Hey guys,
Some important info on a change to the weekly submission PM.
Fetchy has had an update to take advantage of the new possibilities with the new forum and is now able to handle replay's that are attached to a conversation message (PM).
The registration process was already modified a while ago. You can now provide a replay directly attached to the registration message you send to Fetchy, without the need to email the WRS staff.
With GT6 around the corner, hopefully 200 participants, and everybody needing to send a replay in the first week, we've changed the weekly submissions as well. You now need to attach the replay directly to the conversation instead of posting it on the forums.
To test this out we have enabled this functionality already. This way we can test it with a smaller group and make sure everything is working for GT6.
This means everybody will need to send a replay this week.
Sending a replay directly to Fethcy has lots of advantages. All the replays will be available immediately after the deadline, checking will be easier and quicker, the week can be closed earlier and best of all you create a museum of you own progress throughout WRS and you can view and analyze that of others. So we're thinking of requiring replays in GT6 every week.
If you want to submit multiple times in the week that is still not a problem. Just reply to the conversation with your new time and new replay. Fetchy always uses the last submitted time as the final one.
See this screenshot as an example on how to submit:
If there are any problems, let me know in this thread as always