could have shaved 2 tenths from the HPA, but time wont let me, but here is my final entry.

Here are my times:

Toyota ALTEZZA - 1'18.278

HPA Golf R32 - 1'18.444

Combined time: 2'36.722

I would like to know if the Altezza lap was clean, In my view, I have checked it many times and it looks just about clean. This is especially regarding the 1st section.

Good luck! 👍


  • HPA Golf
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  • Toyota
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Tried another run with the Golf last night but wasn't able to break into the 1.17xx. On two of the runs I was about .2 faster but out braked myself into turn 8. The RS4 should be fun next week as always been a fan of fast German 5 doors like the Rs4 and M5. In fact the E39 M5 is probably one of my favourite all times cars since first seeing the review of it on original top gear by Tiff Needell:).

Golf - 1'18.057
Toyota - 1'18.415
Total - 2'36.472



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I'm admitting defeat this week. I even took straight days off because I was getting frustrated. Even on the days I did pick up the PSP, I wouldn't spend more than 20 minutes in total running laps. The Toyota Altezza touring car was fun and I don't really have much to complain about with that auto. The HPA Motorsports creation, on the other hand, requires a steady hand and a calm demeanor - neither of which I had an overabundance of this week. I'm just happy to have two clean laps to submit.

HPA Motorsports Stage II R32: 1'18.911


Toyota Altezza Touring Car: 1'18.592


combined time: 2'37.503

Whew! Glad that's over! See everybody in Seattle, Washington!


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I must be in the minority for preferring the HPA this week - couldn't get the Toyota to turn in and found the acceleration out of 2nd gear corners sluggish. I did many many laps on it never breaking into the 1'18s, but finally put one together mainly by being less cautious over the kerbs.

HPA: 1'18.739
Toyota: 1'18.822
TOTAL: 2'37.561


  • sausages.TAC19.rar
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My Submission

HPA Motorsports Stage II R32 '04
Pro Physics
No Aids



Toyota Altezza Touring Car
Pro Physics
No Aids



Total Time - 2:36.113


  • Autumn Ring
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hi friends
my submission
golf hpa 1´19.241

toyota alteza 1´18.581

overall 2´37.821


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couldn't get the Toyota to turn in and found the acceleration out of 2nd gear corners sluggish.

I had that problem too. I somewhat remedied that by reducing the front and rear aerodynamics (especially the front) and giving the car some negative rear toe (I settled on -25).
Congratulations to - guess who? - Lion-Face! He finished more than 3/10ths in front of 2nd place Sylar. Sylar, for his part, finished a little less than 3/10ths in front of 3rd place Dan360. I do believe that this is, and please correct me if I'm wrong, Dan's first podium finish. Congratulations to all of you!

This week's results:

1st - Lion-Face##. (2'36.113)##lll[8 pts]

2nd - Sylar#####l (2'36.472)###[7 pts]

3rd - Dan360 ###ll (2'36.722)###[6 pts]

4th - Detroitbb ## (2'37.503)###[5 pts]

5th - sausages ## (2'37.561)###[4 pts]

6th - Fuchur ###ll (2'37.821)###[3 pts]


Current session points leaders:

Place - Competitor - Points

1st #l-llLion-Face###.l8
2nd #-l Sylar ######l7
3rd #l- lDan360 ####ll6
4th #l- lDetroitbb ###l5
5th #l-l sausages###.l4
6th #l-l Fuchur#####l3


See everybody in Seattle!

My deepest apologies guys... I was out at lunch and I received a phone call for a job interview at 2pm and ...

I'm very sorry I missed deadline. :bowdown:

Just for info, I had this :

HPA: 1'18.809
Toyota: 1'18.653

I liked the Toyota and were pretty surprised by the HPA ! I'm happy to have run these two cars !

See you at Seattle...
Failed to submit this week due to my PSP cable being busted. I can't transfer files. Gonna buy a new one. Hopefully when I get my salary this October. :(
Congrats guys!!
Hurrah! I hope to step up to the podium soon! I also hope to see all the regular competitors, as well as newcomers, next week! 👍 :)
hello everyone sorry i was unable to upload my replays and times in times this week.. i have been really busy lately. i will hopefully be able to compete in the next time attack challenge. just for the record i got: 1'20.356 with the HPA and i got
1'20.518 with the altezza