GTP_WRS Leaderboard Discussion and Feedback

  • Thread starter steven
Since this is part of GTPlanet now is there any chance we could get a direct link to it added to the forum somewhere?
Since this is part of GTPlanet now is there any chance we could get a direct link to it added to the forum somewhere?

I'll ask Jordan if he can do something like the Live Racing Chat. đź‘Ť
Truly Amazing work guys, you've really out done yourselves! đź‘Ť

A monumental amount of work and a fantastic achievement, you should be widely credited with bringing something so positive to the community.

In case you haven't guessed, I love it :)

EDIT: I've just noticed the results for week 24 (F430 @Eiger) aren't included in the individual driver stats

All the best
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I see it up to :D đź‘Ť Thanks Jordan. I saw everything was all mixed up for a minute, was probably when you were adding things :lol:
Really really awesome work guys. I really want to help out with the graphics side of things if you guys are up for it :embarrassed:

Let me know!
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Alright, I'm finishing up the first draft of my design, I'll send it your way when I'm done ;)

If I click on a members name, i get the medals table, I think this could be improved.

I'd have it so that it showed if a driver had medals in different divisions, ie for me it'd be:

Division 3 medals xxxx
Division 4 medals xxxx
Division 5 medals xxxx

Overall medals is sum of those. Or is the overall medals meant for something else? As it's all blank atm.

If I click on a members name, i get the medals table, I think this could be improved.

I'd have it so that it showed if a driver had medals in different divisions, ie for me it'd be:

Division 3 medals xxxx
Division 4 medals xxxx
Division 5 medals xxxx

Overall medals is sum of those. Or is the overall medals meant for something else? As it's all blank atm.

I think we are working on that. JoostBaksteen mentioned to me that he was working on a way to account for the promotions announcement thread. Meaning, we are working on accounting for promotions.

The results are definitely the area with the most to work out, but you can always look to the archive for more accurate information. ;)
Hey, I just checked this out, and it looks great.
So I guess this is another "way to go" "great work" "that's cool" post for ya. :D
Thanks. Hope to get your great design up and running somewhere in the weekend đź‘Ť

Lol, i'm not sure how you're going to achive that :D.

Let Alba finish the design first. Then we'll talk about slicing the image up. Then we'll have to edit the whole layout, templates, code, stylesheets etc. Test the layout, every screen has to be ok, it has to scale well, every browser needs to be supported, how does it work with multiple resolutions etc.'

This is not something you fix in 15 minutes ;)
It's just because I'm so impressed by your work that I believe you can do anything we need by the flick of an eye ;)
It's just because I'm so impressed by your work that I believe you can do anything we need by the flick of an eye ;)

Hehe, I understand ;)

But i'm moving my GF this weekend, so I don't have much time and I want to fix the promotions first so that the historical results are 'division valid'.
Great job to all you guys working on this. It looks like we can really be ready for the GT5 release. One sugestion is to include the country and city the member belongs too. So that it will be easy to meet up with members if they live close by. Maybe for future LAN meets.
Lol, i'm not sure how you're going to achive that :D.

Let Alba finish the design first. Then we'll talk about slicing the image up. Then we'll have to edit the whole layout, templates, code, stylesheets etc. Test the layout, every screen has to be ok, it has to scale well, every browser needs to be supported, how does it work with multiple resolutions etc.'

This is not something you fix in 15 minutes ;)

Yes, let me finish it first :P

I added the flag in my design for those wondering. I'll email you guys back since i got a long list of questions my steven on msn but wasn't there to answer it so I'll do that now :)
Sorry if this has been asked, but do we even need our divisions and wheel types in our signatures any more? I'd probably keep mine anyway, as sort of a badge of honour, but what do I tell new guys?
Divisions are parsed from the registry listings.
Controller info is not (yet) implemented in the WLB beta but once it will be it will depend on signature info to parse into the board.

Adding this information to the signature gives useful information about the player IMHO.