GTP_OMRS Month 2: It's All About M3

  • Thread starter Jump_Ace
Thanks very much for being available to step in pk_090 👍

Sorry there were so many connection issues today guys :(


No problem Jerome, It's not a fault of one guys connection, as you can sit there for 30 or even 40 minutes some time with no problems at all, waiting for the race time to come round.

More an issue of something once the race starts, although 16 on a grid is nice to race in, maybe try spliting the room and have two rooms, if someone else will host, then combind the results together.

I tried from 19.50hrs to 22.15hrs to get one race but alas didn't manage one. After that it's a little late for me as the body by that time of day is on shut down. :grumpy:

Not saying spliting the rooms will work, but if the same problem comes again maybe worth trying.

Great event Jerome I'll be back again in support next time to try again. 👍

Did anyone have problems outside of Animera and Fryz rooms?

I'm going to sort out a guide. so that participants know what they can do to remove connection issues and what hosts can do (obviously a terrible connection can't be improved, but stability can be) to ensure people don't have issues connecting to their room.
That'd be great. I've searched the GT5 manual for forwarding ports but couldn't find any. I can normally host up to 16 people with very few difficulties though so as you say its either P2P or NAT problems? Could even be individuals connections, wireless being the prime mr meaner.

If you are willing to do it i'm sure OMRS would benefit, so kudos 👍
Jerome's and Steven's room had no issues for me. A shame with Animera and Fry, but that is just the net sometimes.

I guess voice chat = off is first in case of trouble.
Whilst voice chat does use up bandwidth, I don't think it will make that much difference. I'd be amazed if GT5 choice chat used over 10kbps (reality is nearer half that) and I don't think it is ever likely to be as consistent as on an FPS where you are shouting out enemy locations to team mates!

I know Fryz was saying he's had a whole host of problems with GT5 and his connection. If the bandwidth is an issue, I'd say downloading videos and other media is likely to be a bigger cause, in relation, online gaming doesn't use that much. If you say a typical allowance (if you have the misfortune to only be able to use that) is 40GB, that really shouldn't stop you from hosting online gaming, even if you are extensive (think half the waking day gaming most days and you're about there) in your use of gaming.

Whilst it could cause an issue and be enough to tip it over the edge, I think connection issues would be caused by other issues, incorrectly setup routers being one of the main causes, though can't do a lot about bushtucker internet! Various ISPs often have to be asked by the customer to be setup on a gaming connection. Going wired if you can helps.

Along with the guide, I think I'll also include it as a general problems thread. As people are likely to be sharing ISPs, they'll probably be sharing routers so can share settings, probably keep the OP updated with guides for various ISPs and routers. Maybe we can get the hosts who have had issues to run practice rooms outside of the official events and we can weed out problems there.
Not sure if this is clear or not, but...

GT5 online hosting doesn't happen from the host's PS3, it's the host that sets up a room on the nearest PD server, and then everyone connects to *it*, not the host PS3.

The connection strength for each individual racer is dependent on your connection strength to the PD server..which is why when the host is booted from the room, it switches to someone else, and everyone doesn't drop out.
Ah, thought it was just connecting to that host (though I do remember others saying the same). Still, a guide for those with connecting issues will be useful, as well as a general "I'm having problems"/help thread.
Has anyone got a room open or shall I start one?

Sorry, but this event can only be run by GTP_OMRS Race Stewards and is just for the dates and times given in the race specifics post.
