Here there are
Thanks easyasahii!
I didn't know the exact time anymore, but they are in the replay files which are attacted to this comment.
I do know they are around 1.15
Hey wait a minute, where's MVR??
sorry for the late posting!
this week's results:
1st - dan360###ll (2'21.520)###[8 pts]
2nd - pvr77####. (2'21.878)###[7 pts]
3rd - easyasashii# (2'22.477)###[6 pts]
### 4th - detroitbb#... (2'22.506)###[5 pts]
### 5th - vaughan#.... (2'24.848)###[4 pts]
*honorable mention goes out to noisiaturismo...
current session points leaders:
place - competitor - points
1st #l-l dan360######.l8
2nd #-l pvr77########7
3rd #l-l easyasashii###&l6
4th #l-l detroitbb#####ll5
5th #l-l vaughan#####$l4