GTP_WRS-Online : General Discussion

  • Thread starter WRP001
I knew there was some way to contrive a statistic that would make my name appear somewhere...
I likely won't be putting any time into the Mclaren TT and may not be able to post my replay in time. My son caught what I had and somehow it moved to his kidneys and caused an infection. I've gotten worse as well. I'll catch you guys come GT6 most likely. Have fun all and good luck with the Indy OLR.
I was intrigued a couple of times during this past weekend, as to how some people were able to tell what settings others were using. Is there a screen somewhere I am unaware of? I think Kevin knew that someone had their TC on 5, and Lucas said something after the Spa quali about some other setting someone had, although I don't remember exactly what, now. :confused:
I was intrigued a couple of times during this past weekend, as to how some people were able to tell what settings others were using. Is there a screen somewhere I am unaware of? I think Kevin knew that someone had their TC on 5, and Lucas said something after the Spa quali about some other setting someone had, although I don't remember exactly what, now. :confused:
When you're in the lounge, or in the pits without going to the track, if you move the cursor over a player's name on the list that is on track, you can see their tires, AT/MT transmission, TCS, ABS, and maybe SRF and ASM as well.
I want to join, how do I do so? Want to make the most of GT6.
The qualifier is closed since GT6 is about to come out. There should be a new one after a number of weeks into release. Keep an eye out in this section/WRS Time trial section.
The qualifier is closed since GT6 is about to come out. There should be a new one after a number of weeks into release. Keep an eye out in this section/WRS Time trial section.
Thanks very much, I will keep that in mind.
Awesome video Paul, very nice way to wrap up GT5:tup:. Joining WRS was the best move I made in GT5, great people, good racing, and it made me a better driver.
Isthis the official league where you need a GTP_ user (before i start GT6 on my main account) new to league racing but spent tones of time on GT5 over 2 years.
Is there a GT6_ registry open and when does it start?
You are in the right place. Registry would start in a bout 3 weeks or so I'd guess.
Most of you already know this but given the next two wednesdays' date and the oncoming WRS Qualifier we won't be holding races on Dec 25th '13 and Jan 1st '14.
There is however a parity event planned for next weekend, Dec 28th and 29th '13. Details HERE
There was a thread that I looked to every so often to try to learn racers names. I believe it was a list of all registered WRS's (GT5) is that now gone until the new registry is complete or am I just not searching well enough. I lost track of it when the WRS was split into the new GT6 sub forum.
There was a thread that I looked to every so often to try to learn racers names. I believe it was a list of all registered WRS's (GT5) is that now gone until the new registry is complete or am I just not searching well enough. I lost track of it when the WRS was split into the new GT6 sub forum.

I think youre first guess was the correct one :)
There was a thread that I looked to every so often to try to learn racers names. I believe it was a list of all registered WRS's (GT5) is that now gone until the new registry is complete or am I just not searching well enough. I lost track of it when the WRS was split into the new GT6 sub forum.

There is still a list here:
But it's not sorted by GT5 divisions aymore ;)
The list I was referring too had PSN tages down the left hand side, with Real names in the next row and then division I believe. Each driver had their own column.
The only list that has first names (or nicknames) is our online driver registry and every driver who signs up for an event has their first names displayed in our registration tables (if they supplied one). Of course with these unofficial events being open we don't have first names for all drivers, but once we start the official races they should be filled in for most.
Thank you, I really dislike talking to people on a regular basis and using PSN names as some just don't fit well in conversation. I usually ask peoples names but I have a horrible memory and I'd look odd flipping through a black book of WRSers to remember someones name.
Thank you, I really dislike talking to people on a regular basis and using PSN names as some just don't fit well in conversation. I usually ask peoples names but I have a horrible memory and I'd look odd flipping through a black book of WRSers to remember someones name.

Agreed, as a race director it's weird using PSN names to address people, especially some of the odd IDs that don't exactly roll off the tongue. :sly:
The OLR admin team is proud to announce that Bart (@PASM) has joined the WRS Online Stewards Team!

Bart has already proven a significant contributor to the WRS community since joining and we're looking forward to racing and working with him for a long time!
He has already made contributions within the WRS_Academy/D-League Racing by doing guide runs and coaching people making them faster around all sorts of tracks and in all sorts of cars. He will continue to be involved in that area as well as other steward's duties.

Welcome to the GTP_OLR team Bart! :gtpflag:

May be this is already know feature, but you could see everyone's RA-menu function settings from the replay.
  • start replay
  • start replay menu
  • select Normal view
  • select one of the options from Information Display - say All
  • select wanted Target car
  • push your RA-menu button
  • view all the settings from selected car/driver