GTP_WRS-Online Event 54 : Spooning Ascari - Jan 31st & Feb 4th

  • Thread starter Gravitron
Registered for both races today. Will open Practice room before the race around 18:30GMT.

In the event of a field of 13-16 drivers we will disable mics and race with one grid. With 17+ we will split the grid (SEE Lounge Splits BELOW).

Register Here


(tables will auto update approximately every 30 minutes)


This WRS-Online event hosted by 3D3 Racing is open to GTP_Registered members only. If you are not currently on the registry run the GTP_Registry qualifier and join now!

Registration Instructions

The following must be performed by every driver for every event:
  • Click the registration button above, fill-in and submit the online registration form (be sure to use the PSN that's listed in the registry)
  • Leave a quick note in this thread to let us know you've registered and any other comments.
The following must be performed only one time per driver (not per event):
  • Submit the 3D3 Racing Online Driver Database Entry Form. Your information will need to be verified before you are added to the db and before your ID will appear in the registered driver table above. You can view the official driver database here.
Registration Changes

If you want to change your time slot, add a time slot or update your color choices just click on the registration link and fill out the form again and submit with new values. Your last entry will override any previous entries.


If for some reason, after you register for the event, you are unable to attend please click the registration button above and complete the form again selecting "cancel" as your status. Please also post a note in this thread as the table above can take some time to update.

Delaying or Restarting Race Start

Once the race countdown timer has started, the race will only be restarted in these cases:
  • Multiple drivers report a black screen/hang, instead of the 3-2-1 countdown.
  • One or more drivers get disconnected before race-pace has begun ("GO" for grid-starts, end of formation lap for rolling starts).
  • Steward realizes there is a condition that would lead to an unfair or poor race experience.
Once the race countdown timer has started, the race will explicitly NOT be restarted for:
  • Latecomers, even if you've registered
  • Driver realizes he picked the wrong car parts (ie, tires) or driving options (ie, Auto tranny)
Lounge Splits **NEW**

A more formal formula will be used to determine lobby assignments.

First, every driver that confirms their registration will be ranked using an event specific handicap equal to the minimum(best) of the following:
  1. Handicap from the official registry (driver does nothing, falls back on official handicap)
  2. Handicap from the official time trial (driver included in official time trial results)
  3. Handicap computed using an unofficial offline ghost lap replay
    • Must conform to all time trial rules and be attached to a post in the online thread
    • Submitted after TT deadline on Monday @ 23:59 GMT
    • Submitted at least 8 hours prior to the event start time
  4. Handicap computed using the best clean lap of an online steward observed qualification race
    • Tire wear set to off, but otherwise conforming to online regulations
    • 5 lap race: 1 out lap, 3 timed hot laps, 1 cool down lap.
    • Scheduled with steward ahead of time (plan ahead and request via thread)
    • Completed at least 3 hours prior to the event start time

Second, we will sort the confirmed drivers 90 minutes prior to the race and divide them up evenly. If there are an odd numbers of drivers the extra driver will be assigned to the A room. At that point the stewards convene and assign a director and supporting steward for each lobby. Then at about 50-60 minutes prior to the race the room #s and driver assignments will be published to the thread.

Reserves: Drivers with reserve status at 90 minutes prior to event start will not be included in the lobby assignments, but will be listed with their applicable handicap in a reserve list. They will have to request on the thread to be added to a lobby and the assignment will be at the discretion of the stewards. In that case handicap will be used as a guide, but there are no guarantees last minute confirms/entries will get the room you want and in some rare cases may not get to race at all (e.g. if the room split is such that there is two full rooms or if the new driver would create an additional room that wouldn't be supportable with the number of stewards available). Reserves will be handled on a first to request basis using the online race thread. Do not use the google form to confirm/register at the last minute, but use a thread post instead. If you are on reserve list or not listed at all in the lobby assignments do not join a room until instructed to do so.

Abuse: Because confirming guarantees you a grid spot it's important that nobody abuses the status. If you are fairly confident (80%) you are going to make the race sign up as confirmed ahead of time, but it's important you update your status as you get more information and for sure no later than 90 minutes prior to the race. At that point if you are not 99% sure you should be on reserve. This is a courtesy we ask, not only for the admins/stewards, but also for the benefit of other drivers that have accurately stated their status. We're going to use a three strike rule. A confirmed driver that "no shows" will receive 2 strikes. A confirmed driver that cancels less than 90 minutes of the race, but before race start will get 1 strike. Three strikes in any 8 week period and the driver risks being suspended from the online participation for 8 weeks. We know "stuff happens" and real life comes first so this allows some forgiveness, but we can't manage multiple rooms effectively if we don't know at least a bit ahead of time who is going to be showing up and we can't have people taking advantage of the system to guarantee their spot at the cost of someone else.

These rules will only apply for weekly Wednesday events where more than 16 drivers are confirmed. In the case of 16 or less the situation is more relaxed as the stewards just open up one lobby, all confirmed drivers are guaranteed a spot, and reserves are given grid spots on a first come first serve basis.

Goals of these rules?
  • Creates lounges of similar paced drivers equitably without relying on honor based practice laps.
  • Allows drivers that have improved beyond their handicap to qualify in a "faster" lounge.
  • Allows drivers that did not have time to run the TT to submit an offline lap well after the official TT deadline.
  • Allows drivers to run in an online setup to qualify if they don't want to deal with offline replays. These could be done during any of the practice sessions as long as a steward is present to observe.
  • Allows drivers to fall back on registry handicap if they have no time to pre-qualify.

We hope/expect the vast majority of drivers are covered by their handicap or TT result and the other two options are only used in a few cases each week. Drivers who have not been official processed should take advantage of #3 or #4 or they will be "approximately" assigned based on our best guess of their handicap.

Also note that the above procedures will typically only apply to lobby assignments. Within each lobby there will still be a pre-race qualification session to determine grid order.

See ya there...

In the event of a field of 13-16 drivers we will disable mics and race with one grid. With 17+ we will split the grid (SEE Lounge Splits BELOW).

Register Here


(tables will auto update approximately every 30 minutes)


This WRS-Online event hosted by 3D3 Racing is open to GTP_Registered members only. If you are not currently on the registry run the GTP_Registry qualifier and join now!

Registration Instructions

The following must be performed by every driver for every event:
  • Click the registration button above, fill-in and submit the online registration form (be sure to use the PSN that's listed in the registry)
  • Leave a quick note in this thread to let us know you've registered and any other comments.
The following must be performed only one time per driver (not per event):
  • Submit the 3D3 Racing Online Driver Database Entry Form. Your information will need to be verified before you are added to the db and before your ID will appear in the registered driver table above. You can view the official driver database here.
Registration Changes

If you want to change your time slot, add a time slot or update your color choices just click on the registration link and fill out the form again and submit with new values. Your last entry will override any previous entries.


If for some reason, after you register for the event, you are unable to attend please click the registration button above and complete the form again selecting "cancel" as your status. Please also post a note in this thread as the table above can take some time to update.

Delaying or Restarting Race Start

Once the race countdown timer has started, the race will only be restarted in these cases:
  • Multiple drivers report a black screen/hang, instead of the 3-2-1 countdown.
  • One or more drivers get disconnected before race-pace has begun ("GO" for grid-starts, end of formation lap for rolling starts).
  • Steward realizes there is a condition that would lead to an unfair or poor race experience.
Once the race countdown timer has started, the race will explicitly NOT be restarted for:
  • Latecomers, even if you've registered
  • Driver realizes he picked the wrong car parts (ie, tires) or driving options (ie, Auto tranny)
Lounge Splits **NEW**

A more formal formula will be used to determine lobby assignments.

First, every driver that confirms their registration will be ranked using an event specific handicap equal to the minimum(best) of the following:
  1. Handicap from the official registry (driver does nothing, falls back on official handicap)
  2. Handicap from the official time trial (driver included in official time trial results)
  3. Handicap computed using an unofficial offline ghost lap replay
    • Must conform to all time trial rules and be attached to a post in the online thread
    • Submitted after TT deadline on Monday @ 23:59 GMT
    • Submitted at least 8 hours prior to the event start time
  4. Handicap computed using the best clean lap of an online steward observed qualification race
    • Tire wear set to off, but otherwise conforming to online regulations
    • 5 lap race: 1 out lap, 3 timed hot laps, 1 cool down lap.
    • Scheduled with steward ahead of time (plan ahead and request via thread)
    • Completed at least 3 hours prior to the event start time

Second, we will sort the confirmed drivers 90 minutes prior to the race and divide them up evenly. If there are an odd numbers of drivers the extra driver will be assigned to the A room. At that point the stewards convene and assign a director and supporting steward for each lobby. Then at about 50-60 minutes prior to the race the room #s and driver assignments will be published to the thread.

Reserves: Drivers with reserve status at 90 minutes prior to event start will not be included in the lobby assignments, but will be listed with their applicable handicap in a reserve list. They will have to request on the thread to be added to a lobby and the assignment will be at the discretion of the stewards. In that case handicap will be used as a guide, but there are no guarantees last minute confirms/entries will get the room you want and in some rare cases may not get to race at all (e.g. if the room split is such that there is two full rooms or if the new driver would create an additional room that wouldn't be supportable with the number of stewards available). Reserves will be handled on a first to request basis using the online race thread. Do not use the google form to confirm/register at the last minute, but use a thread post instead. If you are on reserve list or not listed at all in the lobby assignments do not join a room until instructed to do so.

Abuse: Because confirming guarantees you a grid spot it's important that nobody abuses the status. If you are fairly confident (80%) you are going to make the race sign up as confirmed ahead of time, but it's important you update your status as you get more information and for sure no later than 90 minutes prior to the race. At that point if you are not 99% sure you should be on reserve. This is a courtesy we ask, not only for the admins/stewards, but also for the benefit of other drivers that have accurately stated their status. We're going to use a three strike rule. A confirmed driver that "no shows" will receive 2 strikes. A confirmed driver that cancels less than 90 minutes of the race, but before race start will get 1 strike. Three strikes in any 8 week period and the driver risks being suspended from the online participation for 8 weeks. We know "stuff happens" and real life comes first so this allows some forgiveness, but we can't manage multiple rooms effectively if we don't know at least a bit ahead of time who is going to be showing up and we can't have people taking advantage of the system to guarantee their spot at the cost of someone else.

These rules will only apply for weekly Wednesday events where more than 16 drivers are confirmed. In the case of 16 or less the situation is more relaxed as the stewards just open up one lobby, all confirmed drivers are guaranteed a spot, and reserves are given grid spots on a first come first serve basis.

Goals of these rules?
  • Creates lounges of similar paced drivers equitably without relying on honor based practice laps.
  • Allows drivers that have improved beyond their handicap to qualify in a "faster" lounge.
  • Allows drivers that did not have time to run the TT to submit an offline lap well after the official TT deadline.
  • Allows drivers to run in an online setup to qualify if they don't want to deal with offline replays. These could be done during any of the practice sessions as long as a steward is present to observe.
  • Allows drivers to fall back on registry handicap if they have no time to pre-qualify.

We hope/expect the vast majority of drivers are covered by their handicap or TT result and the other two options are only used in a few cases each week. Drivers who have not been official processed should take advantage of #3 or #4 or they will be "approximately" assigned based on our best guess of their handicap.

Also note that the above procedures will typically only apply to lobby assignments. Within each lobby there will still be a pre-race qualification session to determine grid order.

Registered for EU Race..
See All Of You There.
Last edited by a moderator:
Updated from reserve for the EU tonight. I'm working late but should make it on in time. Once again a wee reminder my wheel still on occasion changes up 2 instead of 1 gear. It didn't happen for a few days then suddenly happened repeatedly.

Well done to the guys in the WW race 👍

See you all there:gtpflag:
Practice session open in the WRS club for at least a good half hour from now.
Have cancelled EU race due to a mercy mission to get a sick neighbor some fleurs and chocolate. Will make NA race. Looks like we were full plus so this will open a spot.
Whoopee :D got out of work early just going to get myself ready then will be on. Can't wait till the race it should be fun with all the d2's :nervous: if I don't wipe out.
Sorry about the first 9 laps of the EU race today. The course was dark at the beginning of the race and kept getting darker and darker, lap 10 it went poof!!!! DAYLIGHT!!!!! My eyes aren't that great to begin with, thank goodness I had the racing line on or I would have had to quit. I didn't do so good with my chicane boundaries during those laps, very sorry guys.

It was so great to finally race again, my arm is very tired right now I don't know if it will be OK for NA tonight.

Ps3 froze unexpectedly

I'm sorry to hear that :(

Anyway, I enjoyed this combo a lot. Shame that I didn't get to run the TT.

Here is my setup:



FG max right
Max. speed max left
1. 3.619
2. 2.683
3. 2.168
4. 1.810
5. 1.561
6. 1.389
FG 3.950


I'm sorry to hear that :(

Anyway, I enjoyed this combo a lot. Shame that I didn't get to run the TT.

Here is my setup:



FG max right
Max. speed max left
1. 3.619
2. 2.683
3. 2.168
4. 1.810
5. 1.561
6. 1.389
FG 3.950



Alien setup if I ever saw one :D
Yeah, true alien setup :)
Don't set your final gear to 3.950, that only works when you are in the front like Bart. 3.800 is more reasonable if you run in traffic and get in someone's draft.
Yeah, true alien setup :)
Don't set your final gear to 3.950, that only works when you are in the front like Bart. 3.800 is more reasonable if you run in traffic and get in someone's draft.

3.800 is not necessary, when I drafted past GhostDriver on my outlap after my pit stop I did not hit the limiter on the long straight. Maybe go for 3.900 if you really want to be sure.
Starting room now...will edit when it's up

EDIT: NA Race Room up