I understand the point your trying to get across Lefty. We will make sure to address this and hopefully come up with an answer for you.
Thanks Shig, I just want your efforts to come out of the gate w/ more then just another low key laid back monthly get-together, it can be something that has real excitement. If you cant win a trophy then by knocking off your own class and the class above you can take on a real meaning of its own. Just making it into the A main from the D main could be a great triumph for someone and a real accomplishment for that individual.
Just think, If the WRS TT program was used to set the grid as a caveat to the WRS_OMRS. The program could take into consideration the weeks previous solidly established times and then that same track would be used the next week as the monthly online race. What a match made in heaven.
What a way to get new people into the WRS TT the week before the monthly online race, there must be members of the forum who dont even think about the WRS TTs because they look at it as a time vacuum sucking up their spare time but if there was a greater purpose to the TT's before the monthly race Ill bet you that there would be a noticeable rise in participation in the TT's the week before the monthly online race.
I missed the March 12 race..can I still join? Also - not sure if you guys have read the RaceDepartment.com online racing format rules, but they've gotten the quali stuff down to a science now.
Worth a quick read, and maybe adoption?
Anyways - I really like Lefty's idea about TT=quali for OMRS.
how do i become part of gtp_my psn and race in the wrs??
Race specifics won't be given out ahead of time, drivers will only know what car to use. The car for the next month's race will be posted at the end of the current month's race specifics.
Initially, I didn't know how many participants to expect and our first month we never filled a room or got close. So now it's okay to race in more than one. however, if the room is nearly full and you've already done a race, we may ask you to try another race later. or if the OMRS gets full race rooms consistently, I may reinstate that rule, but for now, it's pretty casual 👍
And tremendous fun 👍