GTP_WRS (GT5) Week 4 : Out for a Sunday Drive

  • Thread starter EDK
I had my first run at this combo today and so far have these splits:-

T1: 37.512
T2: 19.635

Hopefully I can improve on these in my final run later, if not these will have to do.
Gotta try to make it home for lunch so I can submit my time, but looks like I won't make top 3 this week in D4 :(
Late to the party this week. Had about an hour and a half run at this. Pretty fun I must say. Will probably submit these splits as I dont think I'll have time for another run.

T1: 37.880
T2: 19.760
I've been very busy and only had time for a quick run today, so I guess I'll be last in my div but wanted to submit a time nonetheless :)


I've seen multiple 57.1's but this was the fastest lap... if only I had more time to string all the fast sectors together...
Ok, I did manage to improve a little on my final run, I will be submitting with the following splits.

T1: 37.450
T2: 19.459
Does anyone know when the cutoff is from right now. I am a little thrown of as we just had daylight savings hour change. Do I have one hour, 2 hours, or 3 hours from right now. Would like to run this week, but not sure if it is worth it if I only have one hour. Haven't run this setup yet, but I ran a bit of Cape for the Academy.


EDIT: N/M just followed the link on the first page.. duh, my bad

Looks like I have about 2 1/2 hours from right now. 3 hours from my original post if that helps anyone else out. Off to turn some laps.
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My final splits are:

T1: 37,589
T2: 19,578

Nice combo was this with some tricky turns in every sector.
Rudi, that is one hell of a T2. I've submitted with splits on the board, not had a chance since Thursday to run the combo. Good luck all.
Well, put together a great T1, decent T2, and an awful final hairpin. Here are my times so far:

T1: 37.072
T2: 19.364

Off to join an online room with some friends, hopefully I will have time to come back and fix the final hairpin before time is up.
Again slightly better splits just before submission:


which makes me 13th out of 25 Div4 players if I counted well 👍